Parents and Families Newsletter
October 2021
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Dear Parents and Families,
Welcome to another great and helpful newsletter that connects you to educational resources and links to information that are intended to increase the language proficiency and academic success of your child.
In this issue, information is provided around some of the following topics:
Language Proficiency Assessment Committee
Helpful Websites for At-Home Learning
Fall At-Home Activities
Self-Care Tips
Student Resources
Visit the Student Resources section of the txel.org portal to access websites that may assist your child in learning English.
Subscribe to the Site
Don’t forget to fill out a quick survey to share any information or suggestions you might have for the next newsletter. We value your input!
Emergent Bilingual Students
The term “English learner” has been replaced by the term “emergent bilingual student” in accordance with decisions made in the 2021 Texas legislative session. You may continue to hear the use of the term English learner. Reach out to your child’s teacher or school if you have questions about this term.
Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) Guidance
Throughout the month of October, the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) at your child’s school will be sending you some forms and communicating with you to keep you up-to-date regarding your emergent bilingual student.
If your child has been identified as an emergent bilingual student, then you will be notified of the reason for identification and of the annual progress of your child in the acquisition of English, based on participation in either the bilingual or ESL education program.
If your child has been recently reclassified as English Proficient, then parental approval of exit from either the bilingual or English as a second language (ESL) program is required.
Reach out to your child’s teacher or school if you have questions about the LPAC process or your child’s progress. You can also get more information by viewing the following video: “The Process for Serving English Learners”.
Upcoming 2021 Fall Conference Opportunities
2021 AMET Conference
This year’s Association for Migrant Educators of Texas (AMET) state conference is pleased to be able to provide 2 virtual (online), evening learning/sharing sessions, during the conference, at no cost to Migratory Parents. To learn more about the parent session, visit the AMET Parent Sessions web page.
Virtual Statewide Parental Involvement Conference December 9-10, 2021
Attend this great event from the comfort of your home to learn about ways to support your child’s academic and mental health needs. Visit statewideparents.com to register.
Topics to be discussed:
Tips to help with homework
Managing their behavior with loving discipline
Bullying and cyberbullying
Internet and school safety
The Children’s Learning Institute (CLI) Engage for Parents
The Texas School Ready project focuses on improving children’s “school readiness”—the foundational knowledge children need to be prepared for Kindergarten. Through the new CLI Engage platform, the Texas School Ready project also provides opportunities for parents to participate and help support important school readiness skills for children ages 0-6.
Visit cliengagefamily.org to access hands-on activities that families can do at home in English and Spanish. No login required!
Communities In Schools
The mission of Communities In Schools (CIS) in Texas is to surround students with a community of support, empowering students to stay in school and achieve in life. Visit the Communities in Schools of Texas homepage to find a program in your area.
Career Readiness
Helpful Websites for At-Home Learning
Arts and Culture
Target Skills:
Listening, Speaking, and Writing Recommended Grade Levels: K-12
Go on exciting virtual field trips to explore national parks across the world by visiting this website. Your child can listen to information about various destinations, write about their virtual field trip and share their experiences with family and friends.
Typing Club
Target Skills:
Reading and Writing
Recommended Grade Levels: K-8
You and your child can learn how to type in multiple languages through an interactive experience from games, videos, and different typing challenges while having fun. Visit this website to start typing and practice your reading and writing skills.
PBS Kids for Parents
Target Skills:
Listening and Reading
Recommended Grade Levels: K-8
Help your child explore their world by learning and growing with a variety of activities that develop their social and emotional skills. For example, you can listen to videos and read about how to make blueberry milk, create windsocks, or celebrate differences. Visit this website to learn more.
Additional TEA resources are provided in this section and can also be found by visiting the https://tea.texas.gov/ website. Feel free to reach out to your child’s school or the district if you have any questions about some of these TEA resources.
Early Learning Family Resources
TEA supports high-quality prekindergarten that is developmentally appropriate, multi-sensory, and experiential. TEA has developed tools and parent guides to help families understand some of the things their child will learn each school year. Check out these resource documents that have been developed for the following grades.
Resources on Special Education in Texas
Military Parent & Student Resources
Graduation Toolkit
Parents and families can learn more about supporting and assisting their child in planning for their high school years and beyond, by accessing the Graduation Toolkit.
Gifted/Talented Resources
Parents and families can learn more about G/T programs throughout the state, by visiting the Gifted/Talented resources for families and educators.
English Media Lab
Engage in exercises for all Emergent Bilinguals with online grammar activities, vocabulary videos, and interactive quizzes. Check out English Media Lab for more information.
With fall upon us and the weather changing, here are some creative ways to engage your child in some outdoor learning activities while promoting their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
It’s Time for the Harvest!
The fall season provides a great opportunity to experience the harvest of a local community garden or a local farm. Your child can explore the fruits and vegetables that are ready for harvesting, talk about what they observe, and then write about their experience.
Let’s Get Lost!
This time of year offers a chance for you and your child to visit local corn mazes. Your child can research and read about the process of harvesting corn and write about how mazes are created.
Take a Hike
With temperatures cooling down, autumn is the perfect time to explore Texas’ many nature trails. Your child can read about local and near-by nature trails or parks, take pictures of their observations, talk about what they observe, and create a checklist of the items they come across.
For a more detailed list of these activities, read this article 5 Outdoor Learning Experiences and Activities for Kids in the Fall Season.
As you and your family adjust to any changes in the weather, remember that different seasons provide an opportunity for new beginnings and allow you to “reset” your mind and body. Here are some ideas for some self-care tips.
- Continue with outdoor activities and enjoy the cooler weather while appreciating the changes the new season brings.
Observe your emotional responses to the season and how you are feeling. You can write about your reflections of the past year and your goals and hopes for this new season.
Plan for any upcoming seasonal celebrations and discuss your ideas with your family.
For additional activities, read this article, 10 Activities for (Fun) Fall Maintenance for Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Watch this video to learn 7 ways on How to Lower Stress
If you missed or would like to revisit previous Newsletters, click below.
September Newsletter Highlights
Visit the TEA Back to School Parent Conferencing Tool web page, to learn more.
August Newsletter Highlights
Learn more about at-home activities to help your child with the transition to back-to-school.
July Newsletter Highlights
Visit SSES.tea.texas.gov to learn more about Supplemental Special Education Services.
June Newsletter Highlights
Visit the Texas Migrant Education Program (TMEP) web portal for resources for parents and families of migratory children.
April Newsletter Highlights
Bilingual Education Program English/ Spanish/ Vietnamese
English as Second Language (ESL) Program
Take Some Time for You and Your Family
As your family adjusts to the routines and transitions of being back in school, be sure that you are taking some quality time to engage in conversations with your family. Check in with yourself and your family to ensure that everyone is doing well. Take some time to share in any celebrations no matter how big or small.
Supporting English Learners in Texas
Contact us at :https://www.txel.org/contact/
Email: EnglishLearnerSupport@tea.texas.gov
Website: https://tea.texas.gov
Phone: 512-463-9414