Sharon Draper resources
General info about Sharon Draper from her website
Sharon Draper biography
Q&A of questions often asked by students about SD and her writing.
http://sharondraper.com/homework-1-1.aspOut of My Mind materials
Book trailer video 2:00 (Quietube):
A second book trailer video 2:02
“Charisse’s Story: My Life Journey with Cerebral Palsy” video 17:36 (Quietube)
This is a pretty powerful video of a teen with CP. She is not nearly as disabled as the character in Out of My Mind (she can walk and speak, for example), but it will give the students some insight into how someone who sounds like they might not be very smart really might be.
Study guide resources from Dr. Sharon Draper, a certified and award-winning language arts teacher. These are extensive and excellent. Includes summary and book reviews, discussion questions, research opportunities, and several types of writing prompts
CCSS correlated to Sharon Draper’s study guide materials for Out of My Mind.
Lessons4Teachers character education novel unit using Out of My Mind - very detailed lesson plans including learning targets, performance tasks, and rubrics
Vocabulary Lessons for Out of My Mind
Additional activity ideas for Out of My Mind
- Make posters for "Disabilities Awareness Month"
- Research famous people who overcame disabilities. Provide students with a list to choose from.
- Invite a guest speaker in who works with students with disabilities.
- Post a favorite quote from the story, then provide a response activity. Example: ".....words were like sweet, liquid gifts, and I drank them like lemonade." Have students list their favorite words ( those which are fun to say, have fun meanings, etc). Encourage students to keep an ongoing log of words/phrases from stories as they continue to read throughout the year.
- Give each student 50 mini cards ( can make by cutting index cards into fourths).
- Have students write 50 words they feel are important in communicating ideas with others. Set a specific time during the day for a social experiment. Either pose discussion questions for groups or teacher leads a discussion. However, students are not allowed to verbally talk, they can only respond by using the word cards on their desk. Journal about the experience.
Tears of a Tiger resources
Book trailer 1:20 (Quietube)
Study guide resources from Dr. Sharon Draper, a certified and award-winning language arts teacher. These are extensive and excellent. Includes summary and book reviews, discussion questions, research opportunities, and several types of writing prompts
CCSS correlated to Sharon Draper’s study guide materials for Tears of a Tiger
Character discussion activities/character cube
Student generated question activity
Public service announcement lesson plan
Materials for some of Sharon Draper's other books
CCSS correlated lesson plans
Panic book trailer 1:35 (Quietube)
Copper Sun
CCSS correlated lesson plans
Fire from the Rock
CCSS correlated lesson plans
This flyer was created by Erin Fitzpatrick-Bjorn
Email: fitzpatrick@gresham.k12.or.us
Website: tinyurl.com/GBSDlibrares