Irving Elementary
Month of December
Let's Celebrate Third Grade
The third graders had special guest speakers. Mrs. Vesta’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Buckbee, came to tell them about the American flag, how Veteran’s Day came about and some interesting Army stories. Mr. Buckbee has a display of all of the American flags from the past and present. He also showed us his very heavy Army uniform from the Korean War. Student volunteers got to help fold the flag properly. This was such a great experience for the kids!
For fun, the third graders celebrated with special activities and the movies, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and “The Polar Express.” The Grinch visited Irving too!
Mrs. Stone
Mrs. Vesta
Miss Jones
Irving Exploration Day!
Keepsake Ornaments Made in Speech
For the month of December the speech kids made “keepsake” ornaments. This activity supports our school's commitment to Capturing Kid's Hearts. CKH works to reinforce optimism in students. It wants students to look forward to the future because they can meet personal goals, solve problems, stay healthy and play safely. Therefore, they will be able to put this ornament on their Christmas tree next year.
This activity, storytelling, is also supported by the American Speech and Hearing Association as an activity to enhance speech and language skills in school-aged children. It does this by causing reflection on the unique background, heritages, and preferences of family holiday celebrations.
This activity was made possible by the extra thoughtfulness of our wonderful speech para, Ms. B.
We would like parents and students to make an effort to save this ornament as a true KEEPsake.
We would like to wish you all a very Mery Christmas and the Happiest of New Years! May your winter break be full of fun, family, and friends, along with unforgettable memories.
Art Students Busy During December
Kindergarten, first and second grades are creating ART FROM AROUND THE WORLD to display at Baden Square for the district elementary art show March 2-March 30.
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Art Classes Learn Chemistry
Irving Elementary Outdoor Learning Classroom Receives Grants
The Irving Elementary Outdoor Classroom committee is pleased to announce two grants they received to help the continued process of building their outdoor classroom.
The first grant awarded came from the Southwestern College Philanthropy Board. The $800 grant will be used to add textured pathways to the sensory garden area for students. Students from Cheryl Rude’s class came to Irving to present the award and were given a tour of our outdoor classroom by the Irving STUCO members.
The next award given toward the outdoor classroom came from Cox Communications. This $10,000 award will be used to help build a stage for students to perform on, community presentations, guest speakers and assemblies.
This past spring students were successful in growing many vegetables and flowers. Students participated in planting, weeding, watering and harvesting. Future projects include raising money for a greenhouse and additional equipment for the sensory area. If you would like to donate to the outdoor classroom, please contact Principal, Jeff Everett at Irving Elementary at 620-222-5140.
Monthly Assemblies Begin
January Happenings-Please see the Irving webpage calendar for more dates
11th-Late Start Day
12th-Student of the Month Assembly Grades 3-5 Time: 8:10-8:30
12th-2nd Grade Swim Begins
13th-Student of the Month Assembly Grades K-2 Time: 8:10-8:30
13th-WMS &WHS WILL have classes on this date
16th-Refresh Day No School
27th-PTO 6:00-7:00 pm
Irving Elementary
Email: jeff_everett@usd465.com
Website: https://irving.usd465.com/
Location: 311 Harter Street, Winfield, KS, USA
Phone: 620-221-5140