Guardsman Gazette
November 10, 2023
Saturday, November 11 is Veterans Day, but on Friday, November 10 P-H-M students across the district learned not only about the history of Veterans Day, but why we honor our nation's men and women who served in the armed forces. Having students participate in academic experiential learning experiences broadens the scope of their education. Thank you to all those in our community who've served.
Upcoming Events
- 11:30 - Penn Music Tour @ GMS
- 4:00 - Boys Basketball Practice
- 5:00 - Boys Basketball vs. Schmucker (@SMS)
- 7:00 - School Board Meeting, ESC
- 8:10 - Student Council Meeting
- 4:00 - FLL Practice
- 6:00 - Fall Band Concert
Last day of Poinsettia Sales
- 4:00 - FLL Practice
- 4:00 - GMS Cheer Practice
- 6:00 - DC Parent Meeting (8th graders attending trip)
- 5:00 - Boys Basketball vs. Goshen (Home Game)
- 4:00 - FLL Practice
- 4:00 - Boys Basketball Practice
- 7:00 - Community Open Gym
Mandatory Curriculum Lessons
November 15, 2023
On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, a Youth Services Bureau Counselor will be leading Mandatory Curriculum Lessons for our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who have opted in to these lessons.
Parents were able to opt their child in or out of the Mandatory Curriculum Lessons via the Parent Consent Google Form. You can also find more information about the content of the Mandatory Curriculum presentation on the Google Form.
Students will be pulled at the following times:
8th Grade
Period 1: 8th grade Boys, 9:45 - 10:30
Period 2: 8th grade Girls 10:44 - 11:34
7th Grade
Period 3: 7th grade Boys,11:43 - 12:33
Period 4: 7th grade Girls, 1:12 - 1:57
6th Grade
Period 5: 6th grade Boys ,2:08 - 2:53
Period 6: 6th grade Girls , 3:08 - 3:53
DC Poinsettia Fundraiser (11/3-11/15)
8th Graders going to DC are selling Varner's Premium Poinsettias in November to raise funds for their trip. These are great to sell to businesses! Poinsettias order forms went home Friday and orders are due Wednesday, November 15th. Please sign the Fundraiser policy form in your packet for EACH fundraiser your student participates in. Plants will be delivered to the school for pickup on Thursday, November 30th from 4:00-6:30. Enjoy a beautiful holiday poinsettia and support the 8th grade trip! Visit the online store here and just indicate the name of the student you are supporting at checkout!
Papa Vino's Restaurant Night
Nov. 13, 14, 15, 16
Papa Vino's in Mishawaka is partnering with Grissom on November 13th-16th for a FOUR DAY GIVEBACK! You may use the attached voucher anytime between 11am and 10pm on those dates. Supporters must present the voucher on a piece of paper or show it to their server on their phone when they dine-in OR call the restaurant to order take out. Mark your calendars now for a delicious night out to benefit our school!
Penn High School Musical Auditions
GMS Ski Club
Registration for Grissom Middle School Ski Club is underway.
Please see Ms.Johnson in the main office for your GMS Ski Club packet. Packets are available starting, Monday, November 6th. Registration closes with final payment on Monday, November 27th.
GMS Ski Club seats are limited to one bus, so please do not hesitate to sign up. Once the bus is full, registration will be closed. No child will be considered for ski club until all fees have been paid.
Orchestra - Important Dates
Start obtaining all black concert clothing: Boys and girls: long-sleeved shirt with collar & buttons, dress pants, dress shoes, and black socks. Required - for ALL Students, professional and neat in appearance.
November 1, Tuesday, MONEY/APPLICATION DUE for ISSMA Instrumental Solo/Ensemble Saturday, January 27, 2024, Instrumental ISSMA
- Highly Recommended, Extra Credit Earned
November 11, Sat., All-Region Honor Orchestra Festival, w/Applic. & teacher recommendation, 7th and 8th Gr., Optional
At Goshen HS, All day, Application Deadline Sept. 1
December 12, Tuesday, Winter Concert Grissom MS Cafe, 6:30pm-8pm, Required
Univ. Park Mall Performance, Fine Arts, Field Trip, 1-2pm, Students selected, Date: TBA, Tentative
Regular practice for ISSMA Solo/Ensemble Contest - before & after school help, Recommended
Grissom is Great!
Veterans' Day
Principal, Grissom Middle School