Welcome to Kindergarten!
2025-2026 Bonny Slope Kindergarten families
Welcome to Bonny Slope!
We are excited to welcome all of our incoming Kindergartners and their families. We hope that this flier answers many of your questions, and if not, please give our office a call or email:
(503) 356-2040 or bslp-communications@beaverton.k12.or.us.
You can also follow us on social media to see what's happening in our school!
- Bonny Slope Instagram: BonnySlope BSD
- BSCO Instagram: bsco_bonnyslope
- Beaverton SD Instagram: beavertonsd
- Bonny Slope Facebook: bonnyslope.beaverton.k12.or.us
- BSCO Facebook: Bonny Slope Community Organization - BSCO
- Beaverton SD Facebook: beaverton.k12.or.us
- Beaverton SD Twitter: beavertonsd
This flier will be regularly updated throughout the spring and summer as we finalize plans for the coming year. Please bookmark it and feel free to share the link with new families.
Kinder Orientation - Wednesday, April 16
- Please park in our main lot and enter via the main front doors.
- 5:30-5:45 - Check in will be in the main hallway. Students will be assigned to one of four color groups to spend time in a classroom with peers and teachers. Please let your child know that they will get to go to a classroom and play while you meet with the principal in the library.
- 5:45-6:30 - Kids in classrooms with staff. Parents in the Library for a general session from staff.
- 6:30 - Parents will be led to the Kindergarten classrooms where they can see the room, greet the teacher and pick up their children.
- 6:45-7:00 - Bus ride for students. Parents will exit the bus lane doors and load students onto a bus for a ride around the neighborhood. Cafeteria, gym and Music Room open for families to tour.
- 6:50-7:00 - Pick students up from the bus and say good bye.
Key Dates - Subject to Updates!
- Wednesday, April 16 5:30-7:00 - Kinder Orientation
- Saturday, April 26th - Bonny Slope Auction
- Friday, May 30, 5:00 pm-8:00pm - Bonny Slope Carnival, free to all families
- August Kinder Academy - Dates to be determined
- Thursday, August 21 - Teacher Meet & Greet/Supply Drop
- Tuesday, August 26 - Kinder Interviews throughout the day by appointment
- Wednesday, August 27 - Kinder Interviews throughout the day by appointment
- Thursday, August 28 - Last Names A-L attend full day
- Friday, August 29 - Last Names M-Z attend full day
- Monday, September 21 - No School, Labor Day
- Tuesday, September 2 - All students attend
Clothes for Kids
Use the button to see how to make an appointment or volunteer.
Bonny Slope Main Office
Email: BSLP-Communication@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://bonnyslope.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 11775 Northwest McDaniel Road, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-356-2040
Facebook: facebook.com/BeavertonSchoolDistrict
Twitter: @BeavertonSD