The IMS Connection
Volume 16, Issue 6: FEBRUARY 2021
As February begins, I am excited to say that some of the Islip Middle School sports teams are beginning to meet. Our coaches are following the guidelines set forth by the DOH in regard to social distancing and cleaning protocols. While some sports will have traditional practices, others will be conditioning and strength training. In either case, we are glad to see progress in the world of sports. Information about Islip Athletics can be found on the district web site.
We have created a climate and culture survey for our parents to provide feedback on how we can make Islip Middle School the best it can be. Please click this link to complete the survey.
Click here for English Click here for Spanish
The children are encouraged to go outside during recess when the weather cooperates. The DOH guidelines are still in place which limit the activities available, but the fresh air is always welcome. While the weather has been mild, there is the possibility of snow in the future. This is a good time for a reminder . . . when a delayed opening has been called, there is no Period 0 (band, orchestra, chorus, early physical education, extra help, or computer lab class). The 120-minute delay schedule is posted on the middle school eBoard.
While we are following a hybrid schedule, we look forward to the day students return to school full time. A date has not been set for some or all students to return to five day a week instruction. Our district is also monitoring the DOH data to help inform the decision-making process for bringing students back full time. We have greatly reduced the absences from school since our return from the December recess. It is important to note, increasing the density of students in attendance risks reversing this trend. However, our Task Force is actively developing plans for bring back 5 day a week instruction.
Cumulative averages are being tallied now that the first semester has been completed. National Junior Honor Society and Renaissance criteria are posted in the student planner, which should answer a number of questions. Please note, all students are considered; however, the criteria includes grades, attendance, and behavior, all of which form the foundation of the programs. Not all students are eligible at the end of each quarter or year. In an effort to monitor the integrity of the programs, the criteria set forth will be what we use to determine eligibility.
By this time, I should have received all educational requests for next year’s placements. These requests are not a requirement, as all students will be placed based on the most appropriate program meeting their needs. If you did not receive a reply letter from me, please resubmit.
Extending healthy thoughts from a friendly distance,
Timothy P. Martin
Renaissance Rave
Congratulations to all the Renaissance Card Holders who attended the last rally recognizing your Quarter 1 success! We had a great time celebrating and winning prizes! Keep up the hard work and dedication. We look forward to celebrating with you again!
It is hard to believe we are already approaching the halfway point of the year. Although this year has not been what we had hoped for, we can continue striving to make it a great one. I am excited to share some of the wonderful things happening here at IMS as we turn the corner for the second semester. IMS clubs are up and running and it is nice to see so many students taking part. There was great concern about sports and although not the traditional seasons, early winter sports will be winding down soon, and late winter sports will be starting. It has been a joy to see our students back out there.
This year being unlike any other, we are always looking to improve. Sometimes we adjust based on what we see here at IMS, but the input from our IMS families is crucial in improving our school, our communication, and strengthening our bond. Throughout the first half of the year, we have listened to many concerns from parents and have made changes. We have adjusted the way we were recording attendance; we are now offering extra support sessions and carefully adapted our quarantine protocols keeping more children in school. To continue to strengthen our connections, we are asking for the feedback from our IMS parents and guardians by completing the parent survey that was sent out last week. If you have not completed it yet you can do so by clicking here for English and here for Spanish.
As we move ahead through the next couple of months we will be preparing and finalizing a schedule for the NYS Math and ELA exams. At this time NYS has not cancelled these exams and the ELA exam is scheduled for April 19th - 26th and the NYS Math exam is scheduled for May 4th – 6th. A more detailed schedule of when your child will take the exam will be forthcoming.
Please check us out on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to view photos, videos, and news about amazing things going on at IMS. Our eBoard has up-to-date info on everything you need to navigate your time at IMS, but if any questions do arise, I invite you to reach out to me via e-mail at jcohen@islipufsd.org or call me directly at (631) 650-8515.
Jason M. Cohen
Kindness and Compassion… We continue to share character traits that express qualities we all like to see in our community. Parents are encouraged to discuss and demonstrate how kindness and compassion benefit all.
Please re-check the district calendar prior to an event to ensure you have
the most up-to-date information.
9 2nd Qtr. Report Cards Posted to Portal
9 BOE Meeting 7:30 p.m. - Zoom
14 Happy Valentine’s Day
15 - 19 School Closed—Mid Winter Recess
23 Budget Workshop/BOE Meeting 7:30 p.m. - Zoom
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 p.m.. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 p.m..
Please re-check the district calendar prior to an event to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.
2 Budget Workshop/BOE Meeting 7:30* p.m., Zoom
13 Progress Reports Posted to Portal
16 Budget Workshop/BOE Meeting 7:30* p.m., Zoom
29 - April 2 School Closed - Spring Recess
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
We've been off to a solid start. We have been taking on challenges together.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind students and parents the importance of using TEAMS, the student/parent portals, and communication. We all use TEAMS for our classes (notes, assignments, communication, etc...). The student and parent portals are an excellent way to keep track of your grades and check for some assignments. On 7 Silver, communication is key! We encourage our students and parents to reach out with any questions or concerns. We look forward to the second half of the year and working together to ensure a successful 7th grade!!
The Family and Consumer Science department has found ways to make lessons engaging and fun for students despite the challenging times of the “new normal.” For 6th Grade, Mrs. Sauer, Mrs. DeSena, and Mrs. Mills began the year learning about Nutrition. Students enjoyed fun lessons on nutrients, food digestion, healthy food choices, affects sugar has on the body, and how to properly read a food label.
The 7th grade students began the year thinking about the future. As part of the 7th grade curriculum, the students chose a career to research using results from personality assessments. The students prepare a PowerPoint on their chosen career to present to their classmates. Their presentations included a variety of information from salary, duties of the career, as well as certifications, education, training, and licenses needed. For some students it was the first time using PowerPoint. Students learned how to navigate the software and incorporate pictures, transitions, and animations into their presentations. The students were proud of the end results as well as the teachers.
Currently the 6th and 7th grade FACS students are sewing. Each student was provided their own sewing supplies for daily use due to current safety protocols. The students enjoyed this hands on, peaceful, and relaxing atmosphere learning the four hand sewing stitches and how to sew a button. As the semester is ending, they are completing either the mini pillow or pouch project. We look forward to the future with the ability to cook in the labs together and bring those delicious smells and aromas back to the hallways of IMS!
President: Nicole Muschenick
VP: Denise Nash
Treasurer: Kathy Hofmann
Secretary: Lauren Jones
~If you have any questions or would like to be an IMS PTA volunteer, please feel free to contact us at IslipMiddleSchoolPTA@gmail.com
After completing the Career Exploration Activity, students listed the top three careers that were suggested for them based on their personality theme, skills, and interests. Career suggestions can be seen in the word bubble below – it looks like we have got quite a few future lawyers and teachers here at IMS!
In addition to career exploration, counselors have begun the process of scheduling for next year. By now, 6th graders should have chosen their foreign language. 8th graders, you have until February 22nd to choose your electives for next year! 8th graders, take a look below at your choices for 9th grade:
If you are in 6th or 8th grade and have not yet submitted your choices for next year, be sure to let your counselor know your choice! National School Counseling week is February 1st through February 5th, 2021. Your counselors want to remind you that we are here for whatever you need to talk about! We can help you with scheduling, grades, conflict resolution, stress management, troubles with friends – we do it all! We especially love when you tell us good news! Stop by any time to say hello, we’d love to see you!
Keep Islip Clean and YES Students
Middle School Sports
Season 1 (Winter), January 4- February 6 (B Basketball & G Volleyball)
Season 2 (Late Winter), February 8- Mar 20 (G Basketball & Wrestling)
Season 3 (Fall), March 22-May 8 (Football, Soccer, Cross Country & Cheerleading)
Season 4 (Spring), May10 -June 12 (Baseball, Softball & Lacrosse)
Winter is Here...
Should the opening of school be delayed, school canceled, or students dismissed early, families may expect a timely announcement to that effect via automated telephone message and on the following television, radio stations, and websites:
FIOS 1 News
WALK 97.5 FM
WHLI – B103 FM
WBAB – 102.3 FM
WBLI – 106.1 FM
Reminder: If school is closed or dismissed early, all after-school activities are canceled.
Website: islipufsd.org
Location: 211 Main Street, Islip, NY, United States
Phone: 631-650-8500
Facebook: facebook.com/IslipMS
Twitter: @IslipMS