News for the Nest
Clayton Family Update for February 17, 2023
Greetings from the Principal
Hello Cardinal Family,
This week, we had the privilege of hosting speaker Carolyn Brown of Hey Dude, Nice Shoes! Ms. Brown shared inspiring stories with our students about how to show respect, and how to respond effectively when others are not being respectful. I encourage you to ask your child what they learned from Ms. Brown. Thank you to our PTA for sponsoring this wonderful event.
Please remember we have no school on Monday, February 20. Have a wonderful long weekend! See you all Tuesday.
With Cardinal pride,
Karen McCollum
Nan Clayton Elementary principal
Monday, February 20 - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, February 21
Wednesday, February 22
3:30 pm Cultural Celebration planning meeting in Library - please join us!
Thursday, February 23
Friday, February 24
- Happy Birthday Kalen Bridgwater, Cardinal Support!
7:45 am 3rd-5th Grade Assembly
Please check out our events for the current semester (link). This is a list of combined school-led and PTA-led events. All events are subject to change.
Link to Austin ISD district calendar
AISD offers Power Hour for families
Dan St. Romain, a national education consultant with roots in special education support and development, will be presenting virtually on goal setting and positive behavior supports. These are two different sessions in February and March, which are repeated with lunchtime and evening virtual offerings. Interpretation services will be provided. Please share information with families and with staff.
Zones of Regulation - the Green Zone
All of our students in grades 1-5 received Zones of Regulation lessons in September and October of this school year. We’ll have a short blurb in this newsletter for the next few weeks all about Zones!
Zones of Regulation is a research based curriculum that aims to make us aware of how our brain and body feel when we are experiencing certain emotions. Often, the physiological cues our body gets can help us regulate before emotions get too big to handle. For example, by being aware that my heart is beating fast, and my body feels tight, I can select calming strategies that work for me before I get so angry that I shout or push.
Zones Tidbit: While the green zone is the easiest zone for our brains to learn and retain new information, it is not the only “good” zone. In fact, all zones are neutral. Neither good nor bad. Because some zones can feel uncomfortable for our brains and bodies, and because it’s easiest to learn in the green zone, we sometimes need to use strategies to return to green.
The Green Zone When we’re in the green zone we’re feeling calm, happy, and ready to learn. The green zone is the easiest place for our brain to learn and recall information. If you’ve ever had to sit for a long meeting or training (hello reading academies!) you know that sometimes we need to use strategies like fidgets, water, or snacks to remain alert and learning. What are your green zone strategies?
Buy-a-Spot launches Feb. 14 at 4 pm!
Buy-A Spot is a Clayton fundraiser. Proceeds will go to teacher professional development and to help fund our Tech Support position (we love you Ms. Debbie!). You can pay for your spots on School Cash Online (make sure you have an account). Only current Clayton students may participate.
*DATE CHANGE* Clayton Cultural Celebration is now April 4th 6-8 pm
Save the Date: Clayton Cultural Celebration Night 2023 is now Tuesday, April 4, 2023 6:00- 8:00 PM
Clayton Cultural Celebration week culminates in an exciting evening where we come together to celebrate the diversity of cultures that we each bring to make Clayton the amazing community it is.
Ways you can be part of this celebration:
•Performances - Please fill out this Google Form before February 24th if you are interested in performing:
Additional information and sign-up links for the following will be coming soon!
•Parade of Nations
•Culture Booths
•Pot Luck
INFO FOR FAMILIES of 5th GRADERS - Transition to Middle School
If you have a 5th grader this year, please check out Gorzycki Middle School's fine arts offerings at this link
Still Have Volunteer Opportunities - Lunch
Cafeteria Monitor Volunteers: We need your help! Come hang out with us in the cafeteria- finally meet this "Mr. Chris", the cafeteria manager that all the kids talk about. Fill out this form if you want to join our volunteer team.
How to Report a Student Absence
In the event that your child will be missing school, please follow these steps:
1) Email both your child's teacher and Deanna McDonald, attendance clerk, at
2) Please include your child's first and last name
3) Please provide the reason for the absence so we can code it correctly in our attendance system.
Trail of Resolution
The Trail of Resolution is a problem-solving path we will use at Clayton Elementary. The purpose of the Trail of Resolution is to address questions and concerns in an effective and efficient manner. If you have a question or concern, first contact the person who is directly involved in the situation. For example, if you have a question or concern about something in the classroom, first contact the teacher to seek clarification. Follow the trail if the concern persists.
Teacher → Assistant principal → Principal
Arrival and Dismissal times for 2022-23
7:15 - campus opens
7:15-7:35 - breakfast served in cafeteria
7:35 - 1st bell rings
3:05 - dismissal begins
3:10 official end of the school day
Stay Connected!
Website: Clayton has a beautiful and informative new website:
PTA website (link)
Join our PTA (link)
Weekly News for the Nest: weekly newsletter to families from the principal, Karen McCollum