The Nashua News
September 2019
Nashua Mission
Nashua Elementary
9:00 am -4:10 pm M-W, F
9:00 am-3:35 pm Th
Attendance Line: 321-5162
Location: 221 NE 114th St, Kansas City, MO, USA
Phone: (816) 321-5160
Twitter: @NashuaStars
Principally Speaking
Our STARS have been working very hard the last couple of weeks learning routines, developing community, and focusing on learning new curriculum. The staff at Nashua have committed to providing each student with engaging educational experiences, exposing them to various types of literature, developing number sense and mathematical problem solving skills, along with challenging Science activities!
It is an honor to serve as the principal of Nashua Elementary! Thank you for trusting us with your children each day! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher or myself directly.
As always, it's a great day to be a STAR!
~Mrs. Stukey
3-Honor Choir Auditions 8:20-9:00 am
5-Honor Choir Auditions 8:20-9:00 am
5-Early Release 3:35 pm
6-Honor Choir Auditions 8:20-9:00 am
9-PTA Pledge Drive Kick Off
11-Patriot's Day Ceremony 9:15 am
12-Early Release 3:35 pm
17-PTA Meeting 6:00 pm
18-KLC Meeting 8:20 am
18-PTA Chipotle Night 4:00-8:00 pm
19-Early Release 3:35 pm
19-PTA Fund Raiser Celebration 6:00-7:30 pm
20-RED FRIDAY-Wear Chief Gear!
25-Fall Pictures
26-Early Release 3:35 pm
Lunch Visitors
Build a strong partnership with your child's teacher right away
You should also find time to talk with the teacher about your child. Plan to attend parent-teacher conferences. If you can't come to this event, ask the teacher if you can meet another time.
It is also important that you share information about your child with the teacher. Open communication is one key to your child's success.
Mrs. Cobb's Corner
The state of Missouri requires that 90% of our students attend school 90% of the time. In 2018, our attendance at Nashua was 99%, that's the highest in the district! Our goal this year is to maintain that number. Thank you for helping to support us in this area!
PTA News
Bookmark our website at
Like our Facebook pageat
Email our President, Robyn, at
Email our Treasurer, Kristi, at Kristi will be collecting from the Drop Box in the office and dropping off checks on Tuesday mornings this year. Expect a 1 week turn around for requests. If you need to have something expedited, please email her directly.
PTA Meeting at 6 PM on Tuesday, September 17th, in the Nashua library - all are welcome!
We have open positions for this year! Visit, click on Contact Us, and look for the yellow highlighting (job descriptions are included). If you are interested or have questions, please e-mail Robyn at Thanks!
Spirit Wear: Be on the look out for order forms coming home soon for 2019-2020 Nashua Spirit Wear!
Restaurant Nights: Our first Nashua PTA Restaurant Night is quickly approaching! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, September 18th, when a percentage of your dinner bill at Chipotle will come back to directly benefit the Nashua school community. Flyers (which must accompany you that evening) will be coming home soon.
Yearbook: You can purchase your 2019-2020 Nashua yearbook by sending this form and a $15 check to school, or you can order online for $15.45 here:
Have photos that would be great for the yearbook? Upload here: Submit Yearbook Photos PLEASE HELP US KEEP PHOTOS ORGANIZED BY UPLOADING TO THE APPROPRIATE CATEGORIES!