TVAH High School Newsletter
September 4, 2018
Welcome to Texas Virtual Academy at Hallsville! We are so excited to have you with us as part of our first year! Thank you for trusting us with your children and their education. Please see some important information below.
Shelby Newman, TVAH High School Principal
Announcements Video
Don't forget to join us every Monday from 8-8:30 CDT for our weekly Announcements Assembly!
This Week's Class Connect Schedule
Because of the holiday on Monday, September 3rd, and due to the need to analyze the data from last week's readiness testing, our Class Connect schedule will different this week. Your student's regular schedule will begin next week.
PLEASE NOTE: This schedule ONLY applies to students who started school on 8/27. For students who start 9/10, your advisors will send you more information this week about your upcoming schedule.
Next Week's Class Connect Schedule
Our regular class connect schedule will begin on 9/10/2018. I am attaching a sample schedule below. Your student's schedule may differ. We invite students to small group sessions depending on the customized level of support he or she needs, based on their readiness testing. Please check your Class Connect schedule for your student's customized schedule.
PLEASE NOTE: This schedule ONLY applies to students who started school on 8/27. For students who start 9/10, your advisors will send you more information this week about your upcoming schedule.
Readiness Testing
Last week, your student was assigned Readiness Testing in most of his or her classes. Our national MAP test provider had unexpected technical issues last week, so those tests will be rescheduled for Wednesday.
Park Day! September 14, 2018
Tips for Success
Over the years, we have found that students who have been exposed to the course material in their classroom AND attend live class connect sessions have greater success in the online setting. Please make sure your student is reading/working through the content in their classroom before attempting any assignments.
How your Class Connect Schedule Works:
On September 10th, your student's regular live class schedule will begin. Students are assessed on a quarterly basis (benchmarks or readiness), and the data captured on those assessments is used to determine how much progress your student has had with state standards (TEKS). Depending on their performance on these readiness assessments, they will be assigned live class (Class Connect) sessions to help target their specific needs. If, for example, a student demonstrates some gaps in knowledge that may cause them to struggle in their Math class, they will attend a General Math Session on Monday and may be scheduled for 2-3 additional Math sessions for the rest of the week. We will re-assess students after the first quarter of the semester, and if your student has progressed through the standards, then that student may only see 1 whole group session and 1-2 additional Math sessions on their schedule in Quarter 2.
2018-2019 TVAH Academic Calendar
Shelby Newman, MLIS, MBA, MHSC
Shelby Newman has been with K12 since 2015 and has served in several different roles, including classroom teacher, department chair, and assistant principal. She is passionate about student engagement and success, and works to make sure that students are given the individual support that they need to be successful in their current classes, as well as in the future. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Texas State University and Masters degrees from Dominican University and Liberty University. She is a native Texan and lives in New Braunfels, TX.
Email: shnewman@tvahallsville.org
Website: tvah.k12.com/
Location: 1955 Lakeway Drive, Lewisville, TX, United States
Phone: 830-282-0788