St. Agnes Catholic School Connector
Weekly Update for September 2nd
Catholic Reflection: "New Wine into New Wineskins"
“No one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins, and it will be spilled, and the skins will be ruined. Rather, new wine must be poured into fresh wineskins.” Luke 5:37
What is this new wine? And what are the old wineskins? The new wine is the new life of grace we have been blessed with in abundance and the old wineskins are our old fallen natures and the old law. What Jesus is telling us is that if we wish to receive His grace and mercy in our lives we must allow Him to transform our old selves into new creations and embrace the new law of grace.
Have you become a new creation? Have you allowed your former self to die so that the new person can rise again? What does it mean to become a new creation in Christ so that the new wine of grace can be poured into your life?
Becoming a new creation in Christ means that we live on a whole new level and no longer cling to our former ways. It means that God does powerful things in our lives far beyond anything we could ever do by ourselves. It means we have become a new and fit “wineskin” for God to be poured into. And it means that this new “wine” is the Holy Spirit taking hold of and possessing our lives.
Practically speaking, if we are made a new creation in Christ then we are properly prepared to receive the grace of the Sacraments and all that comes our way through daily prayer and worship. But the first goal must be to become those new wineskins. So how do we do this?
We do it by Baptism and then by intentionally choosing to turn from sin and embrace the Gospel. But this general command from God, to turn from sin and embrace the Gospel, must be very intentional and lived daily. As we make daily practical and intentional decisions to turn to Christ in all things, we will discover that the Holy Spirit suddenly, powerfully and immediately pours the new wine of grace into our lives. We will discover a new peace and joy that fills us and we will have strength beyond our own ability.
Reflect, today, upon whether or not you are truly a new creation in Christ. Have you turned from your former way and shed the shackles that bound you? Have you embraced the new full Gospel and do you daily allow God to pour forth the Holy Spirit in your life?
Lord, please do make me a new creation. Transform me and renew me completely. May my new life in You be one that continually receives the full outpouring of Your grace and mercy. Jesus, I trust in You.
Parents & Guardians
Welcome Mr. Barnes!
We would like to welcome Mr. Barnes to the St. Agnes Catholic School Family! Mr. Barnes is our new Middle School English Teacher! Mr. Barnes comes to us with a wealth of experience. We are happy to have him as a part of our team.
Dates to Remember
September 5th - Labor Day - Schools and Offices are closed
September 7th - Picture Day for Students should come to school in their formal uniform (PE Classes are cancelled today)
September 7th - Back to School Night- PreK-5 - 5:00pm - 7:00 pm
September 8th - Back to School Night - Middle School - 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
September 12th - Grandparents Day Monday Mass at 9:00 am
September 13th - Fall MAP Testing Begins/HSPT Registration Opens
The full Save the Dates Calendar that was sent out in July is also linked here for your reference as well.
Picture Day
Students need to come to school in their formal uniforms on Wednesday. PE classes scheduled for Wednesday are cancelled.
Back to School Night
Income Surveys
This is just a gentle reminder to complete the Income Survey for this school year. The survey is due on Friday, September 16th. The form is linked here for your reference.
Lunch Applications
The meal program has return to normal operations. This means that families who do not qualify for free/reduced meals will have to pay full price. Families can apply for free/reduced meals by completing the attached meal benefit application and returning it to abain@archbalt.org Child Nutrition Program, 320 Cathedral St., Baltimore, MD 21201 fax 410-625-8470. If parents return meal benefit applications to school please forward them to me immediately. I have attached the meal benefit application and meal charge policy in English and Spanish.
Joe Corbi's & Claire's Gourmet Fundraiser
St. Agnes Catholic School Uniform Policy
This is just a reminder that all students MUST be in their formal uniform each day. We noticed this week students coming into school with their shirts not tucked in their pants along with different color socks. Students who violated the uniform policy tis week received a verbal warning. Pre-K through 8th-grade students who are not in proper uniform will receive a demerit and a phone call home. Students who consistently violate the school uniform policy will receive a phone call from the school receptionist, and you will be asked to pick up your child and take them home or bring the correct uniform for them to put on. For more information regarding school uniforms, please visit our school website linked here.
SACS Classroom Parent Volunteers
We are looking for classroom parents who will help serve as a liaison and facilitate communication between parents and teachers, school administration, Home School Association (HSA), and provide support to the teacher. Classroom parents will be a great asset to your child's success and help with communication to parents in regards to fundraising, classroom donations, organizing a gift for the teacher's birthday, classroom party and/or activity needs, etc. If you are interested in volunteering to be a classroom parent, please email Ms. Hoda at habdalla@stagnesschool.net.
There will also be sign up sheets placed in each classroom during Back to School Night.
First Sunday Mass and Grandparent's Day
If you cannot join us for first Sunday mass, you are welcome to join us for mass to celebrate Grandparent's Day on Monday, September 12th.
8th Grade Families
This fall virtual and in-person fairs for middle school families who want to learn more about our Catholic High Schools. Our Virtual Fair will take place on Monday, October 3rd, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Please visit https://www.archbalt.org/schools-2/our-schools/high-school-admissions/virtual-admissions/ to register for the event, and to receive access details.
Daily Verse
Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. Philippians 4:9
Catholic Trivia Question of the week
Apart from family prayers every night, our faith began to be taught in earnest by the nuns at primary school. What was the name of this subject?
About our School
St. Agnes Catholic School is a vibrant and diverse community centered on Jesus Christ in the Catholic tradition. Our program unites the heart, soul, and mind through a formation of faith, a strong academic foundation and a commitment to serving the needs of our human society. Our graduates are sent forth prepared to take their place as leaders in the church and our world.
Email: aledbetter@stagnesschool.net
Website: https://stagnesschool.net/
Location: 603 St. Agnes Lane Catonsville, MD 21129
Phone: (410) 747-4070
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StAgnesCatholicSchoolCatonsville
Twitter: @StAgnesSchoolMD