BSD Staff Updates

2023-24 Issue #9: Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Did you miss the last Staff Updates newsletter? View it here!
The bond and levy are passing!
As of Thursday 2/15 when the Kitsap County Auditor's office posted the last update, both the EP&O levy (Proposition 1) and Bond (Proposition 2) were passing. The next update will be posted by 5 p.m. TODAY and the election will be certified on Friday 2/23. You can read our election night update here.
First semester report cards are available in Skyward
This graphic is available here (English & Spanish). It should be linked to bremertonschools.org/ReportCards.
Kindergarten registration is now open for 2024-25!
Information and online registration is available at www.BremertonSchools.org/Kindergarten.
This graphic (English and Spanish) is available here.
2024-25 Academic Calendar now available!
An updated version of the 2024-25 Academic Calendar (approved by the board at the 2/1/24 meeting) is available and posted on the District website. This calendar will be updated at the 3/7 board meeting to reflect the 2/15 snow day.
Reminder! The winter weather communication plan is online!
Visit www.BremertonSchools.org/SNOW to review the winter weather plan so you know how the District is communicating any delays or closures due to inclement weather. If you'd like to include this graphic in your family communication, it is available here.
B Present: Attend Today. Achieve Tomorrow.
Download graphics for use in your Google Classroom or teacher Google Site here.
Is there something great happening in your classroom or school that our families, staff and/or community should know about? Click this button above to let us know!
Staff "Shout Outs!"
Shout out to Kitsap Lake Elementary Principal Carly Takata!
Submitted by a KLE staff member: Carly is all about what is good for kids and safety for us all! She is so hands on and joins us daily with her boots on the ground...be it visiting and helping in classrooms, modeling curriculum to paras during a small group setting, to serving lunches to our students...she is all in!
It's hard to wear a super cape everyday, so I want her to know that she is an important part of our school family at KLE and I couldn't be prouder to work alongside her!
Congratulations West Hills STEM Academy Math Specialist Lisa Conception-Elm!
Lisa Concepcion-Elm was selected as a 2024 Extraordinary Educator from Curriculum Associates (who brings you i-Ready)!
The Curriculum Associates Extraordinary Educators program is an annual tradition of celebrating and connecting best-in-class educators who demonstrate established criteria. You can read the full press release here.
Congratulations, Lisa!
Shout out to Naval Avenue's office staff Jennie Penitusi & Mellissa Tomaso
Submitted by a NA staff member: Jennie Penitusi (photo below, left) and Mellissa Tomaso (photo below, right) are an amazing team who are the at the heart of what keeps Naval Avenue Elementary running smoothly. They do their jobs with professional skill and attention to detail. We have had a record number of new students enrolling, lots of new staff members joining us this year, and all the typical day to day things that pop up at school. Despite all that; they are always on top of things, willing to help teachers whenever they ask, even though they are super busy themselves.
Our saviors for those times when a colleague might ask: Can someone cover my class for a second so I can have a restroom break? Or, Can you copy this for me? They are always source of smiles and positivity for the entire school. It's no wonder that you always find...At the end of the day; staff members, gathering together at the office counter, chatting and processing the days events. Thank you both for all you do to help us do what we do.
Bremerton School Board Meeting Highlights
February 15, 2024
Compiled by Marlaina Simmons
Two Policies were presented to the board:
- Policy 2190: Programs for the Highly Capable. This policy was presented for a 2nd reading and was adopted.
- Policy 3207- Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying. This policy was presented for a 1st reading and was approved.
Dr. Steedman provided a report on the current year budget information which included General Fund revenues, expenditures, and fund balance for the current school year through January 31, 2024.
Other Business:
The board received three written reports:
- 6220P, Bid or Request for Proposal Requirements
- February Enrollment Report
- 6540F (form) Personal Property Inventory List
For more information about these meetings and to view any of these documents, visit BoardDocs.
The next regular School Board meeting is Thursday, March 7, 2024.
Join us in-person or online! BremertonSchools.org/SchoolBoard
Reminders & quick links
Health & wellness resources
A pre-application request must be submitted for grants >$500.
We are hiring!
As you know, we have a number of positions open in the District, and we also need substitutes. Flyers/graphics can be downloaded here.
Please share the information below with students as appropriate! Thank you!
Kitsap County Bar Association Law Day Essay Contest
Each year, the Kitsap County Bar Association sponsors a Law Day Essay Contest for Kitsap County students. The 2024 Law Day theme is “Voices of Democracy.” All high school (grades 10-12) and middle school (grades 9 and below) students residing or attending school in Kitsap County are eligible to participate.
There will be a total of six prizes awarded, three in each age category. The prizes will be awarded at the Law Day Celebration on the morning of May 10, 2024 at the Kitsap County Administration Building in Port Orchard, starting at 8:30 a.m.
Please see the attached information (below) for more information. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. Thank you.
Laura E. Yelish (she/her pronouns)
Yelish & Barker
Email: laura@yelishbarker.com
1963 Bethel Ave., SE
Port Orchard, WA 98366
360 876-9900 - Phone
360 876-3970 – Fax
Mock Election opportunity for students
The Washington Secretary of State’s Office is offering guidance and materials for schools interested in hosting a mock election for the 2024 Presidential Primary, which is on March 12. Learn more here!
Admiral Theatre 2024 Stages for All Ages School Day Series
The Admiral Theatre is proud to present our 2024 Stages for All Ages School Day Series. The shows will be presented at the Admiral Theatre with 10:00 AM and 12:30 PM performances. Visit https://www.admiraltheatre.org/education for pricing and ticket reservation forms to reserve your seats. If you have questions about any of these performances, please contact:
Emma Ash
Box Office Manager
Admiral Theatre Foundation
Cat Kid Comic Club: The Musical - Saturday, March 9, 2024
Best for Grade 1 - Grade 5
Performance time: 12:30 PM
Cat Kid and Molly Pollywog have started an epic club to teach 21 rambunctious baby frogs how to make their own comics! Their fishy father Flippy is overjoyed that his kids will learn to unleash their creativity, but when the frogs’ constant bickering and outrageous imaginations send their comics comically off the rails, Flippy flips out! Will the club survive? Will the frogs ever get along? And will creativity finally save the day? All will be answered in this madcap musical based on Dav Pilkey’s irreverently hilarious book series.
Let’s Go Science Show - Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Best for Pre K - Grade 5
Performance times: 10 AM, 12:30 PM
Using theatrical, circus and comedy skills Professor Smart and Dr. K. teach basic physics concepts to students in ways even the teachers and parents will understand. Your kids will enjoy 60 minutes of science fun. This “Fun with Physics Show” is fully produced with a colorful set, sound and light cues. This performance has drawn rave reviews from performing arts centers, teachers and kids across the country. They cover science standards that are coupled with solid online study materials. It is a worthwhile learning experience Teacher resources can be found at http://letsgoscienceshow.com/performing-arts-center/
Sponsored by:
Kiwanis Club of Bremerton
Betty Krueger
Spring break childcare available
Department of Health launches third annual science contest for high school students
The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) is calling on all high school students from across the Evergreen State to enter the Washington Tracking Network’s (WTN) third annual Youth Science Contest. The contest is an opportunity for high school students to develop their science and communication skills by working with health and environmental data from their own communities.
Registration runs now through March 1, submissions due by April 15
Black History Month movies at the Admiral Theatre
Grants for Washington State K-12 Public School Teachers!
Applications are now being accepted for the “Ellison Education Grants”. Grants are for K-12 public school teachers in Washington State. Over the past six years, the Ellison foundation has awarded 101 grants and $501,000 to Washington State teachers.
Grants will range from $1,000 to $10,000 and be awarded this spring to be used during the 2024 – 2025 school year. Applications must be submitted by March 30, 2024.
To learn more about the “Ellison Education Grants” please click on this link: http://ellison-foundation.org/ellison-education
Teacher Appreciation Night with the Mariners
Teacher Appreciation Night of the 2024 season on Friday, May 10th! This discounted ticket offer also comes with a fun giveaway – a limited edition Mariners Stanley-style water bottle! All information and tickets can be found here, mariners.com/teacher.
Teacher Appreciation Night is a discounted ticket offer open to any educator, school staff member, family, or friend. The Mariners want to celebrate you and thank you for the work you do.
Seattle Mariners Group Tickets
Sharing as an FYI for coaches and club advisers
- Discounts available for groups of 20 or more (No fees)
- School’s receive protective pricing (2023 pricing was $10 in the 300 level and $20 in the 100 level)
- Fundraising opportunities for schools
- Complimentary scoreboard message
- 2 complimentary tickets to a game in 2024 during the regular season
- Many groups also add gift cards. These cards can be loaded with any amount (starting at $5) and used at our concession stands or team stores.
FieldSTEM Spring Workshop Series
Hello Educators,
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming FieldSTEM Introduction — a series of short, dynamic professional learning experiences tailored for K-12 educators like yourself. All FREE and STEM Clock Hours are available to Washington certificated teachers!
Our online academy offers a range of workshops covering diverse topics, from hands-on STEM activities to innovative teaching methodologies. The best part? You have the flexibility to choose the workshops that align with your interests and needs. Whether you're passionate about math, high-impact field experiences, or civic engagement, there's something for everyone.
For those with a busy schedule, we also offer an asynchronous course option, allowing you to engage with the content at your own pace.
To register, simply check the boxes next to the workshops that pique your interest on the registration form. It's that easy!
Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your teaching skills and bring fresh, exciting perspectives to your classroom.
Choose any Introductory class(es) that interests you!
- Introduction to Field Investigations for K-12: Thursday, February 22, 4 PM to 6 PM
- Fostering Outdoor Observation Skills K-12 Educators (FOOS): Tuesday, February 27, 4 PM to 6 PM
- Civic Engagement for K-12: Wednesday, March 6, 4 PM to 6 PM
- FieldDesign for K-12: Wednesday, March 13, 4 PM to 6 PM
- Math Performance Tasks for K-12: Thursday, March 21, 4 PM to 6 PM
- Introduction to FieldSTEM Course: Self-guided course. Thursday, February 1 - April 7th
Feel free to reach out with any questions.
Molly Griffiths (she/her)
West Sound FieldSTEM Coordinator
(c) 253.273.6740
Make PEI Better! Please take a few moments to complete this survey so that we may better meet your needs in future offerings.
Background photo: KLE students cheer on the MVMS students performing during the school's Martin Luther King Jr. Day assembly. View more photos here!
Bremerton School District
Email: communications@bremertonschools.org
Website: www.BremertonSchools.org
Phone: 360-473-1000
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
The Bremerton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination Garth Steedman at Garth.Steedman@BremertonSchools.org or 360.473.1031 or the Section 504 Coordinator, Mark Mayfield at 360.473.4702. Mailing address: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA 98312.