RTMS Review
December 1, 2022
Important Dates
December 7 - District Orchestra Concert
December 9 - Yearbook Club/Activity Pictures (all day)
December 12 - 6th Grade Chorus, Beginning Band, & Steel Drum Band Concert (6:30-7:30)
December 12 - Concert Band, Concert Chorus, Bucket Band & Jazz Ensemble Concert (7:45-8:45)
December 13 - Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m.
December 13 & 14 - MAP Testing
December 15 - PTC Dine & Share (Panda Express)
December 22 - Winter Carnival
December 23 - Winter Break begins (no school)
January 9 - Teacher Institute Day (no school)
January 10 - Classes Resume
January 16 - Martin Luther King Day (no school)
January 17 - Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Please click on this link to see the 2022-22 District Calendar.
Dear RTMS Families,
Last week's Thanksgiving Break gave us all the much needed time to think and reflect about all that we are grateful for in our lives. I am truly grateful to work in a district with such a supportive community of families, and with staff and students that work so incredibly hard each and every day. December is usually a very busy month, and we know this year will be no exception. We are working with our students to make sure that they take every opportunity to learn and grow, and we appreciate your encouragement at home.
We will be having our second round of MAP testing on December 13th and 14th. The winter MAP provides teachers and students a mid-point mark for overall learning and growth. Students and teachers alike use this information to set personal/individual goals, as well as class and grade level goals. You can help support your child's testing experience from home by making sure they go to bed at a reasonable hour (middle schoolers need extra sleep!), encouraging them to eat a healthy breakfast either at home or at school, reminding them to charge their Chromebooks the night before, and of course, encouraging them to do their best.
As temperatures are dropping, I would also like to take this time to remind families that students do wait outside before school begins unless it is snowing/raining, or if the temperature is below (or feels below) 15 degrees. Middle schoolers are not famous for dressing warmly in the winter (if you're looking for a laugh, The Holderness Family's song "This is a Coat" is pretty on the mark). Our LRC is available to students as early as 7:00 (with the exception of Thursday late start) to work or read quietly, and breakfast is served daily, as well. If students would like to come in and access one of these areas of the building, they simply need to stop in the office for a pass.
Please take a moment to read the rest of this newsletter, as there are several things that might be of interest to you and your family. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
In partnership,
Mary Krall-Meske
Parent Survey
For Fall 2022 Parent Teacher Conferences, we used a new appointment scheduling system called Meet the Teacher. Please take a moment to provide your feedback on Meet the Teacher.
Winter Carnival 2022
Students at River Trails Middle School will be celebrating
our 29th Winter Carnival on Thursday, December 22nd
Raffle Prizes and Holiday Boutique items are needed.
Raffle prizes are new items such as games, toys, sports equipment, accessories, gift cards, etc.
Boutique prizes can be new, gently used or re-gifted items such as jewelry, shirts, flip flops, hats, sweatshirts, stationary, stuffed animals and holiday items.
The proceeds earned from Winter Carnival will be donated to a charity chosen by our students and the Principal’s Fund. You can drop donations off in the office. Please place them in an envelope or bag labeled “winter carnival.”
Thank you very much for your support.
If you have any questions, please contact us,
Georgette Zitis and Alexandra Christopoulos
October & November Students of the Month
For October, congratulations to:
6th Grade
Academic (Core) - Alexia E.
Academic (Encore) - Laura D.
Character - Krystian R.
School Pride/Spirit - Jordan P.
7th Grade
Academic (Core) - Amber K.
Academic (Encore) - Nicole W.
Character - Marcel K.
School Pride/Spirit - Veer P.
8th Grade
Academic (Core) - Sofia C.
Academic (Encore) - Subin Y.
Character - Colin F.
School Pride/Spirit - Kayla K.
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
For November, congratulations to:
6th Grade
Academic (Core) - Sam M.
Academic (Encore) - Linnea S.
Character - Yana K.
School Pride/Spirit - Kyle C.
7th Grade
Academic (Core) - Sadaat A.
Academic (Encore) - Patricia P-O.
Character - Liam L.
School Pride/Spirit - Michael M.
8th Grade
Academic (Core) - Jayne K.
Academic (Encore) - Sofia F.
Character - Basil J.
School Pride/Spirit - Charlie S.
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
D26 Holiday Food & Gift Card Drive: December 5-16
A Message from the SEL Team
This month during advisory, students continued to build upon their social emotional skills. The message of unity and being an upstander continued with a school-wide activity of Hate Has No Home at RTMS. In advisory, students took the time to identify how they can be upstanders and stand up and speak up against hate and bullying. Thank you to Mrs. Joob, RTMS art teacher, for her artistic talents in helping to create the RTMS Raven that displays the school-wide message.
As a member of Wheeling Towhships LINK Together Coalition, the SEL Team and Mrs. Tracz (Health Teacher) was able to offer parents the opportunity to visit a Mock Teen Bedroom display during parent teacher conferences. The mock bedroom provided parents with the opportunity to learn about the signs of identifying substance use in their child’s bedroom. RTMS parents are invited to attend an upcoming Parent Night at Hersey High School on Wednesday, Dec. 7th. Please see the below flier for more information.
RTMS Social and Emotional Support Team:
Social Workers
Mandy Zavilla- azavilla@rtsd26.org 224-612-7648
Beth Kelpsch- bkelpsch@rtsd26.org 224-612-7704
School Psychologist
Ashley Nistor- anistor@rtsd26.org 224-612-7679
D214 Electives Night
Attention Class of 2027 Families,
Please SAVE THE DATE for the Class of 2027 - 8th Grade Elective & Career Pathway Night on December 21st from 6:00 - 8:00 pm (in person) at John Hersey High School. See the link below for further information.
8th Grade Elective & Career Pathway Night
Hope to see your family on December 21st,
The JHHS Administration
Atención Familias de la Clase Graduanda 2027,
POR FAVOR GUARDE LA FECHA - Noche de orientación profesional y clases optativas de 8.° grado el 21 de diciembre de 6:00 pm. a 8:00 p.m. (en persona) en la escuela secundaria John Hersey. Consulte el siguiente enlace para obtener más información.
Noche de orientación profesional y optativa de 8.° grado
Espero ver a su familia el 21 de diciembre.
La administración de JHHS
PTC December Dine & Share
Winter Break Show Choir Opportunity
Avoid disappointment in May, order your yearbook right away!!
RTMS yearbook sales started Monday, October 3. Your student will receive a yearbook order form/envelope during Monday's Advisory period. Yearbooks can be ordered by:
1) Going to inter-state.com and entering the code 72523B.
2) Returning the completed order envelope with $25.00 cash or a check payable to River Trails Middle School. Thanks for your order!
8th Grade Yearbook Messages
It has been an 8th grade tradition at RTMS for family members to share a short personal message, including a picture of their 8th grader (typically from kindergarten, age 5 or 6) that will appear in the yearbook. The message typically offers an inspirational or congratulatory tone.
Messages and photos can easily be submitted electronically by using this link. You will need to be logged into a Gmail account. If you do not have a Gmail account, your message and photo can be emailed to sletzig@rtsd26.org.
The due date for submittals is January 13th 2023. The publishing company has set a hard deadline and we will not be able to accept photos or messages after this date!
THIS IS NOT A YEARBOOK ORDER! As noted above, to order your yearbook, follow this link and input the school code: 72523B
- - Reminders - -
Attendance Line: 847-298-1750, option 1
Bus Issues: Grand Prairie 847-640-2142
Daily announcements
How to Contact Us
Our main office number is 847-298-1750.
Main office
Elia Esparza-Viveros: eesparzaviveros@rtsd26.org
Jessica Escutia: jescutia@rtsd26.org
Lindsay Veller (nurse): lveller@rtsd26.org
Principal, Mary Krall-Meske:
mkrall@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7600
Assistant Principal, Kyle Henkel:
khenkel@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7601
River Trails Middle School
Email: rtmsinfo@rtsd26.org
Website: http://rtms.rtsd26.org/
Location: 1000 North Wolf Road, Mount Prospect, IL, USA
Phone: 847-298-1750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverTrailsMiddleSchool
Twitter: @RiverTrailsMS