Venetia Valley Voice
Family Newsletter - December 2022
Principal's Message
Can you believe this is our last family newsletter for the fall semester?! Time sure is going by rather quickly. Along these same lines, our teachers have been working hard and ensuring your children are receiving a high quality instruction. Our instructional leadership team has participated in 3 full day workshops to improve our practices around professional learning communities, data analysis and in the use of our guaranteed and viable curriculum.
Our instructional goals are to help all of our students to be successful in achieving grade level status or higher as measured by our state assessments. You play a vital role in helping your child's teacher by ensuring your child is engaged in academic activities outside of school and at home. Encourage your child to read, explore and ask questions! These simple strategies go a long way. Need some ideas? Check out this ARTICLE for details.
Have a happy holiday season everyone!
In Partnership,
Principal Quesada
Como Puedo Ver Este Boletin En Otro Idioma? How Can I See This Newsletter In A Different Language?
December At A Glance
Events that Happen Every Week during the Month
- Tuesdays - Food Pantry from 3:15 - 4:30 PM in front of the school
- Wednesdays - Citizenship Classes in the MPR from 5 - 7 PM
- Wednesdays are Early Release Days. Students are dismissed at 1:15 PM for Special Day Classes (SDC), 1:35 PM for TK/Kindergarten, 1:40 PM for Middle School and 1:45 PM for 1st - 5th Grade.
Week of December 5th -9th:
- PTA Hot Chocolate Sale at 8 am in front of the Family Center
- Safe Routes Walk to School Day at both entrances of the school
- Coffee & Conversation at 9 AM in our Family Center!
- PTA General Meeting at 5 pm
Week of December 12th - 16th:
- PTA Hot Chocolate Sale at 8 am in front of the Family Center
THURSDAY, 12/15:
- English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting from 9:30-11 AM in the Family Center
- Venetia Valley Winter Festival from 5 pm to 7 pm in the Cafeteria
Week of December 19th - 23rd: - Winter Break- No School
Week of December 26th - 30th: -Winter Break- No School
Students Return to School on January 4th, 2023
PTA Update!
Families join us for our first general meeting, learn what events the PTA is planning for this school year, and how you can help. Thursday, Dec. 8, from 5 pm to 6 pm -Join Zoom Meeting
https://srcs-org.zoom.us/j/5173205035The PTA parents distributed the Falcon Fund letter; remember that this is the most significant fundraising effort of the year. Remember that this fundraiser supports all of our students and school events. We appreciate any support you can give to the Falcon Fund.
Message From Our Counselors
Hello Venetia Valley,
Together, we would like to take this opportunity to discuss how as school counselors, we support students, staff, and the community at the Wellness Center.
Help with orientation, coordination, and academic advising
Counsel students who are struggling with their mental well being
Counsel students with disciplinary problems
Provide SHORT term individual and group counseling services to students
Are active members of VV’s COST team to help coordinate services
Present counseling curriculum in classrooms based on teacher assessed needs
Attend appropriate parent, IEP, and 504 meetings
Facilitate social emotional SST meetings
Consult with teachers to help build classroom connections to aid in student successes
Create fun, community building activities for all
Consult with administration to identify and resolve students’ issues, needs, and problems
Advocate for ALL students
Support students through Venetia Valley’s Positive Behavior Intervention Systems, eg: Falcon Cards and Table
Please reach out to us via Parent Square or directly emailing us with any questions or concerns. We are honored to be a part of your students’ support and success at Venetia Valley!
In partnership,
Ms. Wong and Ms.Katz
Message From Our Community Liaison
Hello Venetia Valley Families,
Our second ELAC meeting (English Learner Advisory Committee) meeting on 12/15/2022, from 9:30- 11:00 am. Come and enjoy a morning with lots of information regarding what is ELAC, reclassification, and report cards. Also, we will be celebrating our Christmas potluck.
Allen Sport Dominican Program. Students in the 6th-8th grade, just finish the first semester.
Click HERE to view the newsletter. Registration will be in January for the next semester. Come into the office or Family Center for more information.
The Free Covid -19/ Flu vaccine clinic was a big success thanks to you all. 240 Vaccines were administered. Parents, If your child was vaccinated, you can come into the school office and pick up the covid-19/flu vaccine card.
Office hours are Monday- Friday from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm.
Pilar Sanchez
Venetia Valley Community Liaison
Office (415) 492-3150 Ext 2001
Fax (415) 492-3160
Family Center Update
Hello Dear Venetia Valley Families,
What an amazing last two months we have had. October and November have been full of great activities. From the Latino Festival, parent-teacher conferences, our first costume parade, and hosting the book fair. It was beautiful to see our families participate in these events, and we look forward to your continued participation as we do these events for our students, families, and community. Do not hesitate to contact the Family Center team if you need help; our priority is to serve our families the best we can.
We hope everyone enjoys their Winter Break, which will be from Monday, Dec. 19, 2022, to Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023. Happy Holidays and a Great New Year!!
Upcoming Events:
PTA Hot Chocolate Sale- 7:30 am to 8:45 am.
Every Tuesday in December, in front of the Family Center. The PTA will sell hot chocolate and sweet bread. All proceeds will go to the VV Falcon Fund.
Food Bank distribution happens every Tuesday from 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Families, remember that bags of food are handed out every Tuesday in front of the school. Feel free to stop by if you need this service.
Safe Routes Walk to School Day- Wed, Dec. 7 from 8 am - 8:45 am
Parents, please encourage your students to Walk, Bike, or Skate to School for this event.
Citizenship Classes- Every Wednesday from 5 pm to 7 pm- Cafeteria
Know the citizenship process, study for the exam, receive help with your N-450 form, and much more. For questions, please call the family center.
Coffee & Conversation- Thursday, Dec. 8, from 9 am to 10:30 am in Family Center
Families, join us for informative monthly presentations, essential school updates, and an opportunity to voice any questions, comments and/or concerns. Also, learn about services or events happening in our community. This month's topic is Mental Health Awareness.
Winter Festival - Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022, in the Cafeteria at 5 pm
Families join us for a fun night of crafts, games, cookie decorating, a photo booth, and more!!!
Community Fridge- Bay Marin Church parking lot at 150 N. San Pedro Road
The Community Fridge is open 24/7 for families to come and grab what they need! If you wish to donate any food, this is also a place where you can donate by placing your food in the community fridge.
Want to contact us? Here's how:
Family Center Hours
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Direct line: 415-496-0226
Kristal Garcia - Family Advocate - kgarcia@srcs.org
Erick De La Rosa- Family Advocate- ebeltran@srcs.org
Sheila Ramirez- Family Center Director- sramirez@srcs.org
Follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram @ventiavalleyTK8, and follow Mr. Quesada on Twitter @PrincipalPaulQ.
Venetia Valley TK-8 School
Venetia Valley is a community school where students, families and staff are celebrated for who they already are and are supported in every way to become all that they aspire to be.
Nuestra Declaración de Misión
Venetia Valley es una escuela comunitaria donde los estudiantes, las familias y el personal son reconocidos por quienes ya son y son apoyados en todos los sentidos para convertirse en todo lo que aspiran a ser.
Email: aquesada@srcs.org
Website: https://vv-srcs-ca.schoolloop.com/
Location: 177 North San Pedro Road, San Rafael, CA, USA
Phone: 415-492-3150
Twitter: @PrincipalPaulQ