The Husky Hub
March 2025 | Benzie County Central Schools | E-Edition
Dear Parents and Community Members,
As we reach the halfway point of the school year, we’d like to remind everyone of the importance of regular school attendance.
Here are a few key reasons why attendance matters:
Student Learning: Missing school leads to missing important instructional time, which can result in gaps in knowledge. Regular attendance helps students stay engaged and succeed academically.
Regular attendance not only supports the individual student but also the whole class. Teachers modify instruction or spend valuable time reteaching content for the absent students. This can ultimately impact the content covered if there is chronic absenteeism in classrooms or grade levels.
Access to Resources and Support: The school offers essential resources like counseling, extracurricular activities, and meals. Absenteeism can prevent students from fully benefiting from these opportunities.
State Requirements and Funding: Our district must meet state attendance and instructional hour standards. State law requires 180 days of school AND 1098 hours of instruction with 75% OF STUDENTS IN ATTENDANCE on each of those days.
Schools receive 6 “Acts of God Days” each year. A waiver for up to 3 additional days may be applied once the first 6 days are used. We have already used 7 “Acts of God” (snow) days this year.
Two additional days have not met the 75% attendance requirement. Continued low attendance (especially on half days) may extend the school year and could result in financial penalties for the district. For example, one day of unmade-up instruction could result in a financial penalty totaling up to $26,000.
As a reminder, half days of school count towards our 180 day requirement. Valuable learning and community-building events happen on our half days of school.
Future Opportunities: Frequent absences can impact academic records and future opportunities, including graduation, college admissions, and entering the workforce. Consistent attendance helps students build successful habits.
We appreciate your support in prioritizing school attendance. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your continued partnership.
Amiee Erfourth
Benzie County Central Schools
🔅Stay Connected with Mrs. Crossman 🔆
Husky families, staff, and community supporters,
Parents and community members can get involved by actively participating in various ways. They can attend community meetings, join committees, volunteer their time and skills, provide input and feedback, and support fundraising efforts. Additionally, staying informed through school newsletters, social media, and our district website can help everyone stay connected and engaged in the initiatives. If you have information or photos that you would like shared, please feel free to email me at crossmanc@benzieschools.net
Our middle school and high school bands participated in district band and orchestra festival in Big Rapids this past Wednesday. Our middle band received an overall division 2 "excellent" rating, and our symphonic band received an overall 1 "superior" rating, which qualifies them to participate in state band and orchestra festival in May.
Our district 2 middle school honors band will be taking place in Kalkaska this coming Tuesday. Four of our students have been nominated and will be performing in this group: Ellery Graetz, Jonathan Ockert, Evan Jones, and Emilia Gee.
State high school solo and ensemble will be taking place at Kingsley High School on Saturday, March 15th. Three of our students will be participating in this festival: Madisyn Gauthier, Zachary Tallman, and Dylan Chard. They all received division 1 "superior" ratings at district solo and ensemble earlier in the year, which made them state qualifiers.
The Mad Scientists took 6th place at the VEX VIRQC Middle School State Championship out of 47 teams.
IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: (Dates contingent on weather closings)
- March 7 - Alice by Heart - 7:00 PM
- March 8 - Alice by Heart - 7:00 PM
- March 9 - Alice by Heart - 2:00 PM
- March 15 - State Solo and Ensemble
- March 17 - Board of Education Meeting - 7:00 PM
- March 21- Early Release
- March 24 - 31 - Spring Break
- April 1 - School Resumes
- April 2- 10th and 11th Grade Parent Meeting
- April 4 - End of 3rd Marking Period
- April 14 - Board of Education Meeting - 7:00 PM
- April 14 - Kindergarten Round-Up - Homestead Hills Elementary
- April 15 - Kindergarten Round-Up - Betsie Valley Elementary
- April 17 -Kindergarten Round-Up - Lake Ann Elementary
- April 18 - NO SCHOOL - Good Friday
- April 25 - Early Release - Professional Development
If you are not receiving weather cancellations, please contact your students main office and be sure your most recent contact information is on file. Closures and delays can also be found on our local news channels, WTCM, our district facebook page, as well as our website, www.benzieschools.net.
I continue to facilitate the celebration of our student and district successes, all while encouraging continued growth.
Be connected...Stay connected!
All the best,
Catina M. Crossman
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Board of Education Administrative Assistant
Talent Management Administrative Assistant
Director of Communications
School of Choice Coordinator
Pupil Accounting Specialist
Benzie Central Alumni Committee
P 231-882-9653 . Ext. 2001 .|. F 231-882-9121
Facebook, Instagram and Blog with Mrs. Crossman!
Superintendent Erfourth Update
Hello Husky families, staff, students, and community supporters,
Welcome March! It is hard to believe we are more than halfway through the third quarter of the school year.
As we embrace the month of March, let us celebrate March Is Reading Month and the joys of reading. Let’s honor the contributions of women throughout history in recognition of Women's History Month. Let’s focus on healthy eating in recognition of National Nutrition Month. As we prepare for the conclusion of the third marking period, let’s concentrate on finishing on a strong note.
Outside the classroom walls, our students are performing on stage in our spring musicals, readying their works of art for our District Wide Art Show, and our elementary students are practicing for their talent shows. Spring sports kick of on Monday, March 10 for high school, and Tuesday, April 1 for Middle School.
Please remember that you can keep up with your student(s) academic status as well as attendance within our student information system, PowerSchool. If you do not yet have an account set up, we encourage you to do so. You can create an account by accessing the following link: https://powerschool.benzieschools.net/public/.
Have a happy and safe Spring Break. School resumes on April 1.
Go Huskies,
Amiee Erfourth
Benzie County Central Schools
U.S. News & World Report
Here is Benzie Central's updated U.S. News profile page, with details about our rankings:
U.S. News and World Report - Lake Ann Elementary
The U.S. News and World Report published their 2024 Best Elementary Schools, and the news is good for Lake Ann Elementary School: Our school placed among the top 40% of elementary schools in the state of Michigan, making it a U.S. News Best Elementary School.
Here’s a look at what was published about our school, including its new ranking(s):
Employment Opportunities
Do you love interacting with people? Have you ever considered serving your local community in a meaningful way? Do you enjoy challenges and making a difference in the lives of children? If so, Benzie County Central Schools just might be what you have been looking for!
--Community Resources--
Benzie County Chamber of Commerce
Chambers of Commerce are not-for-profit 501c6 organizations whose members are comprised of business owners, community leaders, and other community stakeholders. The Benzie Chamber of Commerce focuses on advocacy in the Benzie County area through the business lens and is actively advocating Housing Initiatives, Broadband Initiatives, Legislative Policy and so much more as it relates to our community. On a larger scale, as a member of the Northern Michigan Chamber Alliance, the Benzie Area Chamber of Commerce is a partner in Legislative Advocacy for rural, Northern Michigan.
Benzie-Leelanau District Health Department
Community Connections is a free program that provides assistance connecting resources to adults, children, and families. Services are provided with supportive phone calls, office visits, and home visits by a community health worker, nurse, and/or social worker.
Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency (NMCAA)
Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency is a proud supporter of Benzie County. Our programs are available to Benzie County residents in all of the towns and surrounding areas such as Benzonia, Frankfort, Beulah, Thompsonville, Honor, Elberta, Lake Ann, and Hardwood Acers.
Grow Benzie - Benzie County Human Services Collaborative Body (HSC)
The Benzie County Human Services Collaborative (HSC) (formally the Benzie County Human Services Collaborative Body HSCB) was established in 1989 to facilitate greater coordination among service organizations to support and serve low income families and children in Benzie County.
At Benzie Senior Resources, we provide an extensive suite of programs and services, from affordable care in your home to activities that engage and nourish connections. Our Benzie County community is at the core of all we do. Helping Benzie Seniors navigate the aging process through education, enrichment, and a caring smile is why we exist. When it matters…We’re here. How can we help? Call (231) 525-0600
Benzie Area Christian Neighbors (BACN)
In In 1983 the Benzie County worship communities joined together to serve Neighbors struggling with critical human needs. Since those humble beginnings Benzie Area Christian Neighbors (BACN) has transformed from a charity providing basic needs to a community nurturing the spirit of those they serve.
Mrs. Mullen’s Closet for Benzie County was set up in memory of Dyanne Mullen, a principal at Hart Public Schools and part time resident at Crystal Mountain. Dyanne was instrumental in making sure all students in her building had necessary clothing all year. When Dyanne passed away in 2010, Mrs. Mullen’s Closet was started in her memory to continue to help students in Hart.
Baby Pantry- St. Philip's Episcopal Church
St. Philip’s Baby Pantry provides families with diapers, clothing for children from birth to their sixth birthday, strollers, baby formula and baby food.Lake Ann United Methodist Church Food Pantry
Open at the church in Lake Ann, next to Stone Oven (park in the back parking lot and use back door entrance) on:
Tuesday’s 9am - 12pm
Wednesday’s 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Thursday’s 9am - 12pm
Any questions can be directed to the LAUMC office at (231) 275 - 7236.
(231) 325-3000
Benzie Bus connects people of all ages and abilities to our community and promotes independence and prosperity through a safe and convenient public transit system.
Our Our mission is to provide support for people who are dealing with substance abuse and addiction. We do this through our comprehensive resources and guides, and connecting people with the right treatment programs.
mission is to provide support for people who are dealing with substance abuse and addiction. We do this through our comprehensive resources and guides, and connecting people with the right treatment programs.
If your community organization would like to be added to the Husky Hub, please contact Catina.
Substitute Teachers Needed!
$150.00 Daily Rate
$175.00 Designated Building Subs
Apply today!
Why Benzie Central Schools?
The mission of the Benzie County Central School community is to provide a safe learning environment that motivates all students to reach their highest potential by providing the necessary skills to become life long learners and leaders in a changing society.
We believe each child can learn and achieve to their highest potential
We believe the school must be a positive, safe, and comfortable learning environment
We believe the school must inspire self-confidence, self-motivation, and self-discipline in all students
We believe a child’s education is positively influenced by parental and community involvement
We believe our students will become responsible community members
Benzie County Central Schools is a premier school district located in beautiful Northwestern Lower Michigan offering world class programs. For more information, please contact 231-882-9653.
♦️”Beating the Odds” District
♦️Mackinaw Center CAP Recognized
♦️US News and World Report Silver Medal Winner
♦️College Board AP Honor Roll
Superintendent, Amiee Erfourth
Email: erfourtha@benzieschools.net
Website: www.benzieschools.net
Location: 9300 Homestead Rd. Benzonia, MI. 49616
Phone: 231-882-9653
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent | Board of Education Administrative Assistant | Pupil Accounting Specialist | Talent Management Administrative Assistant | Director of Communications, Catina Crossman
The Husky Hub is from the desk of Mrs. Catina Crossman.
Go Huskies!
Email: crossmanc@benzieschools.net
Website: www.benzieschools.net
Location: 9300 Homestead Road, Benzonia, MI, USA
Phone: 231-882-9653 Ext. 2001
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/benzieschools