Elevate Monthly

Superintendent's Message
Dear Laramie County School District 1 community,
The beginning of a new calendar year is a perfect time for reflection and reimagining our plans and goals, both immediate and long-term. Although the winter months may seem long, spring will be here before we know it, bringing with it the end of our academic year. As this finish line gets closer, we are offered a chance to redouble our efforts and achieve great things together.
I encourage everyone to actively participate in the wide variety of district and community events around us. These events enrich our community and provide valuable opportunities for connection and collaboration among students, parents, and educators.
The start of the second semester provides us with an opportunity to take inventory of ourselves and those around us. How are things going? Does anyone need a helping hand or a word of encouragement? Because our strength lies in supporting one another, I would encourage you to reach out to those in need. Likewise, please reach out to us if you need a bit of help.
Thank you for your ongoing dedication and contributions to our partnership as we continue working to ensure a great educational experience for our students.
Wishing you a new year filled with all good things!
Dr. Stephen Newton
Interim Superintendent of Schools
Students compete at We the People finals
Students from 16 schools around the state gathered in December at the Wyoming State Capitol for the We the People Wyoming State Finals. East, South and Central High were among these schools.
The competition lasted two days. On the first day, teams competed in the congressional district qualifying round and selected teams advanced to the finals on the following day.
Each school prepared six units and students took turns testifying during a simulated congressional hearing. Judges from different backgrounds, including attorneys, governmental officials and educators, came together to witness and judge these talented students. The students were judged on their understanding of constitutional application, reasoning, supporting evidence, responsiveness and participation.
All students received an award for participation and students who finished first through third in the highest scoring classes received a medal. Teachers also received special recognition for their substantial contribution to civics education.
Central and East High received honorable mention, while South High earned second place for the second year in a row. The 2023 Wyoming State Champion title went to Sheridan High.
Typically, only the state winner advances; however, Wyoming drew a wildcard this year, which means second place team also receives an invite to the national competition in Washington, D.C. Good luck South High!
—Photo & text by Megan Case
High schools host Speech and Debate tournaments
Speech and Debate teams across all three major triad high schools hosted tournaments in November and December, the months leading up to the varsity season.
Hundreds of sharp-dressed competitors, many of them with small black binders and case files in their hands, filled the halls. Speaking to walls and performing for illusory audiences is not a unique occurrence to these orators.
Competitors from far and wide attended, some even hailing from California, with hopes of securing a bid to the National Individual Events Tournament of Champions (NIETOC).
Those who were unconcerned with being candidates with NIETOC instead focused on points and placements, helping to secure sweepstakes trophies for their teams.
These tournaments, which typically offer both novice and varsity competition in the pre-varsity season, are massive undertakings and commonly elicit the help of all members of the host school to run them.
Unique among the typical tournaments in 2023 was the East-and-South-combined “ThunderBison” team, which incorporated collegiate-level speech and debate coach Gretchen Wheeler’s tournament style.
South’s assistant speech and debate coach, Izac Garcia, spoke highly of the experience.
“A lot of the time in this world of Speech and Debate, competition is the focal point,” Garcia said. “But this tournament was different. It was about unity. It was truly a magical experience.”
—Photos & text by Nicholas Hokanson
ThunderBison Wheeler Tournament
Central High student performs at East Holiday Classic Tournament
South Bison Stampede Tournament Awards Ceremony
UW's Andrew Johnson helps Hobbs students kick off a new year
Hobbs Elementary kicked off the new year with Central High alumni Andrew Johnson who plays in the position of safety for the UW football team. The assembly focused around being responsible and believing in yourself. Johnson spoke to the students about hard work and adversity in the classroom and on the field.
—Photo by Megan Case
East High DECA hosts Chamber of Commerce Red Carpet Committee
East High School’s DECA recently hosted members of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the grand re-opening of its store, the T-Bird Nest.
The T-Bird Nest has been open for 35 years under the guidance of DECA adviser and store manager Manuel Flores. The store has also been a Chamber member during that time.
DECA chapter officers Sarah Morotz and Brooklyn Terrell organized the event with help from Chamber Red Carpet Committee members Lindsey Vossler, Tara Nelson and Catherine Chryst.
The T-Bird Nest provides students with first-hand marketing curriculum training for store operations. The store helps with DECA sales promotions, fundraising opportunities and generating revenue for the chapter’s competitive state and national conferences.
This school year, they continue to offer Peer Assisted Learning (PALS) students with direct skills training in retail operations.
According to Flores, DECA community projects allowed the chapter to donate more than $3,000 to people in need last year.
—Courtesy photo
Elevate Athletics basketball hosts culminating event
Elevate Athletics ended the elementary basketball season with a slam dunk! Each triad hosted a culminating event where student athletes were able to show off their skills; even the Grinch stopped by to show his support. Registration is now open for Elevate Athletics Volleyball. The season runs from Feb. 5-Mar. 14.
—Photos by Brad White & Megan Case
Central Triad culminating event
South Triad culminating event
East Triad culminating event
Parent Updates
Board announces superintendent candidate interviews
The Laramie County School District 1 Board of Trustees will be interviewing three candidates for the LCSD1 Superintendent of Schools position on Jan. 24, Jan. 29 and Jan. 31.
The deadline for community members to submit questions for Laramie County School District 1’s superintendent candidate community forums is noon, Sunday, Jan. 21. To submit a question, go to bit.ly/LCSD-1.
For additional information and to view candidate resumes, please visit: https://www.laramie1.org/en-US/superintendent-interviews-97f19a2a
Virtual days alleviate need to extend the school year
Throughout the course of the school year, the superintendent may enact a district-wide or school-wide virtual learning day due to inclement weather, facilities issues, natural disasters, etc. Conducting a virtual day rather than shutting down school completely enables Laramie County School District 1 to meet the Wyoming statutory requirement of 175 school days without needing to extend the school year into June.
When inclement weather is predicted, teachers will work to ensure student iPads are charged and in students’ hands prior to them leaving at the end of the school day. Additionally, they will work with students to ensure they are able to log into Canvas or the online platform they will use for the virtual learning day.
If a student cannot access the online platform, teachers will make alternative learning arrangements for them.
Formal notification of a virtual learning day or delayed start will take place through the district’s mass-notification system no later than 5:30 a.m. on the day of the event. More information about the LCSD1 Board of Trustees virtual day policy is available at: http://go.boarddocs.com/wy/laramie1/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=9Q5QC4689A4E
Welcome Navigating Laramie 1 class of 2024!
LCSD1's community outreach program, Navigating Laramie 1, kicked off this week with a session about finance. We are excited to announce this year's class of community members who are eager to learn more about our district and how to better support Cheyenne's youth.
Top row, PJ Brennan, Denise Newell and Michelle Wilcox. Bottom row, Christie Goertel, Nicole Perez, Mynda Camphouse and Tasha Coryell. Not pictured, Brandy Ratcliff and Mary Jacobsen.
—Photo by Megan Case
January Events
Jan. 22 - Board of Trustees meeting, 6 p.m., Storey Gym Boardroom
Jan. 24 - Superintendent Candidate Community Forum, 6-7 p.m., Storey Gym Boardroom
Jan. 27 - Laramie County Science Fair, 8-11:30 a.m., Triumph High School
Jan. 29 - Superintendent Candidate Community Forum, 6-7 p.m., Storey Gym Boardroom
Jan. 31 - Superintendent Candidate Community Forum, 6-7 p.m., Storey Gym Boardroom