Valley Middle School
Dear Families:
Exciting changes are happening for your child at Valley Middle School as we tackle our leadership roles this upcoming school year.
Let us start off by saying what an honor it is to be working with your child this upcoming school year. We look forward to meeting them, building relationships, and more importantly, providing support for them to be successful.
With that, this school year will contain many firsts for our school that will help guide our approach to equitable education and opportunities for all students. This approach will provide us valuable insight on how to truly engage your child in their education.
We all know that change does not occur overnight; however, together we can accomplish so much as we invest in this change. We have a big job ahead of us and if you are willing to take that ride with us, let’s make it happen! Again, we are so excited to be a part of this journey, moving forward. Go Royals!
Dr. Anthony Vandal; Principal
Dr. Holly Larson; Associate Principal
Dr. Anthony Vandal - Principal
Dr. Holly Larson - Associate Principal
Skylar Gregoire - Administrative Assistant
Jocelyn Hefter - Administrative Assistant
Bridgit Williams - Administrative Assistant
Laura Gillan - Dean of Students
Evan Pederson - Dean of Students
Jenna Murphy - Counselor
Michelle Ruse - Counselor
Houston Wallace - Geography
Garrett Litzinger - U.S. History
Luke Wurdock- Math
Rachel Anderson - Reading Language Arts
Jacob Shauer - Reading Language Arts
Christopher Peterson- Reading Language Arts
Lindsey Setzekorn - World Languages
Kaden Stewart - Social Studies
Kenzie Holm - Social Worker
Tom Strand - ND Studies
Soledad Novio - Geography
- Aug. 9 – 7th & 8th Grade Registration 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
- Aug. 11 – 6th Grade Registration 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
- Aug. 22 – Open House – 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Aug. 24 - First Day of School
- Sept. 2 - No School
- Sept. 5 - No School - Labor Day
- Sept. 21 – Early Release Day 1:00 p.m.
- Oct. 5 – Early Release Day 1:00 p.m
- Oct. 10 – Indigenous Peoples’ Day (School is in session)
- Oct. 12 – Caulfield’s Fall Picture Day
- Oct. 13 – Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
- Oct. 14 -- Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
- Oct. 14 -- No School – Conferences
- Oct. 18 -- Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
- Oct. 19 – No School – Professional Development Day
- Oct. 20 & 21 – No School – (Admin Convention).
Please use the link above to find the following pieces of information:
- Powerschool Registration (every student must register each school year)
- Free and Reduced Lunch application (must be completed yearly)
- School Supply Lists
If you haven’t already done so, our first step in the registration process is to complete the mandatory online registration forms. You must use the PowerSchool Parent Portal to access the Registration link. The registration feature is not available using a cell phone and must be completed on a computer or laptop. Please follow the directions below to complete the online registration.
How do I get started?
If you have not already done so, you will need to create a PowerSchool Single Sign-On Account that links all your school age children to the same account. If you need information to set up your account, please contact the school office.
Visit https://grand-forks.ps.state.nd.us/public/ and log into the PowerSchool Parent Portal. From the Parent Portal:
- Select the student you wish to register along the top
- Select the Registration Icon on the left side of the screen.
- Agree to the terms and conditions
- Click Begin Forms
I can’t remember my login for the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
If you aren’t able to retrieve your login credentials using the “Having trouble signing in?” link on the Sign In page, please contact your school directly for assistance logging in to the Parent Portal.
Do I have to answer all the questions?
Mandatory questions are marked as "required".
What if I make a mistake?
If you would like to make a change prior to submitting the form, you can either navigate back to the page using the “Prev” and “Next” buttons or if you are on the Review page click on the underlined field. If you have already submitted the form you will need to contact your student’s school so they can make the changes for you.
I’ve completed the form, now what?
Once you have finished entering your information click “Submit.” This will send all of the information you’ve entered to the school. If you cannot click on this button you will need to make sure that you have answered all required questions.
What if I have more than one student in the district? Do I need to do this for each child?
Yes you will need to provide information that is specific to each child. We recommend that you complete and submit one form and then start another. This will allow you to “snap” (or share) selected family information, which saves you time.
Help! I’m on the form and I’m having technical difficulties.
For technical support, visit our PowerSchool Community help center or click “Help” from any form page.
If you have not already done so, please complete the online (PowerSchool) registration prior to attending registration day. By doing so, this allows you to update your student’s PowerSchool information, request bus transportation, & complete necessary school forms. This cannot be completed using the PowerSchool app on a mobile device.
You WILL NOT receive a fall packet in the mail. Most communication will be done through email using this Smore newsletter moving forward. (Be on a lookout for our monthly newsletter.)
Contact the office if you need to update your email.
You may also need to check your junk & spam folder if you have not been receiving them
All forms & information will be available on our website & at the school during registration.
Valley’s main website is www.gfschools.org/valley, click on ‘Back-to-School Newsletter’
Everything you need to purchase, except for gym uniforms & yearbooks, can be done on myschoolbucks.com. You will need your child's student ID (lunch code) to create an account.
Make checks payable to: Grand Forks Public Schools
We highly encourage you to attend Registration Day!
7th & 8th Grade: Tuesday, August 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
6th Grade: Thursday, August 11th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Things to do at Registration
1. Check in and update enrollment form if not already completed online……………….….Small Gym
2. Pick up Class Schedule…………………….…….…………….……………………………..……………………....Small Gym
- Locker assignments can be found on the class schedule. Please locate your locker to make sure it works. At this time, you may also find your assigned classrooms.
- You will also be able to meet our two new school counselors Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Ruse
3. Deposit Money into Lunch Account……………………………………………………………..………………Small Gym
- Be sure to put your child’s Lunch ID number (found on class schedule) on the envelope
- Turn in completed application for free/reduced meals
- Uniforms can be purchase during registration.
Short Sleeved T-shirts - $8
Shorts - $12
- Uniforms are also available for purchase at Scheels or Gerrells
5. Purchase a Yearbook…………………………………………………………………………..…............…………Small Gym
- Yearbooks can be purchased for $20
6. Sign up for Athletics……….……………………………………………………………………………………...……..Small Gym
- You can sign up early at this link
- 7th and 8th grade Sports Participation Fee: $50.00 per sport
- Fall Sports: Boys Football & Soccer, Girls Fast Pitch Softball, Boys and Girls Cross-Country
- Physical Form is only for 7th and 8th grade students participating in athletics
- Concussion Form
8. Purchase a Chromebook Case $20............................................................................Main Office
There are also a few optional forms you may want to complete which include:
- Free & Reduced Lunch Application
- Activity Fee Waiver: if applicable (form will be available at registration)
You are invited to our 6th, 7th and 8th grade Block Party Open House! It will be held Monday, August 22nd from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
- FREE supper from 4:00-5:30 p.m.
- Meet our Valley Community - teachers, families, students
- Practice your schedule, tour the school
Attendance Line: (701) 746-2326
8:40 - 3:30
- School begins at 8:40 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. (Band and Orchestra start at 7:50 a.m.).
- Breakfast starts at 7:45 a.m. The front building doors are unlocked at this time.
- Students should exit the building by 3:45 p.m. unless they prearrange a meeting with a teacher or are involved with music, sports practice, or remain in assigned areas.
7:45 - 4:00
Once school begins, our front doorbell (door #7) should be rung for visitor access. All doors are locked for security.
Water Bottles & Water Fountain
The focus of our middle school program is to teach participants fundamental skills, sportsmanship, and teamwork in a developmentally appropriate and enjoyable way. All participants will have numerous opportunities to play in contests throughout the Block I season. Game schedules for each team should be available approximately one week after practice begins. Registration and schedules will be posted on Valley’s website: www.gfschools.org; click on Our Schools – Middle Schools – Valley Middle School – Athletics
Sports offered:
Block I August - October 2021
- Girls Softball, Boys Soccer, Boys Football. Cross Country starts early August.
Block II October - January 2022
- Girls Volleyball, Wrestling
Block III December - February 2022
– Girls and Boys Basketball
Block IV March - May 2022
– Girls Soccer, Boys and Girls Track & Field
Each year, some of the Block I sports will begin BEFORE school starts, and the information below will help you prepare for the upcoming block seasons.
**An Important Note from Mr. Carlson, Block I Cross Country Coach**
Season starts August 8th.
Practice is at 4pm, lower level of the Central High School gym building (door 14)
Physical Form:
All athletes must have a physical form submitted to the Valley MS office before they will be allowed to participate in practices or contests. Every athlete must get a yearly physical. Since Block I practices start before school, parents and athletes must complete this task in the summer. Physical forms are available in the Valley MS office and online at www.gfschools.org; click on Departments - Athletics - Documents & Forms - Physical form. The physical form must be turned in before your child is allowed to participate.
Sport Physicals
* Watch clinic web sites for walk-in times.
Altru (Grand Forks)
- Family Medicine – 795-2000
- Family Medicine Residency - 780-6800
Aurora (Grand Forks) 701-732-2700
Riverview Clinic (EGF) 218-773-1390
My Ally (Grand Forks) 701-757-2559
Participation Fees:
Athletes must pay participation fees (or pay online at myschoolbucks.com) or have a waiver form for participation fees submitted to the Valley MS office before they will be allowed to participate in a contest. Fee waiver forms are available in the Valley MS office and are confidential. The participation fee for each block is $50.00
Concussion Form:
Every year all athletes and parents need to read and sign off on the concussion information form for the district. Concussion forms are available in the Valley MS office and online at www.gfschools.org; click on Departments - Athletics - Documents & Forms - Concussion Form.
All athletes in grade 7 and/or any new athletes to Grand Forks Public Schools will take the IMPACT concussion test. This test is required only once in their middle years. This information is very important in helping to assist local physicians and parents in making a decision on when an athlete may return to practices or games in a particular sport.
Important Dates and Information:
Monday, August 22: Football equipment handout 4:00-5:30pm
Monday, August 22: Boys Soccer Practice - 4:00pm
Monday, August 22: Girls Softball Practice - 4:00pm
Monday, August 22: Parent Athletic Meeting after Open House 7:00pm - Media Center
Tuesday. August 23:
- Football Practice 4:15 - 5:30pm
- Boys Soccer Practice - 4:00 - 5:15pm
- Girls Soccer Practice- 4:00 - 5:15pm
Wednesday, August 24: Practice schedules start after school *See below for times
Details: Come dressed for practice. Bring a water bottle.
Block I Coaching Information:
8th Grade Football: Dan Carlson, Justin Knowlton & Spencer Meyer
7th Grade Football: Dave Vonesh, Tim Gregoire & Ryan Marshall
Practice times: 3:45-5:30 after school each day.
*No practice on days we do not have school
7th & 8th Grade Girls: Hannah Vonasek
Practice times: 3:45-5:15
*No practice on days we do not have school
7th & 8th Grade Boys: Becca Lord
Practice times: 3:45-5:15
*No practice on days we do not have school
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at 746-2360
- School Immunization Requirements
- Medication At School Form
- Medication Authorization Form