The Nashua News
October 2020
Nashua Elementary
Important Numbers:
Main Office 321-5160
Attendace Line: 321-5162
Nurse's Office: 321-5163
Location: 221 NE 114th St, Kansas City, MO, USA
Phone: (816) 321-5160
Twitter: @NashuaStars
Upcoming Events
2-Future Falcon Day
5-Nashua Spirit Day
12-16 National School Lunch Week
13-Turn in Tuesday-Camo Day
13-Face To Face Students Picture Day (note date change)
15-Virtual Students Picture Day (note date change)
19-23 School Bus Safety Week
26-30 Red Ribbon Week
26-Virtual Scholastic Book Fair Opens
30-Fall Parties
Principally Speaking
As we continue to work through the many challenges this year presents, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued partnership as we move this Nashua Community forward!
Fall Party Information
3:00 pm Fall Parade with costumes
3:15 pm Fall Parties in classrooms
*Students can wear costumes to school, we ask that costumes are gore free, weapons free, and violence free (Costumes must be easily removed for restroom use)
*Please do not send treats with your child. We are unable to pass out any items this year.
*Students will have fall themed activities and a movie in their classrooms.
*Strict social distancing will be followed
News for the Nashua PTA
President: Robyn Tuwei,
Vice President: Kathy Stitt,
Secretary: Megan Micek,
Treasurer: Tracy Taylor,
Asst. Treasurer: Laura Meador,
Tracy will be collecting from the Drop Box in the office and dropping off checks on Tuesdays this year. Expect a 1 week turn around for requests. If you need to have something expedited, please email her directly.
Book Fair: Book Fair will be virtual this year and run from October 26th - November 6th. More information to come.
PTA Fundraiser: Fitness and Fundraising is happening September 24th to October 8th! We encourage every student to check in each day to complete their fitness challenge and take a moment to share their personal page with family and friends to ask for donations. Our school has many needs this year including water bottles and masks. Please contact the PTA with any questions and thank you for your support! To view the interactive fundraising calendar with links to your child's fundraising website:
Labels: Tuesday, October 13th, is the first Turn Them in Tuesday Day. Bring in a zipper bag of labels or empty ink cartridges for Nashua. Everyone can celebrate by dressing up in camouflage. Thank you for your support!
You can also support Nashua with these apps:
Memberships: PTA Memberships (Individual $6 or Business $10) can be purchased online this year! CLICK HERE to purchase.
Open Positions: Visit, click on Contact Us, and look for the yellow highlighting (job descriptions are included). If you are interested or have questions, please e-mail Robyn at Thanks!
Restaurant Nights: Support Nashua by attending restaurant night at On the Border Wednesday, October 14th. A portion of the proceeds returns to the Nashua community. Carryout option is available.
Virtual PTA Meeting: 6 PM on Tuesday, October 20th via Zoom - all are welcome! Link will be emailed.
Spirit Wear: Thank you for your spirit wear orders! Orders are expected to be delivered the first week of October.
Yearbook: You can purchase 2020-21 Nashua yearbooks online for $15. CLICK HERE.
If paying by cash or check, please print, fill out and send this order form with payment to school with your student. Make checks payable to Nashua PTA.