Pony Express
In this Edition
NEW featureed items will be in BOLD
- School Calendar for the week
- Athletics-NEW-Save the Date-Summer Camp, AHS High School Cheer Tryouts
- Counselor Corner- UPDATE--8th Grade Austin High Choice Sheets
- Fine Arts News- Orchestra Carnation Sale, NEW DATE-Band News-Band-O-Rama
- PTA News- Nomination Committee
- From AISD--Events and News
School Calendar for Week of February 6th
Monday,2/6-A Day1,2,3,ACES, 4
4:00 HW Club in the library
Tuesday, 2/7 B Day---5,6,7, ACES, 8
Wednesday, 2/8 --A Day1,2,3,ACES, 4
4:00 HW Club in the library
4:00 Orchestra UIL Rehearsals
Thursday, 2/9 B Day---5,6,7, ACES, 8
**8th grade- Austin High Choice Sheets- continuation from last week
4:00 HW Club in the library
Friday, 2/10 B Day 5,6,7, ACES, 8
Saturday, 2/11
9:00 Girls Soccer vs Paredes at Paredes
Sunday, 2/12
2:00 Orchestra Carnation Sales Assembly
O.Henry Summer Sports Camp (Volleyball/Basketball)
O.Henry Summer Sports Camp (Volleyball/Basketball)
Who: Girls entering 5th-8th grade
When: June 5th-8th
Where: O.Henry Gym
Please sign up using this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfkbrjmlaCsa44EmKDRb8cRx0YQCjHuESTQqCsCUyC5kMWGrQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Coach Gaffney and Coach Kobs
Austin High School Cheer Tryouts
Must attend the meeting - Parents and Students at Austin High School at 6:00 PM on Thursday Feb 2. in order to tryout.
Students and Parents must attend meeting to be eligible to tryout.
Email the Austin High School Cheer coach Jocelyn Satterwhite for more information.
UPDATE---8th Grade- Austin High School Choice Sheet Information
Austin High School Choice Sheets
Last week Austin High counselors were able to visit with half of our eighth graders during Science class on Monday. If your child has science during 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th period and was absent 1/30, please have them sign up to see the counselor to complete their choice sheet. www.tinyurl.com/ohmscounselors
This week our counselors will be in the science classrooms on Thursday, Feb. 9th to complete choice sheets with the remaining eighth graders.
If you have not completed your choice sheet at school for any reason, we advise you to discuss as a family and write your choices on paper, but wait to enter into the computer until you can work with the counselors in person.
Students please also make sure you have already completed the Austin High School Academy Preference Survey, the link in below.
Austin High School Academy Preference Survey Link:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSZdbcafXi37ZGHfhnFRsVS4okMNeLyUjn1eIZQmme4shdbA/viewformOther High Schools-- Choice Sheets
High School Choice Sheets
Eastside Memorial Choice Sheets - Feb 9th
Akins High School - Feb 14th
If your child is zoned to one of these schools we will ask them to complete these choice sheets, but they are also welcome to complete one for Austin High school if they are waiting on a transfer or application acceptance.
Need to Reach Your Counselor
You can email at ohenry.counselors@austinisd.org
NEW DATE Friday, Feb. 17th Band O Rama at Austin HS (5:30 – 8:00 PM)
All 7th/8th grade Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble members will participate in Band O Rama this Friday at Austin High School. Austin High band section leaders will tutor O. Henry band students during sectionals. Austin High band directors will also be on hand to listen in and give constructive feedback. Although this is not a performance, we have a unique opportunity to rehearse on the PAC stage and sharpen our concert music.
Students should arrive at Austin HS at 5:15 PM with their instrument, music, and a pencil. Percussion students also need to bring their stick bag with all mallets and sticks. Symphonic Band will meet on the AHS PAC stage. Wind Ensemble students should report to the AHS band hall. Since this is not a public performance, regular school clothes will be fine. A one-way bus is available for students who need transportation from O. Henry to Austin High. The Austin High band will provide pizza and drinks immediately after rehearsal. Students should be picked up from Austin High at 8:00 PM.
Nomination Committee
Captial 10K Mustang Team
Hey Everyone,
Please join the O. Henry team and run the Cap10K with us! Click the link below to register. You can find our team under "O. Henry Middle School." School teams are comprised of staff members and students. I know some of our cross country runners plan to run with us. Please extend the invite to any students you think may be interested in joining the team. The price is currently $35 and it will increase on 12/5. Let me know if you have any questions!