Mrs. Nutt's Newsletter
Austin Elementary
Our Week In Review
Math Fact Memory Game
Spirit Day Assembly
CISD School Board Members
Weather Watchers
Week of January 27 - 31
Language Arts
*practice writing lower case letters: r, n and m
*introduce Word Wall Words: no, go, number, write, way
*spell words with the long i sound: i-e
*Thinking Map - Tree Map
*Making Words Lesson - pebbles
We are reading...
*Rocks: Hard, Soft, Smooth and Rough
*If You Find A Rock
*The Rock Factory
*Let's Go Rock Collecting
*Everybody Needs A Rock
*The Big Rock
*continue to measurement using non-standard units
*develop accurate measurement techniques
*measure lengths using different-sized units
*review subtraction and practice math facts
*introduce FOSS Kit - Pebbles, Sand and Silt
*classify rocks based on their properties
*observe rocks using science tools
*identify kinds of rocks
*describe how rocks are useful
Rock Collectors!
Help your child choose a special rock and bring it to school in a baggie labeled with their name. We will use these rocks to compare texture, shape and color. Rock are due on Wednesday, January 29!
Upcoming Events
*Library books are due on Thursdays.
*January 25 - Winter Carnival 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Hope to see you there!
*January 31 - Jump Rope For Heart
*February 14 - Valentine Party
*February 17 - Student Holiday
Stay Connected!
Email: snutt@coppellisd.com
Location: 161 S. Moore Rd. Coppell, TX 75019
Phone: 214-496-7340
Twitter: @SharonNutt1C