Remote Connections
eAchieve Academy January Newsletter
eAchieve Students and Families -
Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed a relaxing and fun winter break. It’s so exciting to celebrate another great semester of learning, and I hope you are in a good place with your coursework as the Week 17 deadline arrives on Friday, January 12th. We met with our school improvement team last week, and the teachers shared all sorts of interesting and creative ideas to help students find a successful learning pathway through their courses. Some teachers offered flexible submission options, others offered to waive some assignments for attending a live learning session, while others provided an entirely different workflow model using Google Classroom. I am sharing this to celebrate how our teachers are “universally designing” their instruction to serve students. I also want to celebrate each of you for persevering through the semester in order to receive a great education. If you are still in need of more support, or a different learning pathway, it's not too late. The best action is to contact your classroom teacher directly, as they will do whatever they can to help you learn and grow. For our high schoolers, this also means enabling you to earn credit for their course.
February 5th, 2024 is the first day of the Open Enrollment period, where students can enroll for the 2024-25 school year. Personal referrals are perhaps our best marketing tool. Please share the good things eAchieve offers with any family members, friends, neighbors, or acquaintances who might benefit from our amazing school. They can find information on our website about upcoming information sessions, including the virtual charter school fair on January 11 and February 12. The Open Enrollment period runs through April 30, 2024, at 4 pm. We are still accepting students for this semester through the middle of February, with enrollment forms also found on our website.
Wishing you a strong finish to first semester!
Jason Smith
Emily McHugh
Associate Principal
Important Information
End of 1st Semester
All work from Weeks 1-17 is due by midnight this Friday 1/12!!
All Week 18 work is due by midnight on Friday 1/19!!
Blackboard will be turned off on Saturday 1/20 for an upgrade, your work MUST be in before midnight!
Mandatory Log In Day
Please note that this Friday, January 12th is our mandatory login day, and all students must log in that day to maintain their enrollment at eAchieve Academy. Every student needs to log into Blackboard and submit an assignment or check My Grades to make sure all assignments are complete for the semester. Even if you believe you are done with all of your assignments for Weeks 1-17, you still need to log in on Friday 1/12!
Start of 2nd Semester
Second Semester begins on Tuesday January 23rd.
Classes will open in Blackboard at 7 am.
Welcome Mrs. Katie Berigan - eAchieve’s new Academic Advisor
We are so excited to introduce Katie Berigan who recently joined the eAchieve team as our new Academic Advisor. Katie will be working with students who enroll after the school year begins, to provide the additional layers of onboarding and coaching support they need. She will also be helping our in-district part-time students at North, South, and West High Schools in person regularly.
If Katie's last name sounds familiar, it's because she is the proud parent of two wonderful eAchieve students, Kieran who is a freshman, and Seamus who is a junior. Katie has successfully served as their learning coach for many years and knows the celebrations and challenges of going to school at eAchieve. We know her experience, knowledge, and passion for helping her sons will be a huge benefit to help other eAchieve students find success.
Please join me in welcoming Katie to the eAchieve team!
Important Blackboard Upgrade Information
Blackboard Upgrade- Please Watch Video!!
During the semester transition (Saturday 1/20) Blackboard will be shut down for an upgrade.
Please watch the video and look at the document below for important information about the new look of the home screen when you log into Blackboard on 1/23!!
New Blackboard Home Screen:
Attention Juniors- ACT Sign Up
Full-Time 11th Grade Students ONLY
All Wisconsin students in grade 11 will be participating in the ACT with writing assessment on March 12th, 2024. State assessments, including the ACT with writing, are required by both State (Wisconsin State Statute s. 118.30) and Federal (Every Student Succeeds Act) Law. Please read to the bottom of this email as you must sign up for your preferred location by Friday, February 16th, 2024.
The ACT with writing tests students in the areas of English, Reading, Math, Science, and Writing. The entire test will be administered in one day during our selected time frame. Please make sure students are healthy before sending them to the testing site and please keep students home who are ill or have been exposed to the flu or COVID-19. Students not in attendance on testing day will be scheduled for a make-up test prior to the close of the testing window. Please note that make-up testing will only be available in Waukesha at the School District of Waukesha Blair Office.
The following link ACT High School Assessments Information for Families gives more information about the assessment including its purpose, what scores will be provided, and how the scores will be used. The ACT with writing measures the knowledge and skills students should have for their grade level and helps students understand what they need to learn next so they can build rigorous high school course plans and identify career areas that align with their interests. Their performance on the assessment will not affect their grades. Please encourage students to take the test seriously and do the best they can. The results of these tests will be used to help school staff make determinations regarding curriculum, placement, and services to best support students.
To secure your student's testing spot, please click here.
Please note that due to capacity requirements, there are limited seats available at each location.
Please sign up early to ensure that you receive your preferred testing site.
Please review the document found here for frequent questions and answers.
If you have any questions, please contact Danielle Castro via email at
Art Opportunities
Please check out this document for art opportunities for secondary students. There are lots of great art shows, contests, and events coming up in the second semester. These opportunities are open to ALL eAchieve Academy students. Coming up in March is the Youth Art Month art show at the Waukesha Public Library. Students who are interested in participating must submit their artwork by Sunday, February 18th. Any questions about art opportunities can go to Ms. Satari ( Thank you!
Winter Formal (Grades 9-12 ONLY)
Our high school winter formal is coming up on 2/3, permission slip and more information will be sent out in the new few weeks!!
Join us at the Waukesha Library!
Please see the following information about our library meet-up!
Student Services
Student Services Newsletter
Please click here for the January Student Services Newsletter.