Linn Lion's Roar
April 2023
Dates to Remember:
Staff Development Day
April 7 &10 -
Easter Break
April 15 -
PTO Linn Family Picnic
2:00pm to 4:30pm
April 21 -
4th Grade Day at the Farm
8:05am - 2:30pm
April 27 -
Linn PTO Meeting
April 28 -
3rd Grade Boothill
9:00am to 1:00pm
April 28 -
5th Grade Parent Night at DCMS
Kindergarten News
I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing spring break!
We are getting so close to the end of the school year, but we still have a lot of learning to do. It is extremely important for our students to be able to sound out, or decode, words. Knowing all the letters and sounds of the alphabet with automaticity is necessary to be able to do this. Students should be able to read books that contain the sight words we have learned and small words that they can sound out. Anytime we send a book home please have your child practice reading it to you as many times as possible. In math, we are finishing up addition and subtraction and moving on to teen numbers (11-20). This will consist of the students understanding that a teen number is a group of ten and some ones (ex. 10 and 3 ones is 13.)
We are almost to the finish line. Encourage your student to keep working hard!
First Grade News
Dear Parents,
We are working hard in first grade, In math we have begun adding with two digit numbers using number bonds to break down the numbers into smaller parts. We are becoming better readers every day, in reading we are reading stories with the moon as the main idea. Students will get the chance to write narrative stories with the moon as the central feature. Keep reading at home! We have covered many topics , such as plural y and how that changes the spelling of the words, vowel teams, and three-letter blends will wrap up Module A.
Spring is coming and with that weather changes will be expected, we ask students come dressed in appropriate clothing for outside recess. Springtime also means fun little critters coming out of hibernation! In science we have talked about animal superpowers! This will tie in with our upcoming field trip to the Zoo, expect more information after Spring break.
Thank you parents for all your work and cooperation this school year. It will be over before we know it.
-The First Grade Team
Second Grade News
Hello second grade families!
For the month of April in Reading, we will start a new unit and module in where students will learn more about how pioneers and the reasons of why they traveled west. They will also use text features like pictures, captions, maps, and textbooks. This will help students identify the importance of well sequenced events, details, and conclusions in the stories. We will also continue with working on our narrative writing. Students will also be learning about the foundational skill on prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis-.
In Math, we will begin a new module in where this will give students the opportunity for students to practice addition and subtraction within 100 and also use their problem solving skills to work with different types of units using length, money and data. Students will also learn how to use picture graphs, bar graphs, and line plots. We will also revisit our measuring and estimating skills that we learned in Module 2, and begin using both metric and other units.
In Social Studies, students will be learning about geography and how to make and use maps. Students will investigate how people and weather may cause change to a place.
In Science we will continue learning about water changes and the Earths surfaces.
Please also encourage students to read at home as this will help them grow and be able to achieve their reading goals!!
Third Grade News
Hello Families!
We are finishing an informational text in reading and a news report in writing. This unit is about severe weather and weather in general. Ask your student questions about the weather and how to be prepared if unexpected weather happens. Do you have a plan at home for unexpected weather? We practice various drills every month at school.
In math, we are learning about graphing and charts. This is something that you can easily do at home! Create a bar graph about the minutes they have read for a week or the favorite colors of your family. Our next unit will be about perimeter and geometric shapes. You can find shapes around your house and identify them.
Weather is our focus in Science. We have been learning about clouds and how they form.
-State Testing is coming up on April 13th and 14th for Math, and April 18th and 20th for Reading.
-Homework is reading for 20 minutes a night and practicing math facts for at least 10 minutes. Be consistent with reinforcing this homework routine. Thank you for working with us to increase your student’s success!
The 3rd Grade Team
Mrs. Cuellar
Mrs. Salmans
Mrs. Laskowsky
Fourth Grade News
We are on our last Quarter!
Time has gone by so quickly! We had such a great turn out for the Wax Museum and we are so proud of our 4th graders. We are now able to move on to science to review about Earth’s features. For our last reading unit we will be focusing on narrative writing and learning about currency. In math we will continue our module about angles, measurements and plane figures.
Remember we will begin State Testing this month, it is very important that your child is going to bed early and getting plenty of sleep so that they can be ready to learn. Please continue to encourage your child to practice their multiplication, read at least 20 minutes every day and to do their best.
State Testing Dates:
Math – April 12th & 13th.
ELA – April 19th & 20Th.
Thank you for all your support.
Fifth Grade News
Happy Spring!
Math: We have begun our Geometry Module.
ELA: We have finished our Space Unit and begun reading about Explorers.
Science: We are finishing up our Space unit and then will be moving onto Chemical Magic.
Social Studies: We are learning about the Revolutionary War.
Reminder: State Testing will be beginning soon. Your student needs adequate sleep, less screen time, and to be at school every day. As always, 10-20 minutes of reading every day is Highly recommended as well as working on multiplication factors.
Counselor's Corner
Please take the time to listen to your student’s problem-solving skills. We have been practicing saying the problem without blame. It would be amazing if they used that with their brothers and sisters. They have also learned that if they are having a strong emotion, start calming down before they ever start! The little’s love the birthday cake or hot soup breathing. So important to the process, make sure you use your “Could I please, Can I please, Can we please” to tell others what we need. Fourth graders learn to speak up for themselves because it is an important part of the process if they want to continue their friendships. They also learned to look at others’ points of view and ask questions to understand. Fifth graders use their skills to take care of common school and community problems and stay true to their ideas. This is a skill they will have for life.
Because in Kansas our weather changes rapidly when students begin to wear their summer clothes make sure you consider that sudden rain, wind, cold, and storms can happen rapidly without warning. Having a jacket in their bag helps tremendously. Please review the handbook for expectations on clothing and bike riding and inclement weather plans so there are no surprises.
Finally, as the weather warms and high spirits increase in our students, please remember your student must cross busy parking lots by your side and not dart ahead. Most of our students are shorter than the SUVs and we want to avert a tragedy. Consider your speed in the parking lot as it would so hurt your heart to be the one to hit one of our little ones. Watch for the staff in the parking lot giving directions whether walking or driving a car. Cross near them so they can see and keep you safe. Be patient because walkers, people pulling out of the parking lot, people pulling out of the pick-up line, and people in the pick-up line are all often coming at the same time.
I can vouch for all staff that they adore your children and they are important to us. Please come into the school and see for yourself. Come in if you have any questions or concerns. We love it when you do because it helps us to better serve your students.
Linn Elementary School
Email: linn@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543274_3
Location: 1900 Linn Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: (620) 471-2114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linnlions95