SST 13 SPP Indicator PD and TA
Special Education Performance Profiles (SPP)
SST 13 Special Education SPP Indicator Trainings
SST13 is providing professional development sessions for districts and community schools, who have been identified as having a required action (s) for 1 or more indicator profiles. You only are required to attend those trainings for which your district and/or community school has been identified for having a required action.
Below this guidance narrative you will find a list of the profile indicators, dates, times, & primary contact person. There will be a link for each indicator to register in advance for the sessions. Please note that all indicator trainings are presented in a 2 - part series, spread out across multiple days:
- Session 1: Specific Indicator Trainings Part 1- for each indicator missed the district and/or community school must watch the indicator specific session to receive consultation, coaching and technical assistance necessary to complete individual self-reviews, improvement plans, and reallocations of funds, if applicable. These sessions will be virtual, available on-demand so that the team can watch at their convenience. The sessions will include times to pause and consult as a team as well as knowledge checks.
- Session 2: Specific Indicator Trainings Part 2 - for each indicator missed the district and/or community school must attend those required professional development sessions designed to build capacity and continue growth. Please note that districts and community schools are encouraged to bring some of the team members with them who will be responsible for ensuring implementation of the improvement plans.
**Please note that districts and community schools are encouraged to bring team members with them who will be working with the team leads to compete the self-reviews (data collection, data analysis, & root causes) and development of improvement plans. Team membership should be diverse and similar to a BLT or DLT representing various departments and/or positions (as applicable) such as: district administrator, building administrator, general educator/department head, early childhood representation (as applicable), special education supervisor or director, related service provider (school psychologist, speech and language pathologist, as applicable), reading specialist/title, EL teacher/specialist, etc. For the reallocation of funds, it may prove beneficial to have a team member(s) who are knowledgeable and/or responsible for budgeting, etc.
Session 1: Specific Indicator Training Materials
- On Demand Specific Indicator Trainings Part 1 are available at: SST 13 SPP Googlesite.
- Padlet Resources for SPP Indicators will be available at: 2023 SST 13 SPP Indicators' Overviews & Technical Assistance for Required Actions (padlet.com)
Session 2: Professional Development Training Dates and Times
- Disproportionality REQUIRED Professional Development
Register in advance for this meeting: Click here for Indicator 9 &10 Registration
Primary Contact(s): mona.burtsbeatty@hcesc.org
- Indicator 11 REQUIRED Professional Development Session
When: March 7, 2023 Time: 2:00-3:30
Register in advance for this meeting: Click here for Indicator 11 Registration
Primary Contact(s): katie.marshall@hcesc.org
- Indicator 12 REQUIRED Professional Development Session
When: Feb. 23, 2023 Time: 2:00-3:30
Register in advance for this meeting: Click here for Indicator 12 Registration
Primary Contact: jean.apfelbeck@hcesc.org
- Indicator 1 & 2 REQUIRED Professional Development Session
When: February 28, 2023 Time: 8:30-11:30
Register in advance for this meeting: Click here for Indicator 1 & 2 Registration
Primary Contact: megan.horstmeier@hcesc.org