Kindergarten - Fourth Grade
October 2019
Hope, Healing, and Wholeness
Email: lwilliamson@prov.church
Website: https://prov.church/ministries/kids/
Location: 2293 S. Rutland Road, Mt. Juliet, TN
Phone: 615.773.7862
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProvKIDS/
Be strong and courageous!
By now our school age kids have had to demonstrate their courage in many ways. They have gone into a new school or new class by themselves, they may have (or started to) attempt to ride a bike without training wheels, they may have ridden their first roller coaster. For my son, this year was the first year he had to ride a bus to school and go to a school where I wasn't involved as an educator. It was a lesson in courage for both of us.
As our kids grow older, the courageous moments evolve into deeper moments of bravery, like standing up for someone who is getting picked or choosing not to go with the crowd, even if it means choosing a different path than their friends, or learning how to speak about faith. These moments seem more difficult to do than a bus ride or roller coaster.
Throughout the month of October, we will explore some courageous moments throughout the book of Exodus. We will see Miriam's courageous act to save her baby brother and find what it means to do what you should even when you don't know what is going to happen next. We will look at the call of Moses by God to save the Israelites as we explore what it means to be courageous even when we don't feel ready. We will read about the the parting of the waters in the Red Sea and learn what it means to do what we should even when it seems impossible . Finally we will wrap up our last week in October in Number 17-18, with Joshua and Caleb demonstrating courage when they were sent with a group of 12 men to scope out the Promised Land remembering that we can do what we should even when others are afraid.
Sometimes courage can take practice, with one small courageous step at a time . Remind your children how proud you are of their courageous steps they take everyday and that God is always with them even when they are afraid. God is with us as parents too in our fears as we watch our kids grow and become courageous.
Try This . . .
In the Morning . . .
On the Move...
Courage can come in a lot of different forms. While driving or on a walk, talk with your kids about the following ways to have courage.
- The Courage to Say No. Setting boundaries (check out the sermon series from September!)
- The Courage to Try New Things. Try a new restaurant as a family, order a different item on the menu at a familiar spot, or try a new vegetable!
- The Courage to Ask for Help. None of us have to struggle alone and asking for help with a situation with a friend or solving a math problem is courageous. That doesn't mean that we as parents fix it or solve it for them, but we can certainly guide and help!
- The Courage to Fail. Help your kids understand that failure and mistakes are part of the learning process. Share about a time you failed and learned.
- The Courage to Be Themselves. Encourage them to be confident knowing they are created in the image of God. Ask your children what makes them unique from their friends and what parts are similar. (A great read is The case of the Stripes, where a young girl won't eat lima beans because she is afraid of what others will think of her)
In Prayer...
Doing the right thing and having courage, doesn't always mean everything turns out easy. In the story of Moses and the plagues, even though Moses knew God was with him and was courageous to continue to do the right thing, Pharaoh still wouldn't let the Israelites go and in fact made their work MUCH HARDER. Moses had to continue to be courageous, even with the Israelites complaining. Talk with your children about a time when you showed courage and especially how it felt after making that courageous step.
Dear God, Thank You for always being with [child’s name] wherever he/she goes. We are so grateful that you will give us the courage to do the right thing no matter if we don't feel ready or if the situation seems impossible. Thank you for the story of Moses and reminding us that even if things don't seem like they are working out, that you are faithful and will continue to be with us if we keep our eyes upon you. We ask for your help in continuing to do the right thing even if we are afraid. Help us to have courage when (Pause and allow your child to pray for something they need help having courage with.)
We love you God. Amen.
Literature Connection
The Story of Ruby Bridges
Drum Dream Girl
Let the Children March
Look it Up!
Week 1: Exodus 2:1-10 (NIrV)
Moses is born.
Bottom Line:You can do what you should even when you don't know what will happen next.
Weeks 2: & 3:
EXODUS 3-6:12, 7-12:42 (NIrV)
Bottom Line: You can do what you should even when you don't feel ready.
Israel Goes Through the Red Sea EXODUS 13:17-14:31(NIrV)
Bottom Line: You can do what you should even when things seem impossible.
Week 4: NUMBERS 13-14 (NIrV)
Week 4: Joshua and Caleb
Bottom Line: You can do what you should even when others are afraid.
Music Connection
Available on Spotify or Apple Music
- Ready or Not by Hillsong United on the album People (Live)
- Overcomer by Mandisa on the album Overcomer
- The Fighter by Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood on the album Ripcord. A secular song, but if you think of the chorus from a vertical standpoint that God will fight for us when we get scared.
- Fearless by Jasmine Murray on the album Fearless
- Surrounded (Fight My Battles) This was suggested last month, but another way to remember when we feel afraid we are surrounded by God. various groups have performed this including our own Providence Worship Team!