Waukazoo Newsletter
February 24, 2023
Important Dates:
February 27 = WZ Scholastic Book Fair Begins
March 7 = Conferences 5-8
March 9 = Early Release Day- Dismissal at 11:52; Conferences 1-4 & 5-8Spring Teacher Conferences:
Register at the link below:
Staff Spotlight
Meet Mrs. Engle
Meet Mrs. Thomas
Waukazoo News
Celebration of Learning:
Outdoor Recess & Sledding:
Michigan has constantly changing weather, think about the last week…it was 50 and then we had an inclement weather day. IF there is an adequate amount of snow students will have at least one day of sledding weekly and will routinely have two days of sledding each week. Finally, thank you again to the Waukazoo PTA for providing enough sleds for all grades levels to enjoy a sled for each student to use their own sled daily.
Panther Pathways Session 3 at Waukazoo:
Upcoming Construction at Waukazoo:
PBIS Pride Tickets:
Waukazoo will be continuing to utilize Waukazoo Pride Tickets this year. These tickets recognize students for being Respectful, Responsible, Ready to Learn, or demonstrating Waukazoo Family Pride. Our goal this year is to reach 12,500 tickets this year. Let’s go kids!
Pride Tickets to Date = 8,181
PBIS @ Waukazoo:
West Ottawa Bus Procedure Update:
West Ottawa Public Schools adheres to a method of progressive discipline when there is a violation of basic Bus Rules or Behavior Expectations. Depending on the severity or progressive nature of the unacceptable behavior, the Director of Transportation and/or principal at the building of attendance may impose any number of days of bus suspension up to and including the loss of bus riding privileges for a brief or extended period of time including the remainder of the school semester or the school year. All consequences are subject to administrative discretion. Restorative practices are considered in all situations and may be implemented when appropriate.
To view a copy of the Bus Rules and Behavior Expectations which are posted in color at the front of every West Ottawa school bus, CLICK HERE.
To view a copy of the Transportation Department's Administrative Guidelines on Pupil Transportation Student Conduct and Corrective Action (AG 8600.009), CLICK HERE.
To access the West Ottawa Transportation Department website, containing links to all of our Administrative Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section, CLICK HERE.
We look forward to working with you and your child to address unacceptable behavior and to restore your child as a safe bus rider for themself and for others on the bus.
Reminders About 8:30am Student Drop-Off:
Morning drop-off will continue to begin at 8:30am, please remember that students are not supervised prior to 8:30am. The doors will electronically unlock and there is a bell to note the 8:30am time.
As colder weather has arrived it is important to note that students will not be able to enter prior to 8:30am.
Waukazoo Special News
Physical Wellness with Mr. Metz:
Hope you are all having a great February. We are right in the middle of our football unit and all our skills are really improving. Lower elementary students are working on throwing mechanics and getting better at catching. Upper elementary students are now participating in football lead up games and doing awesome. The students are having a blast, working hard, and being great teammates in all classes. I'm very happy with the work they are doing. Have a great rest of your week!
-Mr. Metz
Spanish with SEÑORA DILLON
Last week students in third to fifth grade brought their Chromebooks to Spanish class. I showed kids my Spanish website and they spent time exploring online games, conversations, and songs. My website is a great resource to extend Spanish practice at home. I encourage students and their families to check it out!
Music with Mr. Loughrin
Technology with Mrs. Fredrickson
Technology with Mrs. O'Brien
Hello! Our Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences are just around the corner! Our specialist team will be meeting with families in the Waukazoo Library on Tuesday, Mar. 7th, from 5:00-8:00. Please sign up for a time at this link, or feel free to email me to arrange a time to meet. We’d love to share your child’s progress with you!
Check my website for all of the details about our learning in Technology! If you have any questions, email me at obrienp@westottawa.net Thank you!
Mrs. O’Brien
Art with Mrs. Hall
Welcome back Waukazoo Families & Artists! I look forward to sharing with you all the awesome projects and art inspired learning we will be exploring in art class this year! Please visit the Google Sites link below to keep up to date with all the awesome things happening in our Waukazoo art room.
Don’t forget- ART Makes You SmART!
West Ottawa News
West Ottawa Wonders (WOW) Preschool 2023-2024
West Ottawa offers a tuition-based preschool program, West Ottawa Wonders (WOW) Preschool. This half day program is designed for 3 year-olds (Tu/Th) and 4 year-olds (MWF) and is offered to all families. The WOW Preschool program is located in Lakeshore Elementary School. Class size is limited. More information can be found here.
If you would like to speak to someone regarding West Ottawa Wonders Preschool, please contact Erin Brower at 616-786-1400 X3110 or browere@westottawa.net