OLHMS Weekly 2/13/24
Happy Valentine's Day
Kindness Week at OLHMS
Tuesday's Top of the Mind Topics:
Did you know that D123 Family Conferences are quickly approaching?
Family Conferences are February 22nd and 23rd! Make sure you have signed up for a conference time!
Did you know that school attendance has a huge impact of student achievement?
Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school, or about 18 days in most school districts, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That’s just two days a month and that’s known as chronic absence. Pay Attention to Attendance!
Mustang Families,
No matter how you draw it up this week, we are showing a lot of love with D123 Kindness Week and Valentine's Day! Do not forget that we have an extended weekend coming up with no school on Monday, February 19th.
Family Conferences: Thursday, Feb. 22nd from 5:00 pm-8:00 pm and Friday, Feb. 23rd from 11:30 am-6:30 pm
Families can schedule a conference:
In-Person or by Phone
Scheduling opens in Family Access: Feb. 8th @ 10:00 am
Scheduling closes in Family Access: Feb. 19th @ 10:00 pm (view only mode in both FA and Mobile App)
Families will NOT be able to change the Conference Method after the window closes
OLHMS Families should be scheduling with their Advisory Teacher, an Encore Teacher and one additional conference if needed.
5 Essentials: We need your input! Please complete the annual parent survey so we can best support our learning environment and continue partnering with our families!
Our Community: Please be respectful of our neighbors around our school during arrival and dismissal. It is also important to remind our scholars about staying off community members property while waiting for a bus or walking home.
Circle Drive and 99th Street: During drop off and dismissal, please do not pass cars in the circle drive without staff support. Also, please do not have your students run across 99th street to be picked up without adult supervision. We want to make sure all of our students and families are kept safe. We have had a couple close calls! Please be patient and courteous!
Early Dismissals: In the event that a student needs to be picked up early from school, please communicate with the main office as advisory teachers may not see our scholar based on their daily schedule.
Working Lunch: We have implemented a plan for scholars to finish work during lunch. Working lunch will be used to support work completion and behavioral reflection. Students assigned to working lunch will be given a bagged lunch if they did not bring one.
5 Essentials Survey
Culture and Kindness Pledge
5 Essentials Survey
Christmas without Cancer Shoe Collection!
Class of 2024
Graduation Expectations
Our 8th grade scholars and parents have been given the information in this updated Parent Letter. These expectations have been discussed with scholars and families throughout the beginning of the year and sent home on multiple occasions. The end of year events for the Class of 2024 are detailed in this letter. Class of 2024 families make sure to send back the permission forms! Graduation this year is scheduled for June 4th at 7:00pm.
Class of 2024 parents, please be on the lookout for the Release of Records document/ signature needed to share information with high schools!
SELECT 123: In partnership with our D123 Ed Foundation, SELECT 123 is a prestigious group of scholars who embody aspects of our D123 mission and vision. This is our second year to acknowledge twenty three scholars who have not only demonstrated academic excellence, service and contributed to our community- they have each modeled expressions of perseverance, drive and integrity. These 23 leaders will be featured on our “Wall of Fame” for the entire 2024/ 2025 school year! More than being featured on a wall, we will expect this prestigious and unique group of alumni to remain connected to D123 and provide valuable insight for years to come! Our Class of 2024 began brainstorming their opportunity to apply as applications are live and be due April 12th!
D123 Family Ice Skating Fundraiser will be held Monday, February 19th, 11am-12:30pm. Cost is $7.00 per person. All proceeds benefit the Helen Whalen Scholarship for School District 123 High School Graduates. Please sign up online at: https://olhmsptsa.memberhub.com/store/items/983412. (Flyer attached)
Volunteers are needed for our next Open Gym on 3/14. If you are interested, please sign up at https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10C0848AFA82EA6FAC25-47526685-march
OLHMS Mustang Spirit Blankets have arrived and are for sale. Orders can be placed by sending the attached order form to school with your student or online through Givebacks at: https://olhmsptsa.memberhub.com/store/items/937238.
Our PTSA is looking for a new President. If you are interested in this position or supporting our PTSA in any capacity, please reach out to us at olhmsd123ptsa@gmail.com. Membership forms are available at the school and attached to this message or you can join online through Givebacks at: https://olhmsptsa.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=tru
Please support our school with Box Tops. If you receive a paper receipt, a quick scan with the Box Tops app will identify participating products and automatically credit the school's earning online. Download the app and make every shopping trip count including purchases made online. Digital receipts are accepted as well. Use this referral code NXVB5P83 when you sign up and you’ll get 25 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 05/31/2024, while supplies last. Use this link to
Looking Ahead
2/12/24: D123 Kindness Week
2/15/24: Mid-Winter Concert
2/19/24: No School (Federal holiday), D123 Family Ice Skating Fundraiser
2/22/24: Family Conferences
2/23/24: Family Conferences
3/1/24: End of Trimester 2
3/8/24: Ed Foundation Taco and Trivia Night
2023-24 School District Calendar
We eagerly anticipate the Ed Foundation Taco Trivia Night on Friday, March 8th. Registration is now open for the event. To register a table or make a donation please click HERE. Our District 123 Ed Foundation greatly serves our school community by working in conjunction with the school district’s long-term goals to acquire and distribute financial and other resources to extend and enhance learning opportunities for our students. The Taco & Trivia night has become the Foundation’s signature event over the past few years. Consider getting a table together or making a donation to assist the Foundation in raising funds to advance their mission.
High School Happenings
Oak Lawn Community High School
Shadows and Tours held on Mondays from October 2023-May 2024. Registration is required.
Youth Baseball Clinics
CCHS is continuing our series of free youth clinics with this baseball opportunity!
Boys are welcome to attend.
Tuesday, Feb 20 5:30-7:00PM at CCHS (indoors!)
Please click the link to sign up: https://chicagochristian.8to18.com/dashboard/catalog
2023 Viewbook: Learn what IMSA is all about! Our Application for the Academy is open!
IMSA Profile: Information about matriculation, courses, and colleges that our students attend
Shadow Days, Fridays at Marist! Registration Required.
6th and 7th Grade Shadow Day at McAuley - Monday, February 19 (6th and 7th grade girls)
Mother McAuley Science Bowl
Registration Open
Deadline: Friday, March 8
Mother McAuley Science Bowl Registration
We are excited to share with you an invitation to the Mother McAuley 7th grade Science Bowl. The Science Bowl will be for 7th grade girls and boys and will take place on Thursday, March 21, 2024.
The Science Bowl is a game style; a fast-paced question and answer format testing students’ knowledge on a range of science disciplines including biology, chemistry, earth science, physics and math.
See the following links for more information: Letter, Practice Questions, and Rules.
Providence Catholic High School