Timber Wolf Times
News for TMS Families Week of January 31, 2022
Principal Updates
Dear Trailside Families,
Welcome to the second semester! Teachers will be finalizing grades over the next fews days as well as recommendations for our current 6th and 7th grade students. Parents of current 7th grade students, please save the date for Tuesday, February 8 @ 7:00 PM, TMS auditorium. The parent meeting will last approximately 40 minutes and go over the course recommendation and elective process for next school year.
Link to the Rising 7th grade presentation for parents: 7th grade Presentation
Counselor presentation to students: https://www.lcps.org/Page/213204
Counselor presentation to current 7th graders: https://www.lcps.org/Page/213171
Program of Studies: https://sites.google.com/lcps.org/lcps-program-of-studies-22-23/home
All my best,
Bridget M. Beichler
Spirit Days @ TMS
Supporting Trailside Middle School-Together in Education Program
PTA Musical Information
Directors: Ms. Bethany Shears and Ms. Paisley LoBue
Musical Dates: Friday, 5/20 and Saturday, 5/21.
PTA Updates
PTA IMPACK Initiative: Outdoor Resources
THANK YOU to the families who have already made a donation! We have raised almost $1400 in 2 weeks. Amazing! We need to raise about $1900 in February and in March to reach our goal.
Don't forget - Your contribution is tax deductible. Click here to make a donation and to get our tax ID. You may also send cash or a check made payable to TMS PTA. Please send it in an envelope marked "TMS PTA Outdoor Resources Donation".
We hope to see our kids using a gaga ball pit this spring!
Volleyball Game - CHAIR Needed
Who is ready to lead the FUN? The Trailside vs. Farmwell Station staff volleyball game is scheduled for Friday, March 11th at 6:30pm and we’re in need of a chair for this event.
If interested, please contact Kristi at president@trailsidemiddleschoolpta.org.
Green Team Update
We are still collecting those bottle caps!!
The Green Team, partnered with the PTA and Art Department, are collecting bottle caps. All the way through May (we need lots of them), we will have tubs in the cafeteria. The grade level who collects the most will win a Grade Level Party!
Our wonderful Art Department will then create a TMS Mural for all to enjoy. Be on the lookout in the Spring for voting on what design you would like them to create.
We are so impressed with all the bottlecaps that have come in so far!! Howl out to 6th and 7th Grade who are both half-way through filling their second 66 quart container. WOW!!!
If anyone has any ideas, suggestions of things the Green Team should do next, please let us know at Amy.santos@lcps.org
Mrs. Amy Santos
TechED 7th & 8th
Trailside Middle School
What's Happening in the Library!
What’s Happening in the Library?
The first three winners of our Winter Reading Initiative, TMS Likes to Read a Latte, were announced last Friday. Winners were Vivienne McCray - 6th grade, Lyla Sarma - 6th Grade, and Ethan John - 6th grade. Three more winners will be announced on 2/4/2022. All students are encouraged to come by the library to check out a book so they can be entered in the next raffle! A student is eligible to enter the raffle 1 x a day.
Blind Date With a Book is going on now in the library!
Students fill out the form linked below and the librarians will pick a book for them based on their interests. The book will be wrapped and delivered to the student’s COMPASS, starting February 3rd. Surveys will be accepted until February 14th.
This link is in our Library Schoology Course too.
The Trailside Library welcomes great luck and good health this Lunar New Year.
Counselor's Update
Important Upcoming Dates
February 3rd & 7th - One Love Presentations for All 7th Graders (Through PE)
February 3rd & 4th - Rising 9th Grade Course Selection Presentations (Through Resource/Spectrum)
Feb 7th - Deadline to apply for the BLAST Program for Rising 9th Graders (more information below)
Feb 8th - Rising 78th Parent Night & Course selection window opens
Feb 8th & 9th - Sexual Harassment Presentations for All 8th Graders (Through PE)
Feb 10th - Countywide CAMPUS parent/student in-person meeting from 6:00-7:30 pm at Riverside HS (more information below)
Compass & SEL Learning
Please find below what your student discussed in Compass the week of January 24th and some questions to discuss with your student.
6th Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child learned three “upstander strategies” for responding to bullying. They’ll practice analyzing different bullying situations and choosing an upstander strategy they think would work best for each situation.
Ask your child about the three upstander strategies they learned and which one (or ones) they feel most comfortable with. Let them know they can always come to you if they need someone to talk to.
7th Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child learned about the effects of sexual harassment, and how to identify support resources available at school.
Help your child brainstorm a list of trusted adults at school who can help if they, or a peer, experiences sexual harassment. Remind them to report any incidents of harassment to you as soon as they can.
8th Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child explored how two strategies, speaking up and starting a movement, can disrupt the factors that enable bullying and harassment.
Ask your child about these strategies and how they think they can help eliminate bullying and harassment in their school. Expand your discussion to include areas outside of school.
8th Grade Counseling Updates
Is your student possibly interested in taking Chinese as an elective at Stone Bridge? If so, please see the Chinese Course Intro Video.
Campus Presentation & Info
Mr. Chris Clarke, the CAMPUS Program Manager for Loudoun County Public Schools. You are invited to attend the Countywide CAMPUS parent/student in-person meeting on Thursday, February 10th from 6:00-7:30 pm at Riverside HS. The following items will be discussed, “What is CAMPUS” followed by a CAMPUS Student Ambassador Panel, where a few CAMPUS Student Ambassadors will answer questions and share their experiences within the CAMPUS program. The meeting will be closed out by walking parents/students through the CAMPUS Online Application Process. We hope to see you all on February 10th and just a reminder that our meeting will have a LCPS Spanish Interpreter available to translate. Please see the CAMPUS Parent/Student Meeting Flyer for more information.
If your student is interested in applying to CAMPUS, students fill out the 8th Grade CAMPUS Interest Form or they can fill out the CAMPUS application at CAMPUS Application Website.
Building Leaders for Advancing Science & Technology (BLAST)
Building Leaders for Advancing Science and Technology offers an exciting way for rising 9th and 10th grade students to spend three days of summer! Participating students get to stay in a college dorm and see what campus life is like on-site at one of our three partner universities: Old Dominion University, Virginia Tech, or the University of Virginia. No previous experience in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is needed, and this program is FREE for participants. BLAST is designed to help students find their place in STEM.
Each day of BLAST is jam-packed with STEM-related activities and demonstrations led by faculty of the university. Students come away from BLAST with a greater sense of curiosity, deeper insight about the variety of careers that exist in STEM fields, and enhanced readiness for advanced programs in science, technology, engineering, and math.
For more information visit the BLAST Website to watch videos from past BLAST sessions, as well as access the online application.
7th Grade Updates
All 7th grade students participated in the Rising 8th Grade Course Selection Presentation on January 21st. If you would like to view the presentation please see the Rising 8th Grade Course Selection Presentation (English) or Selección de cursos de 8vo grado (Spanish).
Ms Handy will begin meeting with students next Tuesday to discuss course selection and will continue to meet with students individually through March 23rd.
6th Grade Updates
All 6th grade students participated in the Rising 7th Grade Course Selection on Monday, January 24th. If you would like to view the presentation please see the Rising 7th Grade Course Selection Presentation (English) or Spanish 2022_23 Selección de cursos de 7º grado en ascenso.
Timber Wolf Scholar Award Ceremony 2nd Quarter
School Contact Information
“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.”
― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
Email: bridget.beichler@lcps.org
Website: https://www.lcps.org/Trailside
Location: 20325 Claiborne Parkway, Ashburn, VA, USA
Phone: 571 252 2280
Twitter: @TrailsideMiddleSchool
TMS School Spirit Store from Cheers is on-line New Winter Gear Items! check us out
School Hours
Late Bell: 8:35 AM (students are tardy if arriving after the bell and will need to report to the main office for a tardy pass)
Dismissal: 3:23 PM