The Warrior Connector
Keeping our community engaged and updated. December 1, 2023
Dear Families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed some great family time and of course some wonderful food. As a school, we are thankful for the opportunity to serve you and your children. So again and always, thank you all for your support.
Front Office
Can you believe it's already December, and the end of the quarter/semester is December 21st? Please take some time over the next few weeks to review your child's grades and have them talk to their teachers about missing assignments.
Mark Your Calendar
21nd - End of Quarter/eLearning PD Day Asynchronous
22nd - 31st- Winter Break
15th - Martin Luther King Day (No School)
16th - eLearning Asynchronous
16th - Parent Teacher Conference
Weekly Sports Schedule
Come out and support our athletes!
Ethics Presentation
Coffee with the Principal
We are hosting monthly Coffee with the Principal events! Mr. B is looking forward to meeting with parents, guardians, and community members.
Please join us on December 14th, from 9:30-10:00!
Winter Event
Please join us for our winter even on Friday, December 15.
Winter Event
Please join us for our winter even on Friday, December 15.
Calumet New Tech
Website: https://www.lakeridge.k12.in.us/cnths/index
Location: Calumet High School, Calhoun Street, Gary, IN, USA
Phone: 219-838-6990
Facebook: Calumet New Tech | Gary IN | Facebook