Fundación Sierra Minera
Start: 06.09.2024
End: 07.08.2025
The schedule of volunteer activities will be between 30 and 38 hours per week.
The situation of the Sierra Minera de Cartagena - La Union is characterized by a serious deterioration resulting from the mining crisis and the deep socio-economic depression that had its peak in the early nineties. These circumstances have turned our territory into one of the areas of the Region of Murcia in which factors that push part of its population to social exclusion are concentrated: such as high unemployment or school failure and school dropout. Minors are the most vulnerable sector of the population and therefore we propose a socio-educational intervention so that, through group workshops, they can improve their social and academic skills, providing them with the basic skills necessary for their reincorporation into the educational-formative system. and also develop their social skills and learn to self-organize to participate in leisure activities, relating in a healthy and respectful way both with their peers and with the environment in which they live.
Among other activities, the following are foreseen:
- Design of individualized itineraries
- Workshops on linguistic competence
- Compensation and educational reinforcement workshops
- Workshops to improve socio-educational, social and personal skills.
- Activation, leisure and social participation workshops.
- Support for school visits to the "Huerto Pío" Environmental Education Park.
- Support in the organization of routes to learn about and raise awareness of the cultural and natural heritage of the area.
- Environmental awareness workshops.
- Support in visits to the facilities of the Interpretation Center "Mina Las Matildes".
The target audience for these activities is mainly minors as well as young people at risk of exclusion and other needs.
These activities are mostly carried out in the afternoons, although some workshops take place in the morning or half a day. A possible example of a schedule would be the afternoons of Monday through Thursday as well as the mornings of Thursday and Friday. Within the schedule there is specific time dedicated for internal work and preparation of material and activities. Occasionally, activities can be carried out outside the usual hours or on weekends and whenever this is the case, the time will be compensated with the usual schedule.
On full-time days, the volunteer can heat up and eat their food in the room set up for this purpose with the rest of the team members.
All these activities are inspired by the objectives and principles of CES, with the purpose of building a more inclusive society for the most vulnerable people, emphasizing non-discrimination, tolerance and mutual help. We consider the inclusion of the ESC in this activity an opportunity because it will allow us to give a European vision to our action, to raise awareness of the "European Child Guarantee" and the principles related to the European Pillar of Social Rights.
We want our projects to foster the development of solidarity in young people and generate a greater awareness of what it means to be citizens who actively participate in society. We also want our projects to provide young people with a unique learning experience through which they can grow not only professionally but also on a personal and human level.
Our volunteering project seeks to promote the values promoted by the EU and the ECS Program, such as solidarity, equality, justice, respect, the fight against exclusion and xenophobia, etc.
Practical arrangements: The schedule of the volunteer activities will be between 30 and 38 hours per week. The volunteer will work max. 38 hours on 5 days per week.
Holidays: According to the rules of ESC, volunteers must have 2 working days off per month.
Accommodation: The volunteers will live in a room in a shared flat located in the city of Cartagena together with other volunteers. The room and the flat will be fully equipped, and electricity, water, gas and internet will be covered by the lead organization (till the amount of 30€ per volunteer).
Pocket money: The volunteer will receive the monthly rate foreseen by the Spanish NA, 186€ per month.
Food: The volunteer will receive 184€ for food every month.
Local transport: Every volunteer will have a chance to choose a bike or bus card provided by the hosting organization if it is needed.
Language support: The volunteer is entitled to receive language support with an online platform, as stated on the ESC programme guide.
Medical insurance: The volunteer will be covered by a private insurance that will cover all the expenses not covered by the public health system (health, accident and civil liability insurance).
Travel costs: The volunteer will receive financial support for travel from his/her country to Spain and from Spain to his/her country once the project is completed, up to a maximum amount established by the European Commission according to the distance band.
Visa and residence permit fees: The volunteer will receive financial support for visa arrangements (if required).
Deposit: The volunteer will have to make a 370€ deposit that will be reimbursed once the project is ended and the volunteer leaves tidy, clean, and with no damage in the private room and common areas, and if the volunteer doesn't leave the project without a justified reason before it ends.
Anyone interested after reading the info above, fill in the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM and attach their CV and motivation letter (in English or Spanish).
This project is aimed at young people between 18 and 30 years old who have not participated in any European volunteering project (EVS or ESC) before. We will give priority to the selection of young people with fewer opportunities.
The selection will be made based on the attitude, the willingness to participate, the motivation and the commitment to the values of the project rather than knowledge and skills of the candidates .
We value the responsibility, the spirit of initiative, the patience and the ability to step back from interpersonal conflicts in order to deal with them more effectively, and the enthusiasm and willingness to participate in the different activities offered.
No young person willing to participate in our project will be excluded for any reason (economic difficulties; social or geographical obstacles; cultural or ideological differences; sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, gender and gender identity, etc.).
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Fundación Sierra Minera is a non-profit organization that brings together the associative network and works for the development of the Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Union. We are a non-profit organization that brings together the associative fabric of the villages of the Sierra Minera de Cartagena - La Union.
Our objectives are:
- To promote the development of the Sierra Minera de Cartagena - La Union, at an economic, labor, social, environmental, educational and cultural level.
- To promote, articulate, manage and execute all the projects that contribute to this development.
- To bind the social fabric of the region before the Public Administrations and private interests, discovering a dynamic process of social participation around the proposals for the development of the Sierra Minera.
- To encourage and support associations.
The MISSION of the Sierra Minera Foundation is to promote the sustainable development of the Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Unión through the recovery of its cultural and environmental heritage, the training and social and labor insertion of the population at risk of exclusion and the strengthening of its associative fabric.
As a volunteer, the European Solidarity Corps lets you learn through non-formal experiences, improve existing skills or acquire new ones for your personal, educational or professional development.
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