News From Kings Preschool
October 2022
Upcoming Important Dates
October 12, 13, 24, 25, 26: Field Trip Dates (Blooms & Berries Field Trip section for details.)
October 19: Picture Day for Marit (M/W), Monnin, Dunlap, Dozier, Worpenberg, Newman
October 19: Literacy Night & Scholastic Book Fair
October 20: Picture Day for Marit (T/TH), House, Frazier, LesChander, Askren, Sanders
Lifetouch Picture Days & Order Link
Please see the Lifetouch Order Form sent home from your child's teacher on how to order your fall pictures.
Fall Picture Schedule:
Mrs. Newman
October 20: Mrs. Marit, Mrs. House, Mrs. Frazier, Mrs. LesChander, Mrs. Askren, & Mrs. Sanders
Use the following link and code to order your picture package before your child's picture day:
Enter the following code to link to Kings Preschool: EVT62ZBPN
Literacy Night with Scholastic Book Fair: October 19th
Volunteers are needed to help run Literacy Night. Look for the signup genius in your email next week.
There will be a Paint the Pumpkin contest on Literacy Night. Pumpkins must be decorated to match a character in a children's book (see example below). Please click the link below to sign up to enter the contest. More information will be sent home to those who sign up. The window to sign up will close on Wednesday, October 5th.
Blooms & Berries Field Trip!
October 12: Mrs. Marit (M/W), Mrs. Dozier, Mrs. Sanders
October 13: Mrs. Marit (T/TH), Mrs. Dunlap
October 24: Mrs. Askren, Mrs. Monnin, Mrs. Newman
October 25: Mrs. Worpenberg, Mrs. LesChander
October 26: Mrs. Frazier, Mrs. House
Both a.m. and p.m. classes go together on the field trip.
There will be no p.m. preschool on the day your child's class goes on their field trip.
Construction Delays
4 Day Classes
A.M. Dismissal= 11:35
P.M. Dismissal=3:10
2 & 5 Day Classes= 11:00
Thank you!
Children's Department of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics- Trainings Linked Below
Family Education: Toilet Training Class for Caregivers and Children with Developmental Disabilities
This is a 2-day virtual class with an educational, group format through Cincinnati Children's Hospital. The goal is to coach caregivers on how to toilet train their child at home.
Individual and/or intensive follow-up services are available if needed after class completion.
Who: Parents & caregivers of children with developmental disabilities.
Please note, this class is for adults only.
When: Tuesday, November 29th and December 6th, 2022
Attendees are expected to attend both classes.
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm each day
Where: Live via Zoom or In-Person; 3430 Burnet Ave, Cincinnati OH 45229
Instructions to participate are sent after registration.
Cost: One-time fee of $15.00 per family. This includes training manual.
Registration: Contact Jennifer Gastright at jennifer.gastright@cchmc.org or
call 513-636-2742.
Resources for Families
Becky Lemon is our resource coordinator in Kings. She is available to help families connect with resources they may need. Families can call or email her at the following:
513-398-8050 ext. 15011
Dates for 2022-2023
- Open 9-11 am
- Sept. 10
- Oct. 8
- Nov. 5
- Dec. 3
- Jan. 7
- Feb. 4
- Mar. 4
- Apr. 15
- May 6
The food pantry offers food, toiletries, clothes, and diapering items to families in need. Visit their website for hours and location.
The website also lists their most urgent needs. This is updated regularly on their site. Here are a list of current urgent needs:
Paper Towels & Tissue Paper
Deodorant & Bath Soap
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Shampoo & Conditioner
Bar Soap & Body Wash
Liquid Hand Soap
Hand Sanitizer
Diapers & Baby Wipes
Feminine Hygiene Products
Dish Soap & Laundry Detergent
Cleaning Supplies
Photo/Work Release for Print & Visual Media and Website
To protect confidentiality of students, Kings Local School District’s policy is to identify students’ work and photograph by first and last name. The Kings Local School District has authorization to publish student’s work and/or photograph on the Kings Local School District website and/or school and/or local papers and/or district print publications. Kings Local School District also has authorization to publish student’s work and/or image on videotape for school productions and/or local news media.
As a parent/guardian or eligible student you have the right to request, in writing, that the school NOT disclose the above mentioned information about them. This request must be received in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed two weeks from notification of rights.
Please send such above mentioned notification to the following address:
Kings Local School District
Attn: Dawn Gould
PO Box 910
Kings Mills, OH 45034
Click the link below for a list of preschool and therapy facilities in our area.
Lists for Learning!
Make a teacher's wish come true! Visit www.listsforlearning.com to see what materials and re-sources your child's teacher wishes to have in their classroom. At Lists for Learning, we believe that resources can greatly impact the classroom environment and make your child's learning experience the best it can be! Ask your child's teacher for details.
So Many Fun Learning Opportunities Happening in Our School!
(Pictured below)
Life of a Principal
Have you visited the trolls?
The Troll that Hatched the Egg: Thomas Dambo Exhibit
Thomas Dambo exhibition