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BCSVA High School Weekly Update
March 12 - March 18
Focus on Student Growth and NC Assessments-
Upcoming Assessments!
- Math 3 Midterm - March 31 beginning at 8:30 am
- Math 1 Check-in - March 20 beginning at 1 pm
- Math 1 Midterm- March 29 beginning at 11 am with Small Group testing beginning at 1 pm
- Foundations to Math 1 Midterm - March 29 beginning at 11 am with Small Group testing beginning at 1 pm
Communication & Relationships = SUCCESS!
Student grades are posted in PowerSchool weekly.
Students/parents will be reminded of your student’s academic/course completion status in Edgenuity via weekly emails on Fridays.
Students can monitor their course pacing using: High School Engagement & Pacing Guide 22-23
Parents, PLEASE remind your students to check their BCS email DAILY!
BCS School-based emails are required to be checked by students at least once daily.
This is our primary mode of communication.
Attendance Procedures and Administrative Regulation BCS BP 4400-R
Attendance Procedures and Administrative Regulation BCS BP 4400-R
Reminder of BCS Board Policy - Attendance Requirements (link is above)
A reminder that our high school attendance follows this weekly process:
Monday - Advisory Group participation at 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Tuesday - Friday - Complete Attendance Check-in Form before 3 PM
(posted in student's Advisory Google Classroom)
- BCS Board Policy allows high school students to have six absences per semester. Additional absences are made-up with a teacher following the Attendance Make-Up process (see below)
BCSVA Attendance Make-Ups FF's Attendance makeup is virtual and cost-free during the semester; there will be summer attendance makeup as well which will be offered with a fee.
BCSVA Ecology Club
Are you interested in learning more about environmental conservation?
Are you interested in participating in a virtual and/or in-person field trip?
BCSVA is working to connect our students and staff to the Asheville area with a focus on care for our local ecology & environmental conservation!
Thoughts of our work may be: Working on a salamander study at the Appalachian Highlands Science Learning Center!
Making a difference for the environment and appearance of our city by participating in a litter cleanup project on the Nature Trail at our school campus in Haw Creek!
Learn and understand the purpose of coral reefs, or go to the NC Arboretum or WNC Nature Center to learn more about environmental conservation or conservation of species-
If your answer is yes to any of these questions, please take a few minutes to fill out the short Club Interest Survey attached below.
Mr. Frees and Mr. Peragine are working to start a new club at BCSVA. Ecology Club!
We would love for you to help make it happen and be part of this engaging club!
BCSVA Community Activities!
Hang out with Ms. Ayers at Buncombe County Public Libraries!
Stop by and drop in from 1:00-3:00 PM.
Students will be able to connect with students from their area, learn to be library users, and build community relations.
🍎 BCSVA and BCS Happenings 🍎
Messages from Office Staff-
Please mark your calendars for May 9th at Erwin High Auditorium at 6:00 PM focused on Gun Awareness in Schools and Homes presentation
The Parent Portal app is still not currently working. A ticket for repair has been issued to the State. You can get access to Parent Portal by using a computer or a browser on your phone. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
Buncombe County Schools 2022-2023 Calendar
AND...if you are a planner!
Teacher Shares-
BCSVA High School Spring 2023 Master Schedule & Policy Updates
Please read for updates, clubs, class zoom links, and a staff directory. Remember to attend synchronous sessions.
Jostens Cap/Gown ordering:
Call to pay for your (828) 681-1712 before April 15 ($49) This is the local office, located in South Asheville. Tell them your name and school: BCS Virtual Academy. *If you already ordered a cap/gown from a different school, call this number to get that order switched. Caps/Gowns will be available for pick-up in May at BCSVA.
A-B Tech Scholarship Application due April 1st:
Students can win $500 - $2000 scholarships for 2023-24 school year. The application is just a few questions and can be found HERE.
Buncombe County Schools Foundation Scholarship Application information
Applications are due March 15th. Email Ms. Hodges for a copy of your transcript.
- The City of Asheville offers paid internships ($15/hour) for students 10th-12th grade. Applications accepted through March 15th. Internships are 4 hours a day, 4 days a week, + leadership training/workshops. CAYLA participants have opportunity for future scholarships. To learn more visit: https://www.ashevillenc.gov/department/community-economic-development/economic-development/cayla/
- Apply to be a Page in the Governor's office! Opportunity for Juniors/Seniors/Recent grads interested in Civics/politics. https://governor.nc.gov/governors-page-program
What are YOU reading?
- We would love to KNOW & SEE which/what book (s) you are reading.
- Share a picture of you and your book OR draw an illustration of your book!
- We are creating a visual of our love of literacy each day with new connections you make when you read!
Text the following @code to the number 81010 to join your grade-level Remind and get Advisory reminders.
@bcsva2023 (seniors)
@bcsva2024 (juniors)
@bcsva2025 (sophomores)
@bcsva2026 (freshmen)📚📚📚
March 14- Minecraft Club at 2pm
March 20-24- NC Check Ins
March 23- Bowling at SkyLanes ALL School Field Trip from 1pm-4pm
March 24- Student Government at 12pm
March 27-March 31- Mid-Terms at 8:30 am
March 28- NICS Club at 12pm
March 30- Stress Management at 12pm
- NC Check-ins, https://www.abss.k12.nc.us/o/hres/article/904460
- Heart, https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/the-truth-about-your-heart
- What are you Reading, http://barrowselementary.blogspot.com/2016/07/what-are-you-reading.html
- Ecology Club, https://www.crestmem.edu/Page/90
- Teach and Learn, https://vdc.edu.au/vdc-news/good-teaching-and-learning-what-really-makes-a-difference/
- Testing Mission from NC, https://www.dpi.nc.gov/districts-schools/testing-and-school-accountability#AnalysisandReporting-1232
Email: bcsvirtual@bcsemail.org
Website: bcsva.buncombeschools.org/
Location: 21 Trinity Chapel Rd Building #10 Asheville, NC 28805
Phone: (828) 255-5102
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bcs.virtual.academy/
Twitter: @bcs_virtual