LMS Eagle Update
January 27, 2017
Principal's Message
Dear Parents,
I hope your January is as good as ours. Our students are staying busy, working to improve our school one action at a time. Students are participating in 4H and FFA. Robotics teams are prepping for their final competition, bands are working towards spring performances, and our basketball teams are deep into the season, and working to finish on a strong note.
Progress report grades are due on January 30, and progress reports will be sent home shortly afterward. If students are interested in improving their grades, encourage them to attend tutorials before or after school. Also, I encourage you to check (or have your child check for you...they know how!) their grades online to keep up to date on their progress.
I would like to bring to your attention a minor change. Insulated coffee mugs have become a popular item. While handy, these cups have led to multiple spills throughout our building. In an effort to be flexible, we have allowed the mugs and asked students to keep them in the back of the room on a cabinet. This has led to a crowding effect on cabinetry and has not reduced spills. To ensure we maintain our facilities properly, I would like to ask that students leave these items at home. If the student wishes to bring a drink to stay hydrated, please ensure it is in an easily carried bottle that has a lockable lid that screws in (i.e. a water bottle). I appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a clean building and reducing lost learning time to clean-up efforts.
Again, we have a lot planned this spring, so please keep up-to-date on our calendar, which is posted below.
Finally, please take the time to fill out our elective survey which I'm linking to this document. This survey will provide us information on electives and extracurricular activities. I will close out responses at 4:00 on Friday, February 3rd. Click the link below to fill out the survey.
William Paul
Lexington Middle School
*Eagle Reader's Award*
Reading is essential to success in school. Students who are struggling to read on grade level, have a hard time passing their other classes as well (they all require reading...even math!). Reading struggles are not only linked to academic behaviors, but disciplinary issues as well. Encourage your student to read every day.
For our part, we are encouraging reading through our Eagle Reader Award. We are rewarding every reader who accumulates at least 5 points worth of reading a 9 weeks, and are rewarding the Top Reader as well.
To be eligible for a reading award, students must submit their book reports into the questionnaire linked below. If they have read a book this nine weeks, they must fill this out to become eligible for the reward.
To participate, students must first read a book and then click on the link for:
ELA/Reading Fiction Questionnaire
ELA/Reading Non-Fiction Questionnaire
Counselor's Corner *Updated*
Upcoming Dates
1/30 - Grades due
1/30 - Cheer Parent Meeting
2/1 - CEIC
2/13 - February Board Meeting
2/16 - NAEP Assessment
2/20 - Bad Weather Day
2/22 - CEIC
2/25 - Robotics Invitational Tournament
3/3 - Student Holiday
3/6 - Cheer Tryouts
3/6 - Board Meeting
3/10 - End of Grading Period 3
3/13-3/17 - Spring Break
3/21 - CEIC
3/24 - LMS Band Field Trip - Six Flags
3/28-29 - STAAR
3/30 - 5th Grade Parent Meeting
Miscellaneous Procedures
2. Be reminded that anyone who will pick a student up from school must have their name on our "safe to transport" list. The person picking up students may also be required to show ID.
How can I check my child's grades? www.lexingtonisd.net -> progress reports
Lexington Middle School
Website: www.lexingtonisd.net
Location: 121 Third St, Lexington, TX, United States
Phone: 979-773-2254
Twitter: @LexingtonISD