Bridgewater Bear Tracks
Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe, Try Your Best
February 9, 2024
I Love to Read Month
February is I Love to Read Month. Attached below is the calendar of events for February. Please note Friday, February 23, Apple and Book Day - Just Food Co-Op is donating apples, and students can invite a parent/a special guest to come in and read with them. See schedule in the calendar and plan accordingly. Hope to see some of you then!
How the Crayons Saved the Rainbow
Students and staff are invited to wear all the colors of the rainbow on Wednesday, February 14 for I Love to Read Month!
Black History Month
February is Black History Month. This is a time that we recognize the many contributions of African Americans to the United States. We will introduce students to a variety of black people that have made and/or are making a significant difference to our country and the role that they play in our lives today.
This year's theme is African Americans and the Arts. Information about this year's celebration can be found through these additional resources.
2024-2025 Kindergarten Information
THIS MONDAY, February 12 - Kindergarten Tour Night @ 5:30PM, Bridgewater
February 23 - Registration Deadline for Kindergarten
(Note: this mailing should have arrived)
More information to come!
Annual Parent/Caregiver Survey
Please help us evaluate our performance by filling out the following survey. We want you to be satisfied with your child's educational experience, so the feedback you provide is deeply important. We will use responses to identify successes and areas for improvement, and then we will report the results and actions steps moving forward. Thank you in advance!
Law Enforcement at Bridgewater
Upcoming Programs at the Northfield Y
Summer Camp Registration: NOW OPEN!
o Are your kids ready to have the best summer ever? We are so excited to announce
that registration for our Summer Day Camps is now open for everyone!
o The Northfield Y offers day camp opportunities for children ages 3-15, from our
Kinder Camp all the way to our Leaders in Training program! Registering for
YMCA camp programs guarantees summer days filled with sports and games,
literacy activities, crafts, and countless unique ways to make new friends and
create amazing memories.
Questions about our Summer Camps? Email us at or call us at 507-645-0088.
February School’s Out Day: February 19th
o Do you want your kids to have fun and stay busy during school breaks? Join us at
the YMCA! All kids in kindergarten - 5th Grade are welcome! Days will be filled
with swimming, games, crafts, sports, friends and more! Program runs from
7:00am - 5:00pm.
Parent’s Night Out: March 1 st , 5:30-8:30 PM
o Need a night out without the kids? Drop them off at the YMCA for a PJ Party
while you have a night to yourself! Kids can come dressed in their coziest clothes
and have a night filled with crafts, games, bounce house, cookie decorating,
popcorn, and a movie. All kids welcome ages 3 - 5th Grade (children must be
potty trained).
Upcoming Youth Programs: Registration Coming Soon!
o Check out our new slate of Youth Programming for our Winter 2 session! From
Youth Basketball to afterschool sports, art, and STEM clubs, the Northfield Y has
offerings perfect for every child. Registration opens next week; February 12 th for
Y Members and February 14 th for all others!
o Free, optional transportation from Bridgewater and Spring Creek is available
for ALL our after-school activities. For more information, please contact
For more information and to register, visit our website or connect with our Member Services
team in person or by phone: 507-645-0088. We hope to see you and your students very soon!
There are many activities that children and adults may access during the course of the year. Don't forget to check the numerous opportunities from the Northfield Community Education Program:
Upcoming Events
Feb. 12---Kindergarten Tour Night-5:30 pm
Feb. 13---BBC Meeting 6:00pm - BW Media Center
Feb. 15---Choral Festival for 4th & 5th Grade Choir Students (11:00-2:45)
Feb. 19---Professional Development Day-No School for students
Feb. 22---4th Grade Workshop on Wheels
Feb. 23---BBC Spirit Day: Book Character
Mar. 18---All District Band Concert @ NHS, 7:00-8:30
Mar. 19---All District Orchestra Concert @ NHS, 7:00-8:30
Mar. 22---BBC Spirit Day: Wacky Pattern
Mar. 23-Apr. 1---Spring Break
Apr. 18--- Fourth-Grade Field Trip to Crystal Cave (2 classes)
Apr. 19---Fourth-Grade Field Trip to Crystal Cave (2 classes)
Apr. 26---First-Grade Field Trip to the Zoo
Apr. 26---BBC Spirit Day: Future Self
June 5---Fifth-Grade Graduation @ 1:15 pm
School Calendars 23-24
Bridgewater Elementary School
World-Class Learning for Elementary Students, Bridgewater Elementary School, situated on a 14-acre campus just south of downtown Northfield, is a K-5 public school serving approximately 560 students. It serves the neighborhoods on Northfield's southern side, Dundas, and the rural area south of Highway 19 and west of Highway 246. Students benefit from an active parent-teacher organization, Bridgewater Booster Club (BBC) and many parent volunteers.
The staff is intensely dedicated to offering a high-quality, well-rounded education that strives to meet the specific needs of each student. We focus on empowering our students in their academic and social emotional learning along with building a solid foundation for their educational journey in partnership with families.
Main Office Number: 507-664-3300
Attendance Line: 507-664-3306
Address: 401 Jefferson Parkway
Web page: