Weekly Eagle News
Spring 2023, 20th edition, 05/29/2023 - 06/02/2023
Congrats to Poseidon, the winners of Greek Week 2023. Some footage of the Boat Regatta.
Reminder: No School on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day.
~New Announcements~
Hello Summer
Blood Drive
Work Permits
Spring Student Art Show
Graduation Info
We are so excited to see our Eagles walk the stage!
- Tickets for field seating will be available for pick up on Monday, June 5th.
- Each graduate will receive one ticket for four guests.
- Seating will be assigned.
- Seat assignments will be sent on the week of 5/30 via ParentSquare.
- All guests must arrive together to enter the field.
Additional Seating
- Additional guests are welcome to attend. Open seating will be available in the Home Side Bleachers and standing room only on the Blacktop. These areas are not reserved. Blankets and other items cannot be used to block these seats. Gates open at 3:30 PM.
Accessible/ Handicap Parking
- Handicap Parking Spaces will be reserved at the front of the school. The lane in front of the gym and the first three Staff parking rows will be marked and designated for handicap parking. Please make sure your handicap placard can be viewed.
Accessible/ Handicap Shuttle
- A shuttle will be available for those that need assistance. There will be a shuttle waiting area at the front of the school near the parking lot, between the Main Office and the Gym.
Accessible/ Handicap Seating
- Handicap seating is located on the ground level of the Home Side Bleachers. Seating passes for this area can be picked up at the main office between May 31 - June 7 from the front desk. These passes help us account for the number of chairs needed in this area. Handicap seating passes are good for that person and their escort.
- Campus Candids will be on site taking professional pictures. All grads and their parents/guardians will receive an email on how to purchase.
- If you want to get ahead of your registration to purchase photos, follow the instructions on this link (or use the QR code below).
Live Streaming
- The ceremony will be live-streamed and available through our school youtube page (@aghseagles). AGHS will also send out the link and post it on the school website and on Facebook @AGHSEagles prior to the ceremony.
- Diplomas can be picked up at the Records Office immediately after the ceremony. If unable to pick them up after the ceremony, they will be available the week after graduation (June 12 through June 16) in the Records Office during business hours or when the staff returns after August 1, 2023.
What can I wear?
- Graduates can wear any regalia earned while at Arroyo Grande High School including cords earned with Give Back 250, CTE, and AVID. Stoles earned with AP Capstone and Gold Tassels earned with a 4.0 GPA or higher. There are also medals earned with various programs such as Skills USA, Thespian Troop, and Leadership, to name a few.
- Caps may be decorated as long as the design is flat and school appropriate. Caps must have the edge color remain blue and items may not extend from the top. Seniors, see the Google Classroom for more information.
- Graduates may not wear leis of any kind (flowers, candy, money). You are welcome to present your graduate with their personal items on the Blacktop after the ceremony.
Please reach out to clark.goossen@lmusd.org with any questions that have not been answered here. Thank you! Looking forward to the big day.
Hancock Student Orientation
Library News
As we all look forward to summer, it's time to plan to return your books!
- Last day to check out library books is May 15
- All library books (not textbooks) due May 30
- Seniors ONLY will return their chromebooks with their English classes during the week of 5/30-6/2. If you do not have an English class, you can return your device at any time that week.
- If you are returning to AGHS in the fall, you should keep your chromebook!
- Classes will be scheduled to return textbooks
- Return all books you are no longer using as soon as you are finished with them
- Seniors will have to clear their library accounts/fees in order to pick up their diploma
Congrats to Grace Willkomm, Female Most Outstanding Senior Athlete for AGHS
Great teammate, like another coach on the court!
Congrats to Jack Capra, Male Most Outstanding Senior Athlete for AGHS
Sports Physical Night is June 15th at Nipomo High School
AGHS Athletics is moving to a new system for athletic clearance, HOMECAMPUS.COM. Students must complete the athletic clearance process before participating in athletics each school year. This includes tryouts, practices, weightlifting, and offseason workouts.
All necessary information required for clearance is collected online including the Sports Physical Form. Please make sure to upload both pages of the form: History Intake and Physical Examination.
Parents/Guardians can use the same account for multiple students. Also, each student can be cleared for multiple sports at the time of clearance or another sport can be added later in the year if necessary.
Sports Physical Night will be held the evening of June 15th at Nipomo High School. Students can attend with a parent/guardian and receive a free sports physical in order to be cleared for the 23-24 school year including the summer. More detailed information will be added soon.
For any questions regarding Athletic Clearance, please email Asst. Athletic Director James Carter at james.carter@lmusd.org.
~Career Center News~
Career Center Hours:
Career Center is open all day on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Open at lunch only on Monday and Friday.
Go to the AGHS Website under scholarships for more information or stop by the Career Center.
Other opportunities and deadlines approaching so be sure to check out the website.
Need a quiet place to get your work done after school? The Homework Center is open from 3:45-4:45 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in room 208 in the Career Center. The HW Center is open to all students! Hope to see you there!
Math and English Tutoring
Science, History and Other Tutoring Options
Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Memorial Day 2023 will occur on Monday, May 29.
Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season.
Camp Yeager
Physician Mentoring Program
Connect with us!
Email: AGHS@lmusd.org
Website: https://www.aghseagles.org/
Location: 495 Valley Road, Arroyo Grande, CA, USA
Phone: 805-474-3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AGEagles
Twitter: @twitter_AGHSEagles