Monday Notes
January 26th, 2024

As we get the spring semester started there are a few important reminders that we need to share. Please see below and have a great week!
Please take a few minutes and complete this quick survey pertaining to All-State and other NMMEA matters.
There are still several outstanding invoices for auditions, participation, and conference fees. By now you should have received a reminder email from Neil Swapp, but if you are unsure if your fees were paid, please send a quick email to find out.
NMMEA Ballot
NMMEA Executive Committee ballots were emailed to members on January 23rd with several reminders sent. Remember that voting will close on February 14th. Make sure to cast your vote!
As the state, districts, and schools navigate spring budgets, make sure to advocate for music. The most impactful advocacy is a series of small steps. Make sure to complete each week's advocacy challenge!
Additionally, please share this short video with all stakeholders!
Happy Gram
We live and teach in such a great state. Please see the email I received today from Rachael MacLeod:
Hello All,
I am not sure who to thank, but in addition to my beautiful new baton, I received a piece of pottery from New Mexico in the mail without a note. It is so lovely, and I imagine it came from someone in your organization. I can't remember ever being treated so well and thanked so much. So please, thank you in return, and thanks to whomever chose and sent me the pottery!
What a nice gesture and thanks to whomever sent the wonderful gift to her! Again...what a great community to be part of!