The IMS Connection
Volume 15, Issue 6: February 2019
January left us with some of the coldest temperatures in years, but somehow we escaped the record snowfalls other parts of the country experienced. At least for now. This is a good time for a reminder . . . when a delayed opening has been called, there is no Period 0 (band, orchestra, chorus, early physical education, extra help, or computer lab class). The 120 minute delay schedule is posted on the middle school eBoard.
Cumulative averages are being tallied now that the first semester has been completed. National Junior Honor Society and Renaissance criteria are posted in the student planner, which should answer a number of questions. Please note, all students are considered; however, the criteria includes grades, attendance, and behavior, which form the foundation of the programs and not all students are eligible at the end of each quarter or year. In an effort to monitor the integrity of the programs, the criteria set forth will be what we use to determine eligibility.
Our first Fifth and Sixth grade meet up will be on the Hundredth Day of school, sponsored by IDEA. We encourage all 5th and 6th graders to join us. View flyer, below February Calendar.
Lastly, by this time, I should have received all educational requests for next year’s placements. These requests are not a requirement, as all students will be placed based on the most appropriate program meeting their needs. If you did not receive a reply letter from me, please resubmit.
Kind regards,
Timothy P. Martin
Renaissance Rave
Congratulation to all the Renaissance Card holders who attended our first Renaissance Rally of the school year. The students had a great time celebrating their accomplishments.
Keep up the dedication and hard work as we start our third quarter.
It’s hard to believe we are already approaching the halfway point of the year. I’m excited to share some of the great things happening here at IMS as we turn the corner for the second semester.
First, our initiative to enhance student climate and culture continues. Just last week, we had our first meeting of our new Buccaneer Roundtable. Three students from each grade sat down with members of our Student Culture Committee as well as Dr. Martin and me. We listened to the students’ points of view on such diverse topics as new games for recess, school rules and procedures, and cyber-drama. We look forward to meeting every six weeks and using student feedback to drive enhancements at IMS.
We’ll also be conducting a midyear survey to continue to gather student feedback and better understand our students’ experiences. For the first time, our survey will feature an open-ended response so that students can share their thoughts in a way that might not be captured by an agree/disagree question. We look forward to hearing what our students have to say.
In addition, we’re also launching a new online parent survey. If you haven’t already participated, click here to access it. To incentivize completion, we’ll be awarding prizes to the first advisories to have 100% parent participation. Sign the tear-off form that your child received in class and have them send it back in to their advisor.
We look forward to an exciting and productive second half of the year!
Advisory Theme of the Month:
Kindness and Compassion… We continue to share character traits that express qualities we all like to see in our community. Parents are encouraged to discuss and demonstrate how kindness and compassion benefit all.
Please re-check the district calendar prior to an event to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.
1 Report Cards Posted to Portal
1 SEPTA Sweetheart Dance 6:30-8:30 PM, MS
5 IDEA Task Force Meeting 7:00 PM, HS
12 BOE Meeting 7:30 PM*, WING
12 Booster Club Meeting 7:00 PM, HS Faculty Room
13 IDEA 100 Minutes of Movement / 5th & 6th Graders / View attached flyer below
13 District Art Show 6:30 PM, HS
14 Happy Valentine’s Day
15 (Snow Date) SEPTA Sweetheart Dance
18 - 22 School Closed—Mid Winter Recess
26 Budget Workshop/BOE Mtg. 7:30 PM*, MS
27 SEPTA Meeting 7:00 PM, HS Community Room
100 Minutes of Motion
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
Please re-check the district calendar prior to an event to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.
5 MS Progress Period Ends
5 IDEA Coalition Task Force Meeting, 7:00 PM, HS Community Room
6 District Art Show (snow date)
12 MS Progress Reports Posted to Portal
12 Budget Workshop/BOE Meeting 7:30* PM, MS Auditorium & Library
18 Superintendent's Conference Day (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
19 Booster Club Meeting, 7:00 PM, HS Faculty Room
20 ELL Cultural Celebration, HS Cafeteria/Auditorium 6:00 - 9:00 PM
25 MS Spring Sports Begin
25 PTA Meeting, 7:00 PM, MS Library ( 5th Grade Parents Welcome)
26 Budget Workshop/BOE Meeting 7:30* PM, MS Auditorium & Library
29 Purple & Gold Dinner, 7:00 - 11:00 PM, Captain Bill's
It has been another busy year for the Family & Consumer Science department. The teachers are trying to incorporate more video demonstrations into the lessons for students to view at school or at home. Currently, Mrs. Sauer’s 7th grade classes are finishing the semester with the cooking unit. They began the unit preparing dog biscuits that were donated to the Islip Animal Shelter. They just prepared or will be preparing chocolate chip blondies, cinnamon buns, banana bread as well as pretzels and pizza. Not to mention all from scratch! In the consumerism unit, students had the opportunity to analyze commercials as well as taste test different brands of food comparing name brand versus store brand. What was most surprising to some was that they actually preferred the store brand over the name brand. The students learned that their family could save a tremendous amount of money if they bought the store brand. If it tastes the same or better why not save the money. It was a fun and tasty lesson liked by all.
Mrs. Sauer’s 6th grade classes had a relaxing, fun experience learning how to hand sew, and how to sew a button. A feeling and sense of accomplishment once the projects were complete to take home and show off. The nutrition unit followed and taught the importance of making healthy food choices as well as reading and understanding food labels. The teacher culminated the unit by demonstrating strawberry spinach salad and nutritious blueberry muffins that prepared them for the cooking unit. Currently they are learning how to read and follow directions, measure using the proper equipment and techniques as well as work together as a team for successful results with the recipes.
In Mrs. DeSena’s 6th grade class, “Guest Baker” Miss Rooney came to show the class sugar cookies decorating techniques with homemade Royal Icing! Students made sugar cookies from scratch and got to eat the sweet treats after!
In 7th grade, students took a sneak peek into their futures by participating in a career research project. Students utilized technology by thoroughly researching their careers and then created a final presentation on PowerPoint. As a culminating activity, students partook in a creative writing assignment and wrote “retirement speeches” from their career. During the in-class “retirement party,” students read their speeches in which they reflected on their successes and plans for the future.
Sports Physicals
New York State requires all 7th grade students to have the following screenings:
Scoliosis (girls only)
If any of these screenings are missing on your child's physical examination, they will be completed at the Health Office. The school doctor will see students who have not provided a current physical.
Team 7 Purple is striving to foster student growth academically, personally, and socially. In this pivotal year, the teachers place much emphasis on the importance of kindness, responsibility, respect, and leadership. Collaboratively, the teachers hope to teach the students to be their own advocates and, most importantly, to believe in their self-worth.
In Social Studies, the students are tracing the exciting development of our nation, and will examine the structure of the U.S. Government. They will also engage in challenging readings and closely analyze primary sources, in addition to developing organizational skills and study techniques.
As for English class, the students are reading and analyzing multiple genres of literature using all its elements. We focus on strengthening students’ abilities to read, write, listen, and speak the English language. We have been enjoying short stories, poems, and novels!
English is not the only language of the team, we have both Spanish and Italian. These classes have been learning vocabulary, language structure, conversation and culture. Spanish students learned about Mexico's Day of the Dead celebrations; on the other hand, Italian students will learn about how Carnevale (Mardi Gras) is celebrated in different Italian cities.
In Science, students continue to apply the science skills that they learned in the first quarter of the year. Students are either continuing with their study of matter in its most basic form or are learning to measure the physical properties that make up all forms of matter. Throughout the rest of the year, students will study the forces that interact with all objects and the energies that are behind those forces.
In Math, the new Next Generation Standards are integrated into daily lessons. The students are being challenged to not only answer but also justify results. Throughout the year, there is a continuous emphasis on vocabulary and test taking strategies. Please encourage your child to attend extra help as needed.
Lastly, we are a co-teach team in Math, Science, English, and Social Studies. The collaboration between Ms. McHale, Ms. Minicozzi and the team teachers is a wonderful asset to all students on Team 7 Purple.
Team 7 Purple looks forward to continuing a successful school year. Thus far, it has been our complete pleasure. We encourage both parents and students to check out eBoards and the Parent Portal for updates in classes. As always, we would like to thank the parents and guardians of our students for their ongoing support.
It is a great pleasure to share the following news:
This past Saturday, the EXCEL Future City team competed in the Regional Competition in Manhattan. The team has been working hard since last June to prepare for this 5-part competition, and their hard work has paid off.
The team competed against 43 teams and won 1st place. The girls won iPads, amazon gift cards, and will now be the only team going forward to represent NY at our Nation's Capital, spending February break competing in Washington, DC against teams from not only across the nation, but across the globe.
Congratulations and good luck to:
Abby Alfano
Erica DeLapi
Emily Lewis
Jaci Narducci
Regional Competition in Manhattan.
Mrs. Johnson and The Furture City Team
President Jennifer Sanders
Vice President Colleen Kurka
Secretary Tina Hardekopf
Treasurer Denise Nash
Thank you to all who came out for the Naviance demonstration at our January PTA meeting. We had a great turnout and learned a lot about the tools available to our children through this program. We would also like to also thank the guidance department for coming to the meeting and teaching our parents.
Unbelievably, we are almost half way through our school year! Our yearbook committee has been working hard gathering pictures for the yearbook. They came to school during lunch periods to photograph the eighth graders for the “photo booth” pages in the yearbook. There were many laughs and the students had a lot of fun! I would like to extend a huge thank you to all who volunteered.
At our next meeting on March 25, at 7:00 p.m., Dr. Martin will be sharing the most recent data in reference to climate and culture at IMS. This information is gathered from students, parents, and staff. In addition, Dr. Martin will be hosting a middle school overview. All current 5th grade families are welcome and encouraged to attend this meeting. He will be answering your questions about coming to middle school next year. Please share this information with your friends and neighbors, hope to see you on Monday, March 25, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the MS Library.
Winners from Our First Renaissance Rally!
Students Take Over IMS Social Media
Dr. Martin and Mr. Miltenberg's Midyear Meetings
Orchestras Shine at String Fest
Volleyball Wraps Up a Great Season
First Ever Buccaneer Roundtable
Advisory Pays Kindness Forward
Winter is Here...
Should the opening of school be delayed, school canceled, or students dismissed early, families may expect a timely announcement to that effect via automated telephone message and on the following television, radio stations, and websites:
FIOS 1 News
97.5 FM
WALK – 1370 AM
WHLI – B103 FM
WBAB – 102.3 FM
WBLI – 106.1 FM
Reminder: If school is closed or dismissed early, all after-school activities are canceled.
Website: islipufsd.org
Location: 211 Main Street, Islip, NY, United States
Phone: 631-650-8500
Facebook: facebook.com/IslipMS
Twitter: @IslipMS