Warrior Life
Volume 3, Issue 37
Final Exam Schedule
- Tuesday, May 25th (GOLD DAY) - 7th Period Final
- Wednesday, May 26th (BLACK DAY) - 7th Period Final
- Thursday, May 27th (GOLD DAY) - 1st thru 6th Period Finals (Early Release @ 1:20 PM)
- Friday, May 28th (BLACK DAY) - 1st thru 6th Period Finals (Early Release @ 1:20 PM)
Please do not schedule any appointments and vacations during a student's scheduled exam day. In addition, students please begin working with your teachers to prepare for your final exams.
AP TESTING - Last Week!
Staff Spotlight: Ms. Kristen Linenberg (Counselor)
Congratulations to Mr. Tyson Fritts, Japanese Teacher!
Japanese teacher Tyson Fritts was named The Association of Indiana Teachers of Japanese (AITJ)’s Teacher of the Year for 2021. The organization recognizes a teacher annually, at the nomination of their colleagues. Fritts was nominated at this year’s fall IFLTA convention.
Fritts is a 14-year veteran teacher in Warren Township, with two years of experience teaching as a graduate student at IU before starting in the district. He is being recognized this year for his dedication to the profession, as well as for his increasing involvement in Japanese education in Indiana, both at the high school and college levels. Last February, Fritts took students to compete at the Japanese Olympiad for the first time. And, despite the many challenges that this school year has presented, Fritts has balanced a full schedule of both in-person and virtual Japanese courses. Additionally, he has started teaching at the college level as an associate instructor at IUPUI as of the fall of 2020.
Fritts is excited to be selected for this award, saying that it highlights the thriving Warren Japanese program, which is one of the only growing programs in the state, due largely to Fritts’ dedication to the program.
“I feel honored to be chosen. It highlights the great programs that we have available to the students in our district”, Fritts said.
Academic Assistance
Did you miss your Cohort Newsletter?
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: 2021-2022 K-8 Virtual and 9-12 Online Learning Program
Senior Information
Graduation Commencement Information
- June 3rd - Last Names A-K
- June 4th - Last Names L-Z
Seniors, keep an eye out for a message from Mr. Shepler containing more information regarding commencement.
Warren News
WCHS Familes - Broadband Discount
- 100% VIRTUAL families can pick up food on Tuesday from 8:00-9:30 a.m. or 4:00- 6:00 p.m. at Moorhead Community Resource Center located at 8400 East 10th Street.
- All hybrid in-person students will have the opportunity to pick up meals while in-person to take home for the following school day. Please encourage your child to take advantage of this opportunity!
Also, as a reminder, next year's yearbook can be preordered in the bookstore for $40 cash or check until the end of this school year. prices increase on the first day of summer vacation.
Summer Information
INDY Public Library Summer Reading Program
Chartwells - Summer Meal Distribution
K-12 Summer Reading
Moorhead Community Resource Center
Moorhead Community Resource Center will remain open through the summer. If you have needs beyond what is being offered, you can call our outreach hotline at 317-608-0545 or email at MSDWarrenOutreach@warren.k12.in.us with your request. Also, MCRC will be one of our summer sites for tech support Monday - Friday from 7:30 - 1:00. If you have a tech or device need, you can also submit a help ticket through IncidentIQ support system by clicking on Technology under the Explore Tab and then select Parent Tech Info.
WCHS Mask Mandate Update
Important Links
Warren Central High School
Website: https://wchs.warren.k12.in.us/
Location: 9500 East 16th Street, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: (317) 532-6200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Warren-Central-107351531164344
Twitter: @WCHS_Warriors