Thompson Friday Forecast
August 25, 2023
From the Principal...Matt Clark
Happy Fri-yay parents and guardians. I cannot compliment everyone enough for the way they worked through the extreme heat this week. The incredible perseverance of our students was put on display and they not only survived, but thrived this week in the face of less than optimal conditions. I also appreciate the staff and community’s response to support students throughout the week. Our students and staff turned into heat-resistant heroes, conquering odd schedules and room changes like true champions…and completed benchmark testing to boot! Their grit was so palpable, that I’m surprised the air conditioning didn’t start clapping.
Here’s to a week of blazing determination and proving that even in the face of heat, Thompson stays cool - metaphorically of course.
You know, raising a middle schooler is a lot like the weather. You have a baseline of what to expect on a daily basis, based on the time of year and the forecast, but sometimes the weather has other plans. I find the same thing commonly happens in the morning at the Clark household with my 8th grade daughter. Things can be humming along beautifully when all of sudden we get a flash flood or a hail storm (both of which I’d rather sit through than experience the wrath of my 13 year old).
Safety Day-Thursday, August 31st
Students will be going through a Safety Day next Thursday to exercise preparedness for unforeseen circumstances. On Thursday students will practice:
1st Period - Evacuate Drill
2nd Period - Lockdown Drill
7th Period - Shelter Drill
Last spring District 303 adopted new emergency response protocols to help streamline terms and action steps. This new Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is designed to provide consistent, clear, shared language and actions among all students, staff and first responders. The SRP comes from the I Love U Guys Foundation, a trusted brand for several area school districts which has the support of the St. Charles Police Department and other local emergency response agencies. In summary, the protocols are as follows:
HOLD-in-place and teach: Medical issue or escalating student
SECURE building and teach: Outside police activity or perceived danger
LOCKDOWN: Inside active shooter or aggressor
EVACUATE: Fire alarm, gas leak or other interior concerns
SHELTER: Tornado, severe weather or hazmat situation
ThinkCERCA Writing Benchmark
Dear Families of Middle School Language Arts Students,
In an effort to support student learning in the area of written expression, students will take ThinkCERCA, an online writing assessment and intervention, to provide a Benchmark Assessment three times a year at both middle schools.
Student data and feedback will be shared with students to set goals for learning during the school year. The writing information will also help teachers plan instruction to support student growth and achievement.
The assessment consists of two 30 minute sessions in which students read a text, answer multiple choice questions, and complete a written response to a provided prompt. The first benchmark assessment will be administered in your student’s Language Arts class and is scheduled during the window August 28 - August 31.
Thank you for your continued support.
Family Resource Form
In D303, we value the opportunity to provide a community of care and support to our families, especially those faced with financial hardship. If your family is experiencing a significant financial need, our community partnerships have several supports available for families, including school clothes/shoes, winter coats/accessories, school supplies, toiletries, holiday meals, and holiday gifts. If you would like to be considered for any of these supports, please complete the Family Resource Form by September 1, 2023.
Family Resource Form
En D303, valoramos la oportunidad de proveer una comunidad de cuidado y apoyo a nuestras familias, especialmente a aquellas que enfrentan dificultades financieras. Si su familia está experimentando actualmente una necesidad financiera significativa, nuestras asociaciones comunitarias tienen varios apoyos disponibles para las familias, incluyendo: ropa/calzado para la escuela, abrigos/accesorios de invierno, materiales escolares, artículos de aseo personal, comidas para los días festivos, y/o regalos para navidad. Si desea que se le tenga en cuenta para cualquiera de estas ayudas, por favor, rellene este formulario. Para ser considerado, es fundamental que complete esta encuesta a más tardar el viernes 1 de septiembre.
Arrival & Dismissal
Parents and guardians, everyone has done a great job of getting to the building on time this week. We have also been working to refine our practices to get students home safely as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please see the attached arrival and departure procedures to ensure our partnership to get students to and from school remains as effective as it has been this first week.
Food Services
Middle School Breakfast - $1.75
Reduced Breakfast - $0.30*
Middle School Lunch - $3.50
Reduced Lunch - $0.40*
Milk - $0.60 (when purchased separately from meals)
Other a la carte items (besides milk) - prices vary
Organic Life, the K-8 Food Service provider is looking for candidates to serve as Cashiers, Food Service Workers & Lunchroom Supervisors for the 2023-2024 school year in School District 303. Please contact Patricia Burton at 331-228-5242 or patricia.burton@d303.org for more information.
Fee Waivers
SCHOOL FEES WAIVER: The school fees waiver will ONLY be a PAPER application since there is financial documentation required for income verification. A family can only qualify for a free waiver of fees; there are no reduced fees. The application is on the district website. Questions regarding school fee waivers - Wendy Sedwick at 331-228-4927
FOOD WAIVER: Only one application needs to be completed for each household. Please include ALL family members that live in the household (even those not attending a school). Applications are posted on the district website. In addition, paper applications are available at the schools and the Administration Building as in years past. Unlike the school fees, families can qualify for Reduced. Questions regarding food waivers - Patti Townsend 331-228-6529
Dates to Remember
- Wednesday, August 30 - Early Release for All Grades
- Friday, September 1 - Institute Day - No school for students
- Monday, September 4 - Labor Day - Schools are closed
- Tuesday, September 5 - Curriculum Night - 6th Grade parents/guardians 6:30 pm
- Wednesday, September 6 - Curriculum Night - 7th and 8th grade parents/guardians 6:30 pm
- Tuesday, September 26 - School Picture Re-takes
- Wednesday, Septebmer 27 - Early Release for All Grades
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Michelle Dague - Assistant Principal
Ms. Sarah Frankiewicz - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Danielle Moeller - Student Support Coordinator
Mr. Sam Pasholk - Student Support Coordinator
Email: amy.ellis@d303.org
Website: http://thompson.d303.org
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Thompson-Middle-School-671638232903851/