East Haven High School
Weekly Newsletter: January 7th, 2024
Midterm Exam Schedule
Midterm Exams will take place from Thursday, January 18th through Tuesday, January 23rd. Please click here for the midterm exam schedule.
Please note that students will take 2 midterm exams per day (or final exam for Semester I classes ending after Marking Period 2). In between each exam, students will go to flex block, where they will be served brunch and have an opportunity to prepare for their next exam. Students who do not have a class for the second exam of the day (have study hall for example) may leave school early provided they have permission from a parent/guardian.
Midterm/Final Makeups
Any student who needs to makeup their exam for a legitimate reason should use this Google Form or scan the QR code.
NOTE: ONLY STUDENTS CAN REQUEST A MAKEUP EXAM AND IT MUST BE DONE THROUGH THEIR EHHS EMAIL ACCOUNT. Once the request has been made, approval will be granted and students should then make arrangements with their teacher to schedule the makeup at a mutually agreeable time.
Yearbook Reminders
Deadline To Purchase Ads For Senior - January 26th
Last day to purchase an ad for your graduating senior is on January 26th. You can purchase one by going to jostensyearbooks.com.
Purchase Your Yearbook Now
Yearbooks are now on sale! The cost of the book is $80; we only have 74 copies left and they are going quickly! Go to www.jostensyearbooks.com to purchase.
Next Yearbook Club Meeting
Next yearbook meeting will be on Monday 1/29 in W103. All are welcome!
Important Yearbook Information
Seniors & Senior parents/guardians, please click on the link for all information about the yearbook--buying ads for your graduating senior, buying a yearbook, etc. There are due dates of things as well. Any questions please reach out to Mrs. Gardner or Mrs. Wright. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12WmCBjpFvtcBY-7gqMcrTCnoDEDmhMBiM5wIIoWYvT8/edit?usp=sharing
College and Career Ready Graduation Requirement.
A reminder that all students must demonstrate College and Career Readiness in Math and Reading to graduate from EHHS. The easiest way to demonstrate readiness is to reach Benchmark on the Grade 11 administration of the SAT (480 in Reading, 530 in Math) or to reach Grade Level on the i-Ready Diagnostic tests.
Grade 9-11 students recently took the PSAT. Grade 9 students received their score reports during their On Track to Graduate Meetings held over the past few weeks. Grade 10 and 11 students will receive their score reports this week. Ask your student to share their report with you and take advantage of the resources provided on the report to help them prepare and reach benchmark on the SAT.
The i-Ready Diagnostic Test is given 3 times a year. Our next test administration will begin on January 24th. Encourage your student to take this test seriously so that we can get a good assessment of where they currently stand.
Seniors Eligible For Roberta B. Willis Scholarship
Seniors who have been contacted regarding the Roberta B. Willis Scholarship should get their highest SAT/ACT score and their SSN to Ms. Seufert (or their own School Counselor) ASAP so they can be included as a candidate from EHHS.
National Honor Society To Meet This Week
There will be a National Honor Society meeting on Thursday, 1/11 from 2:20-3 in room E118. Please make every effort to attend as we will be taking the yearbook photo, and making plans for January/February. All new members will be introduced!
9th Graders Selected as Freshman of the Month
Congratulations to the following 3 students who were named Freshmen of the Month for December for excellence in academics, citizenship and/or successfully transitioning to high school:
- Michael Dattilo
- Israrullah Khan
- Dayanara Manosalvas