Principal Update
Mills Elementary, October 24, 2022 - October 28, 2022
APEX Schoolwide Fundraiser is Here!
The theme this year is 'X-Factor.' https://apexleadershipco.com/apex-x-factor/
Please keep these dates in mind:
- APEX Kickoff Pep Rally Oct 25, Cafeteria: 1:15 PreK-2nd Grade & 2:00pm 3rd Grade-5th Grade (Students only)
- Fun Run Nov 3, During Grade Level PE times, (PreK/ECSE 11:30am): Parents/caregivers Invited- come cheer on your Mountain Lion!
**Please complete this Google Form for each individual who plans on attending the Fun Run Event: https://forms.gle/mD3tC5X4WJLW2uBe7
Human Sexuality and Responsibility Curriculum
This December, all Austin ISD elementary schools will be teaching the updated Human Sexuality and Responsibility content.
This year, parents must opt in for their children to participate in the Kinder-5th Grade health lessons. Please take time to familiarize yourself with the content and lessons which can be viewed at the link below.
Once the district provides the Parent Permission Forms you will have the option to opt in/out of each individual lesson. Students who opt out will be provided with alternative district-created lessons which will cover Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills.
We will be holding a Mills Parent/Caregiver Information Session on November 2nd from 5:30pm-6:30pm via Zoom to share information and answer any questions you may have regarding the district's requirement that schools teach HSR.
RSVP for the parent/caregiver info session here: https://forms.gle/VT9nNXGSfD51Whw99
Zoom link will be shared with parents/caregivers after RSVP
View the HSR lessons here:
Hip Happenings in the Mills Music Department
Kindergarten: participating in different activities that involve self regulating with music. Kindergarteners do yoga & calm their bodies to music!
1st Grade: Refining our five voices (speaking, whisper, calling, singing, and thinking) with the recent addition of our spooky voice. We are currently working on decoding rhythmic patterns and connecting rhythm to our bodies.
2nd Grade:History in music. Discussing “Music with a message” across several grade levels. We have covered several historical figures such as Francis Scott Key, MLK Jr., Maya Angelou, and Muhammed Ali.
3rd Grade: review of music terminology including measure, bar line, and meter. We have progressed from reading four beat groups to reading two measures in a row and decoding rhythms over a bar line.
4th Grade: learning about solfege and melody using whole body learning and xylophones.
5th Grade: decoding rhythms with sixteenth, eighth, and quarter notes, and quarter rests, and adding solfege to our rhythm practice to incorporate vocal skills along with Curwen hand signs. We are getting ready to start our ukulele unit very soon!
This Week & Looking Ahead
Love Your Brain Week Kickoff
Mindfulness is Your Superpower! Wear something to represent your fave superhero (no costumes)
Tuesday 10/25
Gratitude-Tuesday: Wear crazy socks today!
Wednesday 10/26
Wellness Wednesday: Wear your favorite team shirt or workout clothes!
Chris Barton Author Visit for 3rd- 5th Grades
Thursday 10/27
Thoughtful Thursday: Wear a wild hairstyle
Dirt Club Work Evening, 5:00pm-6:30pm
Friday 10/28
SEL School wide Assembly
Feel Good Friday: Wear your pajamas or a Mills shirt
Looking Ahead
November 1- Dia De Los Muertos
November is Kindness & Compassion Month
November is Native American Heritage Month
November 2- Principal Coffee (Human Sexuality and Responsibility Caregiver Info Session), 5:30pm-6:30pm via Zoom (RSVP above)
November 3- APEX Fun Run (parents/caregivers invited)
November 4- Report Cards available in Parent Portal
November 7-November 11 Book Fair
November 8- ELECTION DAY-Student Holiday- Staff Professional Development Day
November 9- Mills Family Math Night & Book Fair
November 11- Veteran's Day Assembly
November 14- November CAC Meeting
November 16- Educational Support Professionals Day
November 16- Pre-K Thanksgiving Performance 8am
November 16- UIL Campus Meet, 3:30pm-4:30pm (3rd-5th)
November 17- Thanksgiving Lunch
November 21- November 25- Fall (Thanksgiving) Break