Math Matters
2014-15 Vol 3 November
Virtual Manipulatives
The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives, sponsored by Utah State University, is the largest online collection of ineractive vitual manipulatives. There are applications for all grade levels and they are organized by content strand. These make for great tools at helping students visualize the math behind the procedures, to explore in whole class lessons, and to place in technology stations for student use.
Cut the Knot
Edmodo for Math
LEISD Elementary Math code: 4vw9wd
LEISD Secondary Math code: e2x9mu
Classroom Instructional Links
Illuminations is a project designed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics that works to serve teachers by increasing access to quality standards based resources for teaching and learning mathematics, including interactive tools for students and instructional support for teachers.
The site contains a searchable database of lessons and interactivities you can use with students, including over 600 lesson plans and over 100 lessons. Also including are virtual manipulatives, applets, and games.
Students can also play 13 online games through Calculation Nation and there are online and mobile learning apps as well for both Android and iOS devices.
As a teacher, this site is one I bookmarked and used it regularly when planning. You will LOVE all the resources you can find.
Think Through Math
Cooperative Learning Strategy - Rally Table
1. Cooperative teams are given one paper and one pen/pencil to use.
2. The teacher poses a problem or provides a task to which there are multiple possible answers, steps, or procedures.
3. The teacher provides an example and checks for understanding. A time limit is set.
4. The teacher selects a student to begin in each team (lettering or number off students works best)
5. The starting students quickly write the first step, first procedure, first word or phrase, etc and then pass the paper to the team member to the left.
6. The paper continues to go around the table as each student adds to the solution process or the list (whatever applies).
7. The teacher calls time. All pencils are placed down on the table.
8. The teams take turns sharing their responses with the rest of the class and celebrate successes.
Feature: Formative Assessment Classroom Technique (FACT) - I Use to Think....But Now I Know...
Provide students with a copy of a recording sheet, or have them make their own, or to write down and fill in the sentence: I used to think ______, but now I know ______. Provide time for a quiet think and write. Explain to students that they should describe how their ideas changed or how they became more detailed compared to what they know at the beginning of instruction. Use Think-Pair-Share, Partner Speaks, or other pair strategies to have students read and share their reflections with a partner.
One example: "I used to think multiplication always made larger numbers, but now I know it makes smaller numbers when I multiply by a fraction or a decimal number between 0 and 1."
Tips for the Math Teacher: Use graphic representations or illustrations to enhance students' memory while they are listening.
Graphic Representations can include:
Flowcharts, rough structural sketches, continuums, number lines, matrices, Venn diagrams, tree diagrams, concept maps, and problem-solution charts.
See examples below
Questions to Engage Thinking Skills
How could you find out more about ____?
How is ____ like _____?
What patterns can you find ... ?
How could you draw .... ?
What steps are involved in ... ?
Kelli Mallory, Ed.D.
Email: integralmathematics@gmail.com
Website: www.mathcutups.com
Phone: 214-471-5760
Facebook: facebook.com/mathcutups
Twitter: @mathcutups