Guardsman Gazette
October 23rd, 2023
Congratulations to these nine Penn seniors who recently learned that they are National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists: Owen Black, Jacob Ciliberti, Lillian Gregory, Lily Meyer, Olivia Nijim, Noah Schafer, Connor Schmitt, Jayden Wang, and Felix Zhang! These Kingsmen have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 7,140 National Merit Scholarships worth nearly $28 million that will be offered this coming spring to the Class of 2024. Nationwide, the Semifinalists represent less than 1% of all U.S. high school seniors; they are the highest-scoring entrants in each state. Click to learn more about the National Merit Scholarship program and the selection criteria.
Upcoming Events
- No School - Fall Recess
- Disc Golf 8-9AM
- FLL 4:00-5:30pm
- Spell Bowl Practice, Room 148, 4:05-5:00
- Boys Basketball Game vs. Jimtown at Grissom, 5 pm
- FLL 4:00-5:30pm
- Boys Basketball Game vs. Westside at Westide, 5 pm
- GMS Debate, 4-6 pm, Room 153
- Spell Bowl Practice, Room 148, 4:05-5:00
- Weight Lifting Club 4-5pm
- ButterBraid Sale Pickup, 4:15-6:15 in LGI (All orders must be picked up by parents/guardians)
- FLL 4-5:30 pm
- Community Open Gym: 7-9 pm
Butterbraid Pickup
ButterBraid Delivery is this Thursday, October 26 - Pickup products in the LGI from 4:00-6:30pm. Items arrive frozen and must stay frozen until use. Because items cannot fit in backpacks, All orders must be picked up by parents or guardians. Orders will be sorted by Student's Last Name. If you cannot make it to pickup items on Thursday, please let us know at grissompto@gmail.com, and we will put them back in the freezer.
Thank you to all who participated! Students raised over $7,000 for DC trips!
Thursday afternoon we need help getting pastries out in an organized, efficient way. If you are willing to donate any time between 2 and 6:30 to help pass these out, it would be greatly appreciated! Click here to sign up!
Teacher of the Month
Know of a Teacher Making a Difference?
We have amazing staff at Grissom! One of the best things you can receive as an educator is recognition from staff and families for the hard work and impact you are making each day.
Please use this form to nominate a teacher who you feel should be celebrated for their efforts.
A Teacher Of The Month is someone who goes above an beyond for the families and colleagues of Grissom Middle School. They are people you trust and respect, and deserve to be recognized for their work with our students.
Report Cards
Report Cards will be available to families Friday, October 27.
Please log on to Family Access (Skyward) to download your child's report card.
With report cards coming out, we often see an increase of parent communication/ questions. Please see the communication chart below to help us ensure effective and timely communication with families.
Here are the steps you will follow to access the information:
1- Login to Family Access
2- Click on the Report Card folder for your student
3- Click on the download button to download a PDF of the Report Card
4- Once the Report Card has been downloaded, you may print a copy
Winter Spirit Wear
One-Week ONLY Sale
Fall Picture Retakes
Retake picture day is coming soon! Below is your picture date, order code & one click link to online ordering for your retake picture day. THIS CODE IS DIFFERENT FROM THE ORIGINAL ORDER CODE.
Students who ordered a package on original picture day but are choosing to get their picture retaken MUST bring their original picture package with them on retake day to give to the photographer. They DO NOT need to place a new order. If they forget their package on retake day, we will take their photo & write their name down but we won’t order a new package until the old one is returned.
If a student has already been photographed & did not previously place an order, they should not be participating in retakes UNLESS the parent has requested that they do so.
Retake Picture Day is: November 8, 2023
Order Code is: 79161GT
Website: https://inter-state.com/
Your Unique Web link to order is: https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/79161GT
Veterans Day Program
Students can pick up fliers in the main office.
Clubs @ Grissom
Grissom Lunch Menu
Yearbook Sales!
Dear GMS Families-
The Grissom 2023-2024 Yearbook is on sale now. You can order today with this online order form.
Our yearbooks capture the full year which means they go to print in early June and your student will be able to pick their yearbook up at the start of the new school year. This timeline allows us to include all those special moments like Track and Field season, spring concerts, and our end of year celebrations.
Order your yearbook today!
Ashley Kelver
Grissom is Great!
Thank you to all of our GMS families who made it out to Student-Led Conferences last week! It was great to see a positive turnout and teachers, students, and parents partnering together to support learning!
If you did not make it out, I hope you found time to have your child present his/her slides to you. Students worked hard on these and it is a great reflection of the work they are putting into each class.
Staff vs. Students Volleyball Game
Riley Children's Hospital
What a wonderful end to a short week as we hosted a Staff vs. Students volleyball game Thursday afternoon. Our volleyball girls held their own and did an impressive job against our staff team. We had a slight height advantage with a few of our players, but had a lot of fun!
Thank you to Hannah Marko and Emily Shreve for organizing this event and raising $250.00 for Riley Children's Hospital!
Principal, Grissom Middle School