Director's Pen
June 2021
Celebrating our Special Services Team
I am so proud to be a part of this District and this fabulous team of professionals!
(L to R): Ms. Plichta, Ms. Roosa, Ms. Burns, Ms. Cunniff, Ms. Wong, Ms. Hecky, Dr. Hamblin, Ms. Brennan, Ms. Coster, Dr. McGann, Ms. Silvestri, Mr. Torres, (Front row): Ms. Stillwell, Ms. Boyd-Moscowitz, Ms. Schrum, and Ms. McKenzie.
Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)
SEPAG Leadership Team: Thank you to those of you who volunteered for the SEPAG leadership team. This team is intended to: offer a school-based liaison to families and spread the word about SEPAG meetings, workshops and support group opportunities. We are still looking for a representative from Robert Hunter School. If you are interested, please email Dr. Hamblin @ dhamblin@frsd.k12.nj.us. Dr. Hamblin will be contacting parents who expressed interest with further information about upcoming dates for meetings.
SEPAG Distribution List: To receive email updates from SEPAG leadership, please reach out to Lauren Bielsi at lbielski0924@gmail.com. This is a great communication venue for upcoming parent workshops and support group sessions!
Parent Involvement Survey - NJ Department of Education
Child Study Team school assignments for 2021-2022
Flemington-Raritan's Department of Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education
Email: dhamblin@frsd.k12.nj.us
Website: https://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/
Location: 100 Everitts Road, Ringoes, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-284-7680
Twitter: @DAHamblin