Teaching & Learning
November 2021
More and more, I find myself saying the following phrase, ‘We can do hard things.’ I’m not sure if it is to remind myself or to encourage others. It’s probably a bit of both. Regardless, it is important to acknowledge that life can be hard at times not only for us but for others as well. How we get through the hard, I believe, is by helping to carry the hard for and with each other.
I am inspired each day by witnessing people in this district helping to lighten the load for someone else. It’s not usually done in a grandiose way but rather in small ways – a smile, a kind word of encouragement, an offer to help, etc. What I also notice is that those who find ways to manage the hard for themselves and in helping others are usually those individuals that speak words of gratitude, and in fact their entire attitude is one of gratitude. That perspective can and will make all the difference in ‘doing the hard things’ and is something worth reflecting on during the month of giving thanks.
~Shanna Dinkel
Upcoming Events
November 10th: Early Release
November 16th: LETRS Unit 1 - K, 1st, 2nd & Primary SPED
November 18th: LETRS Unit 1 - 4th & 5th
November 19th: LETRS Unit 1 - 3rd & Intermediate SPED
November 22nd-December 17th: FastBridge Winter Testing Open
November 24-26th: Fall Recess
Predictive Interim Assessments
Window 2 – Dec. 6 – Dec. 17
Window 3 – Jan. 31 – Feb. 11
- Mathematics
- Grades 3-7 (all windows)
- Grade 8 (fall & winter)
- Grade 10 (no test available)
- Grades 3-8, 10 (all windows)
Understanding the Predictive Interim Score Report (pdf)
Coming Soon...Hays High Musical "Urinetown"
- November 11th, 12th, 13th: 7:30 pm
- November 14th: 2:00 pm
- 12th St. Auditorium: 323 W. 12th Street
SHOUT OUT to Our New Certified Staff - Keep Up the Good Work!
Steven, Angela, Teri, Marcy, Dawn B., Adam, Shawn, Becky, Dawn H., Melanie, Audra, Jamie, Brian, Megan Bi., Reece, Kasey, Amy, Megan Be., Nicholl, Olivia, Jessica, Peyton, Haley, Jay, Jaime, Peyton, Amanda K., Ashley, Michala, Samantha, Jessica, Hannah, Carly, Kaylor, Kathryn, Alyson, Samantha, Devann, Tina, Amanda P.
- Enter east doors next to the tennis court
- Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:00am-7:45 am
***Prior to attending be sure to check the USD 489 Website Covid Testing Information for any updates or changes to the testing schedule.
489 Help Desk has Added a New Category!
~ Rockwell (RAC) Support Services Category ~
This category includes assistance for:
- Skyward
- Frontline
For assistance, please:
- Login to the USD489 Helpdesk: https://usd489.jitbit.com/helpdesk/User/Login
- Click on the green button "New Ticket"
- Click on "Select Category"
- Click on "Rockwell (RAC) Support Services"
- Then choose from the list of options
FastBridge Winter Testing Window Opens November 22nd through December 17th (applies to both academic and SAEBRs screeners)
Link for Downloads by Grade
- This file contains links to the One Drive folders with testing materials and demo videos.
- Access the needed materials by clicking the appropriate grade level at the top left corner of each table.
- This file can be found any time on the USD 489 website under the Teaching & Learning menu.
~Allison Kitchen
- USD 489 - FastBridge Assessment Overview 2021-22
- Logging into FastBridge for the First Time
- Forgotten Password
- FAST Assessment Estimated Administration Times
- Quick Sheets, Student Materials and Demo Videos can be Accessed on the Assessment Page HERE
- How To Access the List of Student Usernames & Passwords for Your Building
- LETRS Professional Learning Overview
- Scope & Sequence - Grade-level drafts, K-3 (Grades 4 & 5 are still being developed): K-3 Scope and Sequence drafts
How to Earn Graduate Credit for LETRS Volumes 1 and 2
NOVEMBER Family Literacy Night!
K-5 ELA: Teachers College
Teachers College Phonics Videos - https://vimeo.com/showcase/6802092
Teachers College Entire Vimeo Video Collection - https://vimeo.com/tcrwp/videos
Collaboration Meetings KSDE
Math Curriculum Leaders Collaboration
November 23rd, 3pm (Registration Link)
Math Teacher Collaboration
November 23rd, 4pm (Registration Link)
Mathematics Professional Development Opportunities
All PD sponsored by KSDE are free of charge.
Math Differentiation - Quantiles 101: (90 min)
Educator Guide: (Link)
The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)
The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) program is pleased to announce that nominations and applications for the 2021–2022 application cycle are open. Please consider nominating a teacher for this prestigious honor.
The nomination deadline is January 7, 2022, and the application deadline is February 6, 2022.
To nominate a teacher visit: https://www.paemst.org/nomination/nominate
Collaboration Meetings KSDE
Science Curriculum Leaders Collaboration
November 16th , 4pm (Registration Link)
Science Teacher Collaboration
November 17th, 4pm (Registration Link)
Science Professional Development Opportunities
To CERs and Beyond- Arguing from Evidence in the Secondary Classroom
November18th at 4 pm (Registration Link)
Test Talk! Let's Talk About the Fifth Grade Science Assessment
November 22nd at 4:30 pm (Registration Link)
Body Venture Thematic Unit
Join KSDE STEM, Health and Child Nutrition & Wellness in a professional development centered around elementary science, nutrition and fitness. The virtual Body Venture opportunity will be paired with FREE lessons and kits (as supply allows) that can easily be tailored towards elementary classrooms that want to eat smart and play hard. Help science come alive in your classroom with the living body as it's guide!
Register for a training today
- November 5th from 8-noon, (REGISTRATION LINK)
- November 10th from 12:30 - 4:30 (repeated presentation) (REGISTRATION LINK
IPS New Resource
GREAT NEWS on a new resource to frame conversations with parents to support student success!
- Start Career Awareness conversations in Elementary and Middle School
- Please find the first Cool Careers Video created by our friends at Hire Paths. More coming soon!! https://hirepaths.com/cool-careers-videos
***Sign up for the monthly newsletter https://hirepaths.com/for-educators.****
IPS Professional Learning Group
Xello and IPS
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
2:00 to 3:30 PM – Zoom
Registration Link: https://ksde.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsd-6srjosG9KNBj-3v-oF87K2dRiKetKh
Electronic Portfolio – What is Needed? What Works?
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
2:00 to 3:30 PM – Zoom
Registration Link: https://ksde.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvcu6ppz4iHty87qwBHGnjO5bAYpw7DA-Y
Kansans Can Star Recognition and the IPS Component
Tuesday, March 29th, 2022
2:00 to 3:30 PM – Zoom
Registration Link: https://ksde.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvde6vpz8tEtwIdAgmYKJj-AL-ZTciskbm
Effective SEL Protocols in Middle and High Schools
“Check-ins at the beginning of class honor experiences that students bring into the room before we ask them to think about something else,” says Lauren Porosoff in this Edutopia article.
End-of-class check-outs can be a good way to bring closure and get information on how things went. Porosoff suggests ways to get the most out of these routines...“Building a Better Check-In”
Speech/Language Pathologist: https://www.ksha.org/licensing.php
KS Board of Nursing: https://www.kansas.gov/ksbn-verifications/search/records
KS Board of Healing Arts: http://www.ksbha.org/searchforlicensee.shtmll
KS Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board: https://ksbsrb.ks.gov/