Cedar Reader
Cedar Park Middle School - December 2019
Message from the Principal
The subject of technology and how much is too much is big right now. As I've commented since last year, there was a significant and immediately noticeable difference in student behavior and our school culture when we banned cell phones last year. We have no regrets about that decision, but the conversation continues, as does the struggle. As a parent and principal, I understand that holding firm can be exhausting and hard sometimes.
As an educational institution, we are between a rock and a hard place: we need to give our students a modern, rigorous experience that prepares them for the next level, but their adolescent brains are still developing. More and more research is telling us that too much screen time is not good for them and has adverse effects on their development. As with most things, being armed with knowledge and building a strong school-home partnership may be the answer.
How much time does your child spend in front of a screen at home? I can tell you they do not spend all 7 hours of school time on their chromebooks, but they spend enough time that we should consider how it adds up over 24 hours.
I'm attaching a very interesting write-up from the American Academy of Pediatrics. I ask you to read it, and reflect on the behaviors and issues outlined and whether or not you see them at home. We see many of them at school. Consider a "Digital Diet" over the winter break, and spend time engaging without screens.
I hope this serves to spark some conversation and awareness. And I hope all our families have a healthy, restful, engaging winter break.
Dr. Anderson
Middle School Boundary Committee Meeting
Thursday, Dec 19, 2019, 06:30 PM
Cedar Park Middle School, Southwest Park Way, Portland, OR, USA
Important Dates to Remember
10 - Soccer Tournament @ Whitford MS - 4:30 PM
11 - Choir Concert @ Sunset Presbyterian - 7:00 PM
12 - Band Concert @ Cedar Park - 6:00 PM
13 - Fall Play @ Cedar Park - 7:00 PM
14 - Fall Play @ Cedar Park - 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM
16-20 - Spirit Week (see details below)
19 - PACK Pizza Day - 30 Tokens per pizza!
19 - Middle School Boundary Meeting @ Cedar Park - 6:30 PM
23 - Jan 3 - Winter Break - School Closed
January 6 - School Resumes
Cedar Park MYP
The Learner Profile Attribute we are focusing on this month is Caring. Caring takes many forms – from helping friends to helping the community. Every advisory is working on a service project that students have chosen. In addition, we are encouraging students to track their own hours of service.
To log Service Hours, use this Google Form. This link can also be found on the MYP section of the Cedar Website. We are striving for 5,000 hours of service.
Students will also have a chance to complete the form in advisory. The form can be completed every time students want to log their hours. The goal is for every student to complete 10 hours this year!
Cedar Park Theatre Presents: The Giver and Gathering Blue
Friday, 12/13 @ 7:00 PM
Saturday, 12/14 @ 2:00 PM
Saturday, 12/14 @ 7:00 PM
Friday, Dec 13, 2019, 07:00 PM
Cedar Park cafetorium
Immunization Update 2019-2020
IMMUNIZATIONS - did you receive a letter/email from Cedar Park?
Immunization letters/emails were sent to families of students that need an immunization. If your student has received the vaccine, note the date, sign the letter and return to Cedar Park. If your student has not received the vaccine, please schedule an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible and note, sign and return the letter to Cedar Park. State of Oregon Exclusion day is Feb 19, 2020 - students must have received their immunization before this date or they are excluded from school until compliant. Questions? Call 503-356-2560
After School Programs
Student Safety During Winter Hours
November 3rd: Clock Fall Back
On November 3, 2019, we set our clocks back an hour, making it darker earlier in the afternoon. With shorter days this time of year, motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians need to be extra alert to see each other in low light situations.
Improving visibility means improving safety for all road users. Wearing light colors or reflective clothing is one of the simplest things pedestrians and cyclists can to do keep themselves safe.
Here are additional suggestions to help keep you safe while walking and biking:
Wear bright, reflective clothing and shoes when walking or biking.
Don’t wear headphones, text or talk on a cell phone while crossing the street.
Be aware of vehicles around you. Make eye contact before crossing in front of vehicles.
Don’t assume that cars see you or are going to stop.
Driving or biking…. expect and slow down for pedestrians in popular walking areas, around schools and parks, and near crosswalks.
When more people walk, bike and take the bus, it makes the route to school safer, less congested and more fun for everyone
Shadow a Beaver
This letter is also posted in multiple languages on the Public Safety webpage.
Report Card Information
Report Cards are Going Paperless
The Beaverton School District is transitioning to electronic report cards for all students. The electronic report cards will be accessed through ParentVUE (mobile and desktop). If you have not set up your ParentVUE account, you will need to do that by January 2020.
There are resources and guidance on how to set up a ParentVue account. Please view the FAQ for instructions on setting up your account. There are several benefits to moving to paperless report cards. You will be able to view grades days after grading days, rather than wait up to two weeks for a report card to come by mail or in your child’s backpack. In addition, moving away from paper is environmentally friendly and cost-effective for the District.
Please contact your school if you need help setting up or accessing your ParentVUE account or need assistance with a printed copy. We will be sharing more information about this transition in the coming weeks.
Las boletas de calificaciones se enviarán electrónicamente y no en papel
El Distrito Escolar de Beaverton está haciendo la transición a las boletas de calificaciones electrónicas para todos los estudiantes. De ahora en adelante usted podrá obtener las boletas de calificaciones electrónicas a través de la aplicación ParentVUE (por celular y computadora). Si todavía no ha configurado su cuenta de ParentVUE, deberá hacerlo antes de enero de 2020.
Tenemos recursos e instrucciones sobre cómo configurar una cuenta de ParentVue. Por favor consulte la sección de Preguntas Frecuentes donde podrá encontrar esta información.
Hay varios beneficios de solo recibir las boletas de calificaciones de manera electrónica. Usted las podrá ver de tres a cuatro días hábiles después de los días de calificación, en lugar de esperar hasta dos semanas para recibir una boleta de calificaciones por correo o en la mochila de su hijo. Además, deshacerse de la opción de papel ayuda al medio ambiente y es mas económico para el Distrito.
Por favor comuníquese con su escuela si necesita ayuda para configurar o entrar a su cuenta de ParentVUE o si necesita ayuda con una copia impresa. Estaremos compartiendo más información sobre esta transición en las próximas semanas.
Youth Access Public Library Card for BSD Students
New community partnership opens a world of reading!
The Beaverton School District and our Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) partners are expanding access to library materials and resources via the public library Youth Access Card (YAC) for BSD students who do not already have a public library card. This special library card allows students to check out up to five print books or audiobooks from any WCCLS library without any overdue fines. It also provides access to ebooks, digital audiobooks, and other online library resources that can be obtained directly from their BSD Chromebooks or other device.
Using the Sora app, students can link their WCCLS library cards to the BSD digital library so they can browse and borrow BSD and public library ebook/audiobook collections in one place. Rolling distribution of the YAC cards to BSD schools will begin starting in November and continue through January. For more details about these cards, please see the the BSD webpage about the partnership.
¡Nueva asociación comunitaria que abrirá un mundo de lectura!
El Distrito Escolar de Beaverton y los Servicios Cooperativos de Bibliotecas del Condado de Washington (WCCLS) están ampliando el acceso a los materiales de la biblioteca a través de la Tarjeta Juvenil (Youth Access Card o YAC) para los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar de Beaverton que aún no tienen una tarjeta para la biblioteca pública. Esta tarjeta especial les permite a los estudiantes sacar hasta cinco libros impresos o audiolibros de cualquier biblioteca de WCCLS sin que reciban multas por regresar los materiales tarde. También proporciona acceso a libros electrónicos, audiolibros digitales y otros recursos de la biblioteca en línea que pueden obtener directamente desde sus Chromebooks del Distrito u otro aparato electrónico.
Al usar la aplicación digital Sora, los estudiantes pueden vincular sus tarjetas de la biblioteca pública de WCCLS a la biblioteca digital del Distrito Escolar de Beaverton para que puedan buscar y tomar prestados libros electrónicos y audio libros del Distrito y de la biblioteca pública en un solo lugar. La distribución de las tarjetas YAC a las escuelas del Distrito comenzará en noviembre y continuará hasta enero. Para obtener más detalles sobre estas y la asociación entre el Distrito y WCCLS por favor visite el sitio web del Distrito.
Science Fair News
Hi Families!
It is Science Fair time again. We are looking for Project Reviewers to help with judging for the Beaverton School District qualifying fair. It will be held at Whitford Middle School on Saturday, March 7th, 2020 from 7:45 - 2:30. We are in need of Project Reviewers in all categories.
If you have not judged before, this is a wonderful opportunity to work with an experienced Project Reviewer to see young scientists and engineers in action! Your expertise and support to these motivated young students really helps. We know that everyone is busy, but we can't do this without your help. All who have volunteered in the past have been amazed at the projects they have reviewed.
Please consider our request for your help. If you could share this link with others in your professional community, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you all in advance for your support of the sciences.
Here's the link to sign up
Here is the link to the schedule for the day.
Susan Duncan, Science Teacher Meadow Park & Carolee Dearborn, Science Teacher Whitford Middle School
Now Accepting Applications for CPMAC
Cedar Park Multicultural Advisory Committee (CPMAC)
The Cedar Park Multicultural Advisory Committee (CPMAC) will provide recommendations and feedback on student diversity and inclusion experiences related to school climate and culture. Committee members will plan school-wide multicultural inclusion initiatives.
The CPMAC will be composed of up to twenty (20) students representing the variety of cultures and identities at Cedar Park. Membership is open to all students through an application process.
The CPMAC will meet twice monthly during Advisory. Students chosen, must be able to attend committee meetings.
CPMAC Goals:
Bring forward ideas related to student diversity and inclusion
Provide feedback related to student diversity and inclusion and make recommendations to school leadership.
Promote multicultural activities and programs school-wide.
Plan and assist in hosting a school-wide multicultural event.
Improve school climate.
Cedar Park Multicultural Advisory Committee Application Form