Cat Tracks
2023-2024 Edition
Be Phenomenal CN!
*First Day: Wednesday, August 9, 2023*
*School Hours & Drop-Off Times*
*School Hours are 8:25am-3:17pm
*Buildings Open & Students may be dropped off beginning at 7:45am. Only families participating in the Before or After Care Program may drop off at 5:30 am. See information below.
*Breakfast Service begins at 7:50am Daily
Primary Shuttle Information:
*Drop-Off at Door AE1 at CN Elementary by 7:55 am
*The Shuttle leaves at 8:05 am promptly
*Students arriving late will be transported to CN Primary by their parent. Buses will no longer wait OR turn around. No exceptions. Please be on time!!
*From the Desk of Mr. Morgan*
Central Noble School Community,
I hope this message finds you all in good health and high spirits. As we bid farewell to the joys of summer and embrace the promise of a fresh beginning, it is my utmost pleasure to welcome each and every one of you back to our extraordinary educational community for another exciting school year.
The start of a new academic year always brings an air of anticipation, brimming with opportunities and possibilities. It is a time when we reconnect with familiar faces, forge new friendships, and embark on a journey of knowledge, growth, and discovery. As we continue to emerge from the challenges of the last several years, I can’t help but be proud of the resilience and strength of our community.
As we embark on this new chapter, let us embrace the opportunities that lie before us. Let us celebrate diversity, promote kindness and empathy, and cultivate a sense of belonging for all. I am incredibly excited about the remarkable year ahead, filled with innovative programs, captivating lessons, and unforgettable experiences.
I wish each and every one of you a successful and fulfilling academic year. May it be filled with joy, growth, and achievements both big and small. Remember, we are a united community, and together, we can achieve greatness. Welcome back students, parents, and staff. Let’s make this school year one to truly BE PHENOMENAL!
Best Wishes for a great school year,
Mr. Morgan
Superintendent of Schools
*Central noble digital academy*
Currently, the program is open to students in Grades 9-12 with admission determined by an application process. Students participating in the Digital Academy receive the same benefits as traditional in-person students, meaning they can participate in athletics and extra-curricular activities as desired.
Parents and students interested in enrolling are encouraged to attend an information session in July. Details below!
Contact Digital Academy Director Mrs. Vickie Knepper to learn more!!
Now Accepting Applications!
Vickie Knepper
Contact Mrs. Knepper at:
*before & after school care*
Information is on the KidsCare CN 2023 flyer below on how to register.
In addition, there are employment opportunities available. If you are interested in joining the Boys and Girls Club to staff the program, please view the Work with KidsCare CN flyer below.
*student registration*
Online Registration Closes July 14th
Kindergarten Students
Students who turn 5 by August 1 are eligible to attend Kindergarten. Registration for K students is done by a paper packet to include additional information needed to set up the powerschool account in our system. If you have already filled out this packet, you DO NOT need to also register online.
If you were unable to attend Kindergarten Round-Up in March, please contact the Central Office to get a packet at 260-636-2175 or email us at registration@centralnoble.k12.in.us.
Once school is in session, the Primary office can help you set up your Powerschool Parent Portal to view grades, download report cards and register the student for future school years.
kips program
Registration forms are available at the Library or CN Central Office. Program dates are July 17-20 and July 24-27. Register early to secure your Kindergartener's spot!
Transportation to and from the program is available through several stop sites. More information is available and questions can be answered by Miss Kelly at the Albion Branch Library. She can be reached by calling 260-636-7197 or by email at kparks@myncpl.us
Returning Student Registration
If you don't remember your username or password, please contact us at 260-636-2175 or by email at registration@centralnoble.k12.in.us for assistance.
Please note that we are no longer offering Open Labs to assist with completing registration.
New student registration
Once school is in session, you can reach out to your students building office to have a Powerschool Parent portal created for you. This portal will be used to view classes, download report cards and register for future school years.
*School Calendar*
The School Calendar can always be found and viewed on the Central Noble website (www.centralnoble.k12.in.us) under the Info Center tab..
*Join the CN Team*
Central Noble Community School Corporation provides Competitive Wages & Benefits including:
*Corporation Paid Contributions to Perf/TRF
*Corporation Paid Life Insurance Coverage
*Health Insurance starting at just $205/month
*Option to Access FREE employee wellness clinic
*Generous leave time package
Be sure to check our Employment Openings at: https://www.centralnoble.k12.in.us/employment
We're always in need of Subs as well! You can sign up with our sub service, Staff EZ, by visiting: https://my.staffez.org
Interested in joining the Food Service team? Apply with Chartwells at:
*Nurses Corner*
Daily Health Screening
A reminder to families that if your student has a fever of 100 or higher, they MUST be fever free WITHOUT medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
Immunization Requirements
Nurses can be contacted with any questions regarding Immunizations or on how to submit a Waiver beginning August 7. You can find their email contacts in the section above.
You nurse can be contacted at:
CN Primary: Natalie Woods
CN Elementary: Chelsea Carmien
CN Jr/Sr High: Charla Earnhart
*Back to School Nights & Orientations*
6th Grade Bootcamp
Friday, August 4, 2023
Parents/Guardians please drop-off and pick-up your student at Door 16 (the Auditorium entrance). The Bootcamp is for students only however, parents may enter at Door 1 to pickup laptops.
Jr-Sr High New Student Orientation
Friday, August 4, 2023
Parents/Guardians please drop-off and pick-up your student at Door 16 (Auditorium entrance). The Orientation is for students only.
Parents/Guardians--if you have additional questions, please reach out to the Guidance Office to make an appointment. 260-636-2117, option 4.
Freshman Orientation
Parents/Guardians please drop-off and pick-up your student at Door 16 (Auditorium Entrance). The Orientation is for students only.
CN Primary Open House
CN Tees will be available for purchase near the main entrance so be sure to find us!
CN Jr-Sr High Open House
Students grades 6-8, please enter at Door 1
Students grades 9-12, please enter at Door 14
If you would like to purchase CN tees, please see us in the Hallway outside of Guidance
CN Elementary Open House
CN Tees will be available for purchase near the main office so be sure to find us!
Jr-Sr High Laptop Pick-Up
6th Grade (during Bootcamp):
*Friday, August 4th from 8:30am-11:30am
Grades 7-12:
*Wednesday, August 2 from 8am-12pm
*Thursday, August 3 from 1pm-5pm
Please enter through Door 1 and proceed to the Deck at the Main Gym.
Laptop service agreements will be completed at the pickup time attended. Insurance payments, if you choose coverage, are $75 and payable on site.
Primary & Elementary iPads
*Swift K12 Messaging*
The Corporation utilizes SwiftK12 as its messaging system for families. It's important to update any changes in your information in your Powerschool Parent Portal and/or with the school office where you student attends. You will also be able to see copies of any messages sent and have the ability to manage your preferences on what numbers/emails receive messages, without having to call the school.
If you have a community or family member, such as a babysitter who watches your child, who would like to receive Delay & Closing messages, please have them reach out to the Central Office at 260-636-2175 to be added.
*Central Noble Spirit Wear*
Stop by Central Office and purchase your new t-shirt! These maroon tees are a unisex fit and available in sizes YS, YM, YL and Adult S-5XL for $15 each. Sizes are limited, so grab yours early! Tees will also be available for purchase at Open Houses.
A year round apparel website is coming soon! Check back often for a link to shop!
*The Bowen Center
*Ragan Chiropractic
*Community State Bank
*Albion Family Dental
*Albion Rotary Club
*J.O. Mory
*El Mariachi Mexican Grill
Free & Reduced Benefits
Did you know that the Free and Reduced Lunch Program is a Federally Subsidized program that has no cost to the School District? Actually, it HELPS the district. Much of the Federal funding that the district receives is calculated based on Free and Reduced numbers.
New applications will be available AFTER July 1. We highly recommend online submissions; click the link below.
**You are required to reapply for benefits each school year
**Benefits from the previous school year are only valid for the first sixty (60) days of the new school year-you must submit your new application during this time
**If you do not submit a new application or do not turn it in within the first sixty (60) days and your benefits lapse, you are responsible for any meal charges during that time
**A la Carte purchases or extras are NOT covered by Free/Reduced Benefits. You are responsible for these purchases and must adhere to negative balance guidelines
You can apply for Free/Reduced Lunch Benefits two easy ways:
1. Visit https://centralnoble.familyportal.cloud/ to apply online (recommended)
2. Pick up a paper copy at your student's School or at Central Office after July 1
Meal Cost & Payments
Apply for Free/Reduced Benefits after July 1 at: https://centralnoble.familyportal.cloud/ .
Standard meal costs for the 2023-2024 School Year (pending School Board approval) are as follows.
Primary/Elementary Breakfast: $1.50(Full Pay) $.30(Reduced)
Primary/Elementary Lunch: $2.70(Full Pay) $.40(Reduced)
Jr/Sr High Breakfast: $1.70(Full Pay) $.30(Reduced)
Jr/Sr High Lunch: $3.00(Full Pay) $.40(Reduced)
Additional Entree: $1.75
Additional a la carte items are available for purchase at the Jr/Sr High. These items do NOT apply to free/reduced rates. All a la carte purchases are the family's financial responsibility.
Adults are also eligible to purchase School Breakfast or Lunch at the rates below.
No Free or Reduced rates apply to adult purchases.
Adult Breakfast: $2.60
Adult Lunch: $4.70
Additional a la carte items are available for purchase at the Jr/Sr High.
Payments to lunch accounts can be made in several different ways, as follows:
1. Online at https://centralnoble.familyportal.cloud/ (recommended for quickest application to student account)
2. In person or over the phone at the school office where you student attends
3. In person or over the phone at Central Office
Please do not send cash payments with your child. The school is not responsible for lost payments.
Low balance and negative balance notices are sent via email. You will receive a notice at $10.00, then $3.00 left in the account and then at $-3.00 and at -$10.00. You are also able to view lunch balances through your PowerSchool parent portal. Due to processing time, we recommend you make payments toward the account before it reaches $10 left.
**Students within the CN Primary (Wolf Lake) Walk-Zone needing transportation to Albion Campus for classes (Grades 3-12) may catch the Shuttle to and from CN Primary daily. Students must be at Door 1 of CN Primary no later than 740am daily.
**Students within the Albion Campus Walk-Zone needing transportation to CN Primary for classes (Grades K-2) may catch the Shuttle to and from Albion Campus daily. Students must arrive at Door AE1 at CN Elementary no later than 7:55am daily. This shuttle leaves for CN Primary at 8:05am promptly. If a student misses a Shuttle parents/guardians are responsible for transporting the student. Buses will no longer wait or turn around for late arrivals.
Walk-Zone maps can be viewed below.
Bussing Reminders
One-Stop Rule
Students are allowed 1 AM stop and 1 PM stop. We cannot accept alternate pickup or dropoff addresses or alternating schedules to accommodate shared custody situations. Families will need to pick 1 address and make arrangements as needed.
In addition, riders will not be allowed to have friends ride home with them. If your student is having a Friday sleepover, you'll need to make arrangements to pick up the group up as they will not be allowed to ride home.
Changes to Bussing
A Transportation Change Request must be completed for any long-term or permanent change in bussing. This form is available on our website under the Buses tab, by CLICKING HERE, or physical copies are also available at each school office. Please note that changes can take up to 48 business hours/2 School Days to take effect, so plan accordingly.
Bus Rules & Route Information
Riding the bus to school is a privilege, not a right. A full list of Bus Rules & Safety Tips is available on the CN website (www.centralnoble.k12.in.us) within the Buses page found under the Info Center.
Our bus fleet includes 7 buses with seat belts, with 2 additional on the way. Please download and review the Training Guide below with your student. This form is also available on the CN website, alongside the Bus Rules & Safety document and will also be distributed to all registered bus riders in August. Students who are on a bus with seat belts, whether during their full-time route, a shuttle, field trip or athletic event, are required to wear their seat belt at all times. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. Should students not abide by this rule bus privileges may be revoked.
Student MUST be READY AND WAITING for their bus each day. If your child misses the bus, parents are responsible to provide transportation to or from school. Due to tight routing schedules, the driver will not be able to re-route to come back for students who miss the bus.
*Impact Institute*
Programming for Juniors & Seniors Only
Transportation is provided to all CN Impact Students. The bus leaves from Door 1 at the Jr/Sr High at 7:20 a.m. each day, and will return at 11:10 a.m.
Weather Delays/Closings:
If Impact is in session on a pre-scheduled date that Central Noble is not (such as Spring Break), the bus will still run as normal for students to attend. The only time the bus will not run is on a delay, weather closing or pre-scheduled day off that coincides with an Impact Closure, such as Winter Break. If you have questions about if the bus is available, please speak with the Transportation Director or Guidance.
*When Central Noble is delayed OR closed, the Impact Bus will NOT run.
*When East Noble is delayed OR closed, there are NO AM sessions, even if Central Noble has not delayed or closed.
Students wishing to drive to Impact rather than utilize the bus are required to complete a Permission to Drive form. Please secure this form at the Jr/Sr High Office Beginning August 1.
Any specific questions regarding Impact courses and schedules should be directed to either Impact directly or through the Guidance Office.
*Student Contact Information*
Our goal is to keep you informed! Help us do that with accurate contact information.
*Delays & Closings*
1. Social Media. Follow us on Twitter (@CentralNoble) & Facebook (@CentralNobleSchools). Building specific social media platforms typically also share this information as well.
2. Swift. Central Noble utilizes Swift K12 for mass texts, phone calls and emails to parents regarding delays, closings and other vital or emergency information throughout the school year. Remember---if you have a change in your phone number(s) or email, you need to update it in order to continue receiving these alerts. You may also set your own preferences for messaging in your Powerschool Parent Portal.
3. News & Radio. Delay & Closing postings are distributed to :
*TV Channels: Wane TV (Channel 15), ABC 21, NBC 33
*Radio Stations: K105, WMEE, WOWO & WAJI/WLDE
We encourage anyone who MAY want to volunteer or chaperone to fill this out at the beginning of the school year rather than waiting until the event is happening. Background checks are ran through the Indiana State Police are free of charge but can take up to 48 hours to complete.
Please contact the school office to receive a paper copy, download it from the Central Noble website or click the document below.
*School Supplies*
School Supply lists can also be found in the Handouts, Flyers & Forms section under the Info Center on the CN Website (www.centralnoble.k12.in.us).
Just select the school the student attends to download your list.
*student handbooks*
**Brad Targgart, Principal--CN Primary (Grades K-2): targgartb@centralnoble.k12.in.us
**Dr. Barry Younghans, Principal-CN Elementary (Grades 3-5): younghansb@centralnoble.k12.in.us
**Shawn Hoover, Principal-CN Jr/Sr High (Grades 6-12): hoovers@centralnoble.k12.in.us
**Dave Bremer, Athletic Director: bremerd@centralnoble.k12.in.us
Please note that these are available on the website at any time at: https://www.centralnoble.k12.in.us/handouts-forms-flyers/ by clicking on the building your student attends.
*Out of District Students*
Final Forms
FinalForms saves your information from season to season and year to year and auto-populates information wherever possible, so you never have to enter the same information twice for your student. You will be required to sign forms and review your information once per year and may update information at any time.
Parents for ALL athletes are required to use FinalForms. Please register at: https://centralnoble-in.finalforms.com/ and follow the prompts to create an account, add your student athlete and sign your forms. If you need help, you can find a tutorial here: https://www.centralnoble.k12.in.us/latest-docs/1013-final-forms-registration-tutorial
We are excited to streamline paperwork and appreciate your part in making this happen for Central Noble!
Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the Athletics Office at 260-636-2117.
David Bremer, Athletic Director
Physical Form
*Archery Club*
The Central Noble Archery Club, open to students in grades 4-12, will hold a parent & callout meeting on September 18th at 6:00 pm. If your are interested in attending, please reach out to club advisor Brandi Krause at cnarcheryclub@outlook.com. You can also follow the club or reach out at their Facebook page: www.facebook.com/groups/centralnoblearchery.