The IMS Connection
Volume 17, Issue 4: December 2020
Season’s Greetings Parents/Guardians:
Seems like just yesterday we were searching for our newest back to school clothing accessories such as; masks, gators, and lanyards. Like many other people, I am eager to see this fashion trend go away like nylon parachute pants. These trends have their differences. One of the differences being while we may have chosen to wear parachute pants, the masks are a trend we have little choice about. That being said, your children, our students, have done an exceptional job with all of the parameters put forth by social distancing guidelines. While they may not realize it, for middle school children, they have been an integral member of a successful and positive team exploring this new learning environment.
This first week of December we experienced a set back. However, we look at this as an opportunity to "Reboot" so we are all able to return again December 9th.
As we enter this holiday season, we all know it will be different, but I am confident we will find creative ways to celebrate with family and friends near and far.
This season has the middle school bustling with generosity and once again. Even with all of the obstacles, our students and families found a way to help those in need. The C.A.R.E. Club collected dozens of boxes of food for our local food pantry. A heartfelt thank you to all who donated to the cause.
As we enter the second marking period, we encourage all of the students to reflect on the many accomplishments of the first quarter. What has worked well, and what can be done differently.
From all of us at IMS, we hope this holiday season is filled with joy and laughter with your family and friends.
I wish you and your family the happiest of holiday seasons and the healthiest New Year.
As always, feel free to contact me at tmartin@islipufsd.org.
Kind regards,
Timothy P. Martin
As the state, country and the world deal with Covid-19, Islip is not immune. In these uncertain times, we forge ahead and do all we can to provide IMS families with some sense of normalcy.
During the month of November, our advisory theme was that of empathy and gratitude. The students of IMS rose to the occasion participating in a card making campaign to express their gratitude to local health care workers of Good Samaritan and Southside Hospitals. The Care club managed to arrange and collect donations for a successful food drive and the members of Student Government made cards for Veterans day to be delivered to the LI Veterans home in Stony Brook.
Throughout December, advisory activities will be centered on the Gift of Giving and paying it forward. The simplest acts of kindness can often bring someone a much-needed lift. Take some time to think about how you can repay acts of kindness, which were bestowed upon you, and then pay them forward. I am certain it will bring you a level of fulfillment unlike any other. Therefore, although we may not be able to gather this holiday season as in years past, we can still celebrate together as a community through giving and kindness.
To our entire Islip Middle School Family I wish you a joyous and healthy Holiday Season and
a Happy New Year!
Please check us out on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to view photos, videos, and news about amazing things going on at IMS. Our eBoard has up-to-date info on everything you need to navigate your time at IMS, but if any questions do arise, I invite you to reach out to me via e-mail at jcohen@islipufsd.org or call me directly at (631) 650-8515.
Jason P. Cohen
Renaissance Rave
We want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday!
Remember to keep studying and character always counts! It is beginning to look a lot like a Renaissance Celebration, everywhere you go! The gifts have been purchased; the planning is well underway! We will be celebrating our 1st quarter Renaissance cardholders soon.
Keep up your commitment and dedication, hard work pays off!
December: Pay it Forward…
During the month of December, our Advisory focus will be on paying it forward. Parents can enrich our theme by discussing topics such as, “It is important to do good deeds for people.” Repay acts of kindness by being kind to someone else rather than the person who was kind to you. This helps to spread acts of kindness to a greater range of people.
Please re-check the district calendar prior to an event to ensure you have
the most up-to-date information.
7 PTA Meeting 7:00 PM - Via Zoom
8 BOE Meeting 7:30* PM - HS Auditorium
15 2nd Qtr. Progress Period Ends
23 Winter Recess - School Closed through January 1, 2021
*Unless other wise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 p.m.. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 p.m..
Please re-check the district calendar prior to an event to ensure you have the
most up-to-date information
1 Winter Recess
4 Students return from Winter Recess
18 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, District Closed
25 PTA Meeting, 7:00 PM
29 2nd Marking Period Ends
*Unless other wise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 p.m.. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 p.m..
Students have settled into the very different routine of being an Islip Middle School student during a pandemic. We are working towards becoming lifelong learners using technology!
ELA students have almost completed a Short Story Unit. They have mastered elements of literature and the use of Figurative Language. All students are working on becoming proficient in writing a paragraph that includes details, elaboration and evidence from text. Students should be reading their RED book daily!
In Science, we have studied the topic of Cells and are working on studying the systems of the Human Body. We are looking into how our body is organized and works as a machine. Remember to exercise and eat healthy to keep your body strong and working properly!
In Social Studies, we are traveling back in time to our first ancient civilization of Mesopotamia. We will be exploring the daily lives of Mesopotamians, as well as their code of laws, writing systems, and the geography of land. Next we will travel to Ancient Egypt to visit the tombs of the pharaohs.
In Mathematics, the students have completed our unit on ratios and are eager to use their existing knowledge on our next unit of arithmetic operations. As always, review notes daily to help you with your weekly assignments.
Team 6 Silver is learning to balance the hybrid model of instruction this year. We are enjoying all of our students, virtually and in the classroom. If you have not yet signed up for our remind texts, please do so at your earliest convenience. Please send a text to 81010 and include the message @6silverims. Please continue to check the parent portal for grades, the Microsoft Teams pages, and make sure to replenish school supplies as needed (pens and pencils).
Have a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.
In Mr. DeBatt’s science class, the students are exploring the properties of matter with a focus on density and buoyancy. Mr. DeBatt is excited to begin a chemical reactions unit in the near future, which will include many exciting hands-on labs and activities. In Mr. Ackermann’s and Ms. Sinkusky’s Pre-Algebra classes, the students just began their polynomial unit which will prepare them for solving equations for the month of December. Every month brings the students one-step closer to the eighth grade Algebra Regents. In Social Studies with Mr. Pedersen or Mr. Argenziano, students are exploring origins of the thirteen colonies and subsequent events that led to the birth of our great Nation, while focusing on source documents related to our core values of freedom and democracy. In Spanish, Mrs. LaBella’s and Mrs. Ford’s students are learning how to make cultural comparisons. During the month of October, students compared the Mexican holiday Day of the Dead with the American holiday Halloween. In English with Mr. Cox and Mr. Taff, the students have been reading various genres closely and actively. This is a skill that is hoped to carry across the curricula and throughout the students’ academic careers. Also, the students have and will continue to analyze authors’ use of elements in literature, their interactions, as well as their relevance to non-fiction and the real world.
Wholeheartedly, Team 7 Red is optimistic about having an incredible experience.
Please submit pictures in one of the following ways:
- In an envelope to your child’s advisory teacher: include both pictures in the same envelope. Please put the student’s name, advisory teacher, and cohort on the front of the envelope.
- Via e-mail: Please email both pictures in the same email to IslipMSYearbook@gmail.com. Please include the student’s name, advisory teacher, and cohort in the email.
December 21st & 22nd ~Winterfest
Upcoming PTA meetings via zoom
Dec.7th & Jan.25th at 7pm.
“It would be great to have every family in our school join PTA,
because we can do more together than apart."
Click the link to Join
President: Nicole Muschenick
VP: Denise Nash
Treasurer: Kathy Hofmann
Secretary: Lauren Jones
~If you have any questions or would like to be an IMS PTA volunteer, please feel free to contact us at IslipMiddleSchoolPTA@gmail.com
Website: islipufsd.org
Location: 211 Main Street, Islip, NY, United States
Phone: 631-650-8500
Facebook: facebook.com/IslipMS
Twitter: @IslipMS