Maple Grove Fox Report
November 2023
Veterans Day Assembly!!
Maple Grove will also have refreshments on hand for our families and community members.
Thanksgiving Break!
We are taking cookie order forms now! Please contact the office you are in need of another cookie order form! Thanks for your time and efforts for this fundraising opportunity!
It's Mr. Smith's first year teaching general music here and we are excited to share the Maple Grove holiday traditions with him!
Grades 3-5: Thursday, December 7, 6:00 pm
DOORS WILL OPEN AT 5:15 pm. Please have all learners here by 5:45 pm. They will report to their classrooms when they arrive.
Hamburg Volunteer Fire Department - Fire Safety Presentation
PTO Sponsored Fall Festival
Warm Clothing
Community Chili Supper
This event is a free will donation.
Below is the link to sign up for an ingredient or two.
Halloween Festivities!
Kwik Trip Giftcards
Please contact Cindy Artus with questions crartus61@gmail.com, or her cell at 715-551-3808.
"YES" Group Apparel Sale
Feel free to click https://fourseasonsmarathon.chipply.com/AthensYES/ for lots of clothing options!
The sale ends November 16th.
Upcoming Events
November 8: Community Crew 8:15
November 9: 2nd Grade School Forest - 5th Grade with Sandy at School Forest
November 9: Grades 1, 3, 4 to Athens for "Wizard of Oz"
November 10: Veteran's Day Assembly 9:00 - Guests welcome!
November 13: Artastic Club 3:15-5:00
November 13: PTO Meeting 3:30
November 13: Governance Board Meeting 6:00
November 16: Chili Supper
November 20: Athens Board Meeting 5:00
November 22: Start of Thanksgiving Break
November 27: Back to School
November 30: Student Birthday Lunches
Maple Grove Charter School
Email: rhanson@athens1.org
Website: www.athens1.org/o/mgcs
Location: 135594 County Road L Hamburg, WI 54411
Phone: (715) 257-2199
Facebook: facebook.com/AthensSchoolDistrictWisconsin