Little Trojan News
Centerburg Elementary Newsletter - January 2024
Little Free Library
From the Principal - Mr. Thompson
Please check PowerSchool often to keep informed of you child's progress in each of his/her classes. If you need help logging in to PowerSchool, please contact the school.
Report Cards for Second Quarter went home on January 22nd
As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child is coming to school with a jacket, hat, and gloves. We go out to recess if the 'feel like' temperature is 20 degrees or higher.
Congratulations to the following students for having Perfect Attendance for the 1st semester
Joanne Bernicken
Emma Gornichec
Zachary Haynes
Piper Rasor
Isabella Jallow
Whittaker McKee
Laura Burke
Harlee James
Logan Meyhoefer
McKayla Crabtree
Owen Ott
Evan Ott
Kylie Kirby
Jaxon Stimmel
Nicholas Ross
Zayne Matthews
Luna Campbell
Vivian Schaller
Ricky Myers
Andrew Holden
Ellsie Staats
Bryson Russell
Avery Siebold
Emmalyn Staats
Everly Shaver
Clay Walschott
Alexandria Taylor
Gavin White
Caroline Gulyas
They will receive an invite soon for a Perfect Attendance Field Trip.
Welcome New Staff!
Cody Lunder is a first-year, third grade teacher at Centerburg Elementary School where he teaches Writing, Social Studies, and Science. He is thrilled to be working in third grade alongside the teachers he had as a student in elementary. He attended Centerburg Elementary, Middle, and High School (Class of 2018). In 2022, Cody received his Bachelor's from Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, Ohio, where he studied Elementary Education (PK-5) and Theatre. Additionally, Cody is the instructor for the Trojan Pride Marching Band Color Guard and will be assisting with Centerburg High School's musical this spring.
School Social Work Corner - Mrs. Mann
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
Beginning this school year, the Ohio Department of Education is requiring all schools to provide Child Sexual Abuse Prevention to students in grades K-6. The instruction is to occur annually and include information on available counseling and resources for children who have been sexually abused. As a licensed school social worker, Mrs. Mann will be providing developmentally appropriate instruction to all students in grades K-5. Please feel free to contact her with any questions or concerns at extension 3116.
Upcoming Events
January 22 - February 2 - Book Fair
January 25 - Student of the Month
January 30 - Book Fair Family Night 3:15 - 7:00pm
February 1 - Health Expo in partnership with MVNU
February 1 - Book Fair Family Night 3:15 - 7:00pm
February 2 - Nerf Night 7:00 - 9:00pm
February 13 - PTO Meeting 7:00pm
February 16 - No School - Conference Comp Day
February 19 - No School - President's Day
February 22 - Student of the Month
Happenings in the Classroom
December Holiday Fun!
Cookie Bake
Visit from the Grinch
Mrs. Kerr's class
Visit from the Grinch
Miss Sammon's class
4th Grade Social Studies
Students in 4th grade studied how the American Colonies were founded, and experienced oppression by the King of Britain through unfair taxes on the Colonists.