PTC News
Cedar Park Middle School - 3/1/18
A message from our PTC President:
As we head into March and we hope an end to the winter weather, we come to the realization that the second half of the school year moves quickly. We are already thinking about the 2018-19 school year at Cedar Park. We would like to fill some volunteer positions for next year now so we are ready for the new school year without missing a beat. First of all, we are looking for a new Volunteer Coordinator to oversee our committees.
The committees for next year we would like to fill now are:
- Art Lit ~ we are excited to continue art lit at Cedar Park and implement a new platform where presentations will be done in class, likely Humanities. The current art lit coordinators have kids moving to high school so now is the time to work with them on the training. A big thank you to MaryBeth Piccirilli and Daphne Teals for chairing art lit the last three years and keeping this program going!
- 5K Jogathon ~ our only fundraiser! As with art lit, our great coordinators (Thank you Erin Hirer and Torey Muhs) are moving on to high school.
- PBIS Store
- Back to School/New Family Picnic
- Wolf Day
- Staff Appreciation
- 8th Grade BBQ
Additionally, if you think the Volunteer Coordinator position would be a good fit for you, there is already a Better Impact/Myvolunteerpage User Group Workshop coming up that we would love for you to attend! Thursday, March 8, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. or 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the district office.
Volunteers Needed for Staff Appreciation
Angela Redmon 971-230-8832 - Volunteer Coordinator - www.myvolunteerpage.com
Volunteer Coordinator Needed for 2018-19
A critical role available next year is CPMS’s Volunteer Coordinator. The Volunteer Coordinator oversees CPMS’s volunteer needs, but is not responsible to plan and organize every volunteer activity.
Here’s a quick education on what that role entails:
Serves a one year term
Can be shared between one to two parents
Promotes & encourages volunteer activities, including managing the district volunteer software (training provided)
Attends one BSD Parent Group Leadership training
Organizes the fall’s Volunteer Orientation
Acts as a liaison between the PTC and CPMS regarding volunteer needs
Create and maintain volunteer badges as needed
If you are interested or would like to learn more regarding the Volunteer Coordinator, or any of these lead positions, please contact Angela Redmon (angelaredmon@gmail.com).
Upcoming & Important Dates!
3/1 Winter Band Concert 6pm & 7pm
3/8 Choir Concert 6:30pm (new day & date)
- Sunset Presbyterian Church
3/14 Staff Appreciation - Soup, Salad, Bread
3/14 Spring Conferences 4:10 - 8:10pm
3/15 Spring Conferences - All Day - No School
3/16 No School
3/19 PTC General Meeting - Library/Media Center
3/19 - 23 Spirit Week
3/26 - 30 Spring Break - No School
Feeling left out?
Thank you to Hannah Donahue for all of her hard work on the PTC Website. She's our Social Media Super Hero!
Corporate Matching
Corporate matching is something that can be done any time of the year. There's no need for an event to get in the giving mood.
Cedar Park PTC
Email: secretary@cedarparkptc.org
Website: http://www.cedarparkptc.org/home.html
Location: Cedar Park Middle School, Southwest Park Way, Portland, OR, United States
Phone: (503) 356-2560
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CPMSPTC