Fluency & Automaticity
Reading rates influenced by:
- content
- motivation
- interest
- background knowledge
- amount of independent reading
Independent reading is important
homes that encourage independent reading
result in greater gains in reading
- rate
- comprehension
- accuracy
- phrasing
- intonation
Some techniques to develop fluency
- increase recognition of high frequency words and sight words
- read alouds, echo reading, choral reading
- teach phrasing and intonation
- rereading
- prompt reading independence
Automatic Information Processing (LaBerge & Samuels, 1974)
- Non-accurate: student has trouble recognizing words, even when time is provided; little or no comprehension is exhibited.
- Accuracy: student can recognize words but attention is needed; poor comprehension is exhibited.
- Automatic: student recognizes words without attention; comprehension exists.
Reading Attention: Internal & External
Internal attention: metacognition; crucial to reading automaticity
3 characteristics of internal attention:
- alertness
- selectivity
- limited capacity
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What are the advantages of a drive shaft?
Accuracy & Automaticity
Non-automatic readers will read without expression, comprehension, and recall; decoding is difficult
Prior knowledge has an impact on reading performance and should be taken into account when determining automaticity.
Repeated Readings (Chomsky, 1978; Samuels, 1979)
Decreases: miscues
Provides practice needed to become automatic
Study with striving readers resulted in gains in comprehension and reading speed